Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
yea couple are doing well, the one directly behind the big one in front is small as its only just bouncing back out of flower mode now, same with most of the rest, i got almost 5 pound last year, i dont think ill be getting that this year from this patch and theres a extra two girls, fingers crossed im wrong


Well-Known Member
all my babies are finally in their big forever pots and down the back on the property they are getting a little less direct sunlight then they were maybe an hour or 2 more shade from the trees around but shouldnt effect too much hopefully will make me need to water a little less ofton as its a decent walk down especially if i need to do a few trips for enough water, may need to strap the ol water tank onto the quad to make it easier on me


Well-Known Member
Tell them not to top em. They will need as much growth time as possible.
he has now asked to keep them with mine as he doesnt have the privacy and has just popped 3 beans and said he will give me half the harvest looks like ill be doing some training on his plants to get as many tops as possible so i get the most buds i can haha im not feeding or watering his tho he said he will do all that

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
holy fck a little breezy eh!!!
Fucken unreal dude..our trees our still standing at the house couple branches snapped of no damage as such ..
But the winds caused damage to powerlines etc
Times like that im glad i lose weight from not getting full sun cos my girls were protected well.
I still expected damage to them but there was none


Well-Known Member
aye saw some mid and high 70's this past wet season and that was fucking howling. I can't imagine shit would have been left over here with 90's. thats fucking blowing sideways

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
My girls stood tall..i guess thats the bonus of only claiming prob 70% possible weight in a non full sun spot cos they are protected pretty well from heavy rain and strong winds..
Will be letting the soil dry out 80% then in a day or so maxsea feed with gogo juice
The black dog is improving each day she should finish well hopefully
Still all 3 finger leaves...


Well-Known Member
Fucken unreal dude..our trees our still standing at the house couple branches snapped of no damage as such ..
But the winds caused damage to powerlines etc
Times like that im glad i lose weight from not getting full sun cos my girls were protected well.
I still expected damage to them but there was none
That's the one good thing about non full sun ae. We've had 18mm of rain so far. This evening we're expected to have 4.5mm an hour.