Biden is screwed

I'm 65 and if you ain't a kid then yer a retard, even a kid would be. Jesus Christ, don't you know there are people like you who've been assholes all their lives, most die that way too. I teach meditation and know about fear and a few other emotions that drive people like you, not much point candling yer head cause there's nothing in there.
Hahaha teach meditation. This explains a lot
I'm taking it for granted that the nitwit sitting in the WH right now is finished politically & will lose his re-election bid come November, because I know the American people can't actually be that fucking stupid to fuck themselves twice in a row, right?

But they elected GW Bush twice, so who really knows.

So, this is my point.

It took Obama 8 years, fighting tooth & nail all the way against Republican opposition to clean up the mess left behind by the previous Republican administration which was a total fucking disaster & now, again, a Democrat will have another fucking disaster to clean up left by another Republican administration , one that is historic in it's magnitude.

This is just May 18, with 90, 000 dead already & 14.7% un-employed in this country as of today, the worst numbers in the entire fucking World.

Can you just imagine what the numbers will be on January 3, 2021 when Biden is sworn in?

Holy fuck, I really, really pity Joe because he's totally fucked. one way or the other.
We need to keep politics out or weed chats.. One Love!
Probably Russian interference. Good call. Btw I sense a lot of pent up rage and anger in you three.. You guys need to get together and roll one on Brokeback Mountain haha.


Two are on the ballot. As you say, neither are first choice types. But we have a decision to make. What do you suggest?
I wonder how many of these guys will vote democratic? How many are black? Find them and register them! It's how ya fight.

Federal judge strikes down restrictions on Florida felon voting

TALLAHASSEE — A federal judge on Sunday dismantled Florida’s restrictive felon voting rights law in a ruling that could open the door to hundreds of thousands of new voters being added to rolls just ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle declared key portions of the state’s felon voting law unconstitutional, ordering the state to put in place a new process that would help people register to vote in the state.
If the felons in Florida vote, in 2020, it's game over for the GOP there federally and state, Donald is done. Look for the reaction

Two are on the ballot. As you say, neither are first choice types. But we have a decision to make. What do you suggest?
Flip a coin and choose. We are screwed either way. I'm penciling in Joe Rogan in my ballot box. I like him better than either of these two fucktards.
Flip a coin and choose. We are screwed either way. I'm penciling in Joe Rogan in my ballot box. I like him better than either of these two fucktards.
Moscow Mitch is an asshole and Rand Paul is a nutcase who almost infected the fucking senate (they are pissed too), only morons would elect someone like that!
Flip a coin and choose. We are screwed either way. I'm penciling in Joe Rogan in my ballot box. I like him better than either of these two fucktards.
Here the cat finally came in, the little bastard likes the warm weather :D Bedtime, you got trouble sleeping? Donald does.
Something to think about, here is what the guy who's jerking yer chain is doing.
you need to watch what is actually being done and going [press conferences] instead of the fake news which is not news..just slanted lefty opinion

but you prefer your food chewed up, predigested and spit in your mouth instead

you cannot know what is being done and actually said if you are not there..and msm is not gonna tell you..they would be fired if they did

amen here's the proof