Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Stoner shit heres the nlxbb had a couple mutant leaves at the start
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I had a good weekend thanks rubes, hope you did too. Funny you mention this, one of my black dogs has the same leaf formation :)

On another note, I had to raise the light a little, the green crack is a little sensitive to excessive light at this stage.
Its only affecting the green cracks. This is the worst one, the other two aren't that bad.
ah good stuff...I do know the one I have with warped leaf at the start it was a hard seed to plant as the root had tangled itself up somewhat so it might be a problem child just doing these two 24 seven to see if I can get them to stay in flower early on but who knows
Ok guys, I've made a blunder. The seed raising mix I used had a slow release fert in it.. Doesn't clearly say it on the front of the bag, you've got to read the fine print which I didn't :/ this explains my tip burns I've got on some of them and the nearly zero growth I've experienced over the last week on 24\0.
I've repotted them in small pots and with different non ferted soil.

Question is, will they be ok? If so, how long til they bounce back?

Here's a photo. They're being hidden at the moment because of a house inspection.

Ok guys, I've made a blunder. The seed raising mix I used had a slow release fert in it.. Doesn't clearly say it on the front of the bag, you've got to read the fine print which I didn't :/ this explains my tip burns I've got on some of them and the nearly zero growth I've experienced over the last week on 24\0.
I've repotted them in small pots and with different non ferted soil.

Question is, will they be ok? If so, how long til they bounce back?

Here's a photo. They're being hidden at the moment because of a house inspection.

View attachment 3752836
Sucks man. I thought that seedling mix may have been hot. Only time will tell that....
No stress u will be right..once i up potted mine last week they tripled in size and i used brunnings starter soil
How long should I keep them in the containers I transplanted them to?

I used that last year and it worked perfectly, should of just gone and got that :\
2 to 3 leaf sets is easy. You want the roots to have taken off before moving else it stalls them. Ive let plants go in cups for month and half before transplanting (7-8 sets) into 5 gallon and they were fine.
those cups are tiny mate those seedlings are trying to make new leaves now..i would pot them up to your next size by the weekend at latest otherwise they will stunt if left to long in the small containers..i started mine in sol cups which are twice as big as your pots now AND I up potted mine from solo cups to bigger when they were the same as yours now want them bushy not lanky when they go outside
if your unsure what way to go throw a couple healthy ones in bigger pots now and get back to me in 14 days and tell me what ones are growing better...
my northern lights from royal queen is stinking my tent out already as when i walk into the room i can smell the bitch before i even open the dream gets put in solo cup tomorrow its got s short but strong tap root in the paper towel now..mad purps is just cracking as well as the orange og from tmb
those cups are tiny mate those seedlings are trying to make new leaves now..i would pot them up to your next size by the weekend at latest otherwise they will stunt if left to long in the small containers..i started mine in sol cups which are twice as big as your pots now AND I up potted mine from solo cups to bigger when they were the same as yours now want them bushy not lanky when they go outside
I was gonna leave them in the small pots until they started growing and formed 2-4 sets of leaves. Temped to just chuck em and re order some new seeds.

Gonna give em a week to see if they pull through, if not, will buy more seeds and start again. Still should give me a little time to get them bigg enough for the outdoors.
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I was gonna leave them in the small pots until they started growing and formed 2-4 sets of leaves. Temped to just chuck em and re order some new seeds.

Gonna give em a week to see if they pull through, if not, will buy more seeds and start again. Still should give me a little time to get them bigg enough for the outdoors.
Honestly if you really do think you may have to order again id order now so if you do trash em you can start the new ones the same day