Biden Decriminalizes Cannabis

I stopped growing (for profit) 6 years ago :(. It was my retirement and I really was happy to put it behind me lol. There are wholesale price wars happening now and it’s not even harvest time (outdoor) :(. $250-300 a lb now at some dispensaries. Just bought an ounce of SSH for the girlfriend and it was $20 :o! $320 retail for a lbs :o! Not worth the work or trouble and I’m getting old lol.
Ditto, gave up last year, not worth it, government dope is cheap and native dope is cheaper still, no market and ya gotta love it to do it indoors or be a bud connoisseur. I think Canada killed the Black market in pot, except among enterprising kids who grow outdoors and sell to friends. Between mailing pot being legal, cheap and easy, illegal online dispensaries and natives, it forced the provinces to lower their prices due to market forces.