Biden asks if deceased congresswoman is at White House event

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You guys must have some serious orange man PTSD lol you cant help but talk about Trump every time politics comes up.

When you are 80 and you lose more and more contemporaries each year, it's not all that surprising that he would misremember something like that. How many friends, colleagues and close supporters do you think he's lost over the past few years? 100? 200?

I've engaged in mocking Trump for his own personal gaffes. Like when he lost control of his bowels on the golf course. These are understandable for an old man who is always in the public eye. Yet, despite that gaffe, most Republicans would rather have Trump in the WH and even say he's qualified to be prez. I wouldn't disqualify Trump for his old man gaffes. He's not qualified for two reasons. A: He lost; B: He attempted to overthrow our government. but there are more reasons C: He's a Russian asset; D: He committed an abuse of power that caused him to be impeached; E: He stole government secrets, etc.

That said, I certainly find it satisfying to point and laugh at the old man on the golf course in poopy pants. You can have your juvenile moment too. So, go ahead, have your juvenile snicker. After all, we all have a juvenile living inside.

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Well, according to Karine Jean-Pierre, Jackie was on Bidens mind because her family is in town, and because theres going to be a ceremonial bill signing in her name soon. So forgetting someone died is one thing, but how about forgetting the person you are attending ceremonies for and meeting with the families of very soon? theres gaffes and theres blatant cognitive decline on full display for the world to see. Maybe Trump had both too, maybe he was on enough adderall to choke a horse? i didnt mention Trump nor am i concerned with your whataboutisms because hes living rent free in your head lol
That guy is an idiot. The guy we're talking about in the thread is senile. There's a difference. Jackie died last month, and Biden offered condolences to her family at the time. You would think that the "leader of the free world" would have better cognition.
the guy with the fucking nuclear codes capable of ending all life on earth has blatantly evident cognitive issues and some happily clueless folks only response is "better than a mean guy" lmfao

You guys must have some serious orange man PTSD lol you cant help but talk about Trump every time politics comes up.

Well, according to Karine Jean-Pierre, Jackie was on Bidens mind because her family is in town, and because theres going to be a ceremonial bill signing in her name soon. So forgetting someone died is one thing, but how about forgetting the person you are attending ceremonies for and meeting with the families of very soon? theres gaffes and theres blatant cognitive decline on full display for the world to see. Maybe Trump had both too, maybe he was on enough adderall to choke a horse? i didnt mention Trump nor am i concerned with your whataboutisms because hes living rent free in your head lol
The reason thump gets mentioned is because he was the alternate choice offered up by the republicans..
lmao the shit you all reach for to try to pretend like Biden is not doing as well as anyone could in the shit storm that was left him after Trump and the Republicans wrecked the economy and did everything they could to make the transition as hard as possible for Biden and ultimately the American people.



lmao you actually think he will be cognitive enough to run again? he can barely speak. Letting these old delusional shells of men lead the country looks incredibly weak. He will have more and more moments like this and worse until everyone but you die hard dorks gives up on this mockery of a president and realizes hes too far gone to lead a nation. His cabinet must be awfully busy writing his scripts.
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