Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

I am envious mate. Last few months have taken a real toll here. And even though shit is coming up we are on the verge of losing what we do have here. Fucking shit days and sleepless nights
I am envious mate. Last few months have taken a real toll here. And even though shit is coming up we are on the verge of losing what we do have here. Fucking shit days and sleepless nights
It takes it toll on any couple mate if its financial been there 20 yrs ago..i was a cunt and she had one..go figure
I am envious mate. Last few months have taken a real toll here. And even though shit is coming up we are on the verge of losing what we do have here. Fucking shit days and sleepless nights
Dont forget to be nice to her once in a while.....somehow
It will make yas stronger than ever when the going is good again mate
Yeah this whole thing of being put on the street with no place to go kinda makes people uptight ya know what I mean. And not a fucking thing I can do. Feels pretty fucking helpless chief
Yeah this whole thing of being put on the street with no place to go kinda makes people uptight ya know what I mean. And not a fucking thing I can do. Feels pretty fucking helpless chief
Totally fucking understood mate
If u ever need somewhere ill accommodate ya all..not sure bout a mother in law in the deal tho lol
Got offered some work and can't pay the taxes on free fucking airmiles to get myself there. Its like someone is standing on my fucking head mate.
Wat liquid ferts u usung this year mate ?
First year i used maxigrow/bloom soluble ferts and gogo juice
Second yr i used maxsea and powerfeed on the wonder woman