Biden/Warren vs. Trump/whoever 2020

Who would you vote for:

  • Biden/Warren

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Trump/Whoever

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
I bet you are a great grower but you seem utterly clueless on world affairs. You seriously need to go beyond parroting cnn talking points. Btw I wrote a lengthy response in the doomsday thread to your inquiries. You have to tap where it says “click to expand.”
Of course I do. You really nailed me. Damn I should just continue to enjoy my coffee and let your Trump troll talking points flow over us all right?
Of course I do. You really nailed me. Damn I should just continue to enjoy my coffee and let your Trump troll talking points flow over us all right?

Never voted for the guy. I do not support trump at all... but common man 16 fb trolls = collusion? I deleted my response as it was kind of rude but you keep making the assertions that I am wrong... but don’t provide any evidence. When I respond you don’t seem to come back with anything beyond emotional anecdotes. I mean Biden?? The guy authored the patriot act..
Respectfully disagree. I think Biden is by far the worst of the candidates on the left. A complete establishment figure.
Better than a Russian puppet.

Let’s not forget that he authored the patriot act. He’s often rambling about nonsensical stuff and doesn’t appear to be all there.
I had to look this up, looks like he wrote something in the early 90s that the Patriot act pulled from, at least he has been in the American government and understands what it takes to pass legislation and not just try to bully everyone into breaking the law like Trump has been doing.

I don’t think he could debate trump off the cuff and he has baggage with the whole hair sniffing stuff.
Hair sniffing, vs pussy grabbing? I think anything Trump tries to pull on Biden rebounds right back at him, the oranges...oranges....the person who started the dig.

Would much rather see a Bernie/warren ticket or vise versa. They have stuck to their guns over the years on challenging the banks and addressing income inequality.
So would the Russians, and Saudis, and every other nation that benefits from a weak America. But yeah I would vote for them over Trump too if they win the ticket.

Problem is will the media give them airtime? Bernie imo got completely railroaded by the dnc in 2016. Shut out by the media and people voted for Hillary in primaries because CNN told them to. Warren and Bernie seem to have their heart in it imo.
Bernie was not a Democrat in 2016 running (and losing) for the Democratic nomination, when he had lost and Hillary was voted to be the candidate for the Democratic party, Bernie kept running (to the point he ran out of money and Hillary allowed him to use money she raised to do so) and losing. He didn't get screwed.

The whole Trump collusion thing to me is a sham. Obama holdovers within intel concocted this halfwit plan. Russia’s GDP is 1/10th ours.
It is not a sham. Russian online interference is a very real and continual problem.

The Russian collusion I believe was invented to divert from the massive blow from the Wikileaks drops.
The Wikileaks drops was a major initiative perpetrated by the Russians.
This is a good place to start, it goes through exactly how the DNC hack happened and how wikileaks amplified it (organization 1)
Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 5.47.19 AM.png

I do not believe Russia hacked the dnc as it was most likely Seth Rich who uploaded to thumb drives. Ray McGovern agrees. The NSA has been tracking all emails/phone calls since the 90’s and has them stored in massive data collections. They could have easily pulled the records within weeks but there was nothing there.
I don't know where you got this, but feel free to provide links. Phone records don't have printouts of conversations, just numbers/duration.

If there was any collusion it most likely involved rich Russian oligarchs and Chabad Lubavitche via Felix Sater.
It was oligarchs, namely Oleg Deripaska, but it really doesn't matter, it is all Putin that is running it.

I think you have it wrong on Russians provided our voting data? The entire voting data and marketing plan was given to trump via crypto analytics via the UK. Based mostly off of Facebook and google data.
We know Trump's campaign manager gave a Russian agent our polling data. It is important, because this was directly used to attack our vulnerable citizens with their con job. It is one of the most important things to understand is how this data is used to pinpoint exactly what propaganda to use on exactly who to use it based on who they are and where they vote.

Here is an interesting book I just picked up which supposedly points to the real collusion being a Saudi/Israeli network and not so much Russia. I’ll see if my opinions change after reading.
I don't doubt they were involved too, but the Russians have been at this current stage of their plan since at least 2014 (shortly after Snowden landed with his NSA stolen documents), they went through and systematically found areas of conflicts we Americans are fast to fall into. And they used the shit out of it cat fishing our citizens, just like they had in Brexit and other countries elections as well. Facebook may have build the best tool for them to easily pinpoint the largest number of people, but every website/news site they could manipulate the chats on they have been hard. Trump has invited other countries to jump in and help him too now, so we are getting flooded with his propaganda that he keeps pumping out.

Oh btw Yang? I like him, but ideas very far out.[/QUOTE]
He is solid, but I am over inexperience. We need someone that understands what it takes to legislate and is not a Russian puppet.
Better than a Russian puppet.

I had to look this up, looks like he wrote something in the early 90s that the Patriot act pulled from, at least he has been in the American government and understands what it takes to pass legislation and not just try to bully everyone into breaking the law like Trump has been doing.

Hair sniffing, vs pussy grabbing? I think anything Trump tries to pull on Biden rebounds right back at him, the oranges...oranges....the person who started the dig.

So would the Russians, and Saudis, and every other nation that benefits from a weak America. But yeah I would vote for them over Trump too if they win the ticket.

Bernie was not a Democrat in 2016 running (and losing) for the Democratic nomination, when he had lost and Hillary was voted to be the candidate for the Democratic party, Bernie kept running (to the point he ran out of money and Hillary allowed him to use money she raised to do so) and losing. He didn't get screwed.

It is not a sham. Russian online interference is a very real and continual problem.

The Wikileaks drops was a major initiative perpetrated by the Russians.
This is a good place to start, it goes through exactly how the DNC hack happened and how wikileaks amplified it (organization 1)
View attachment 4398681

I don't know where you got this, but feel free to provide links. Phone records don't have printouts of conversations, just numbers/duration.

It was oligarchs, namely Oleg Deripaska, but it really doesn't matter, it is all Putin that is running it.
We know Trump's campaign manager gave a Russian agent our polling data. It is important, because this was directly used to attack our vulnerable citizens with their con job. It is one of the most important things to understand is how this data is used to pinpoint exactly what propaganda to use on exactly who to use it based on who they are and where they vote.

I don't doubt they were involved too, but the Russians have been at this current stage of their plan since at least 2014 (shortly after Snowden landed with his NSA stolen documents), they went through and systematically found areas of conflicts we Americans are fast to fall into. And they used the shit out of it cat fishing our citizens, just like they had in Brexit and other countries elections as well. Facebook may have build the best tool for them to easily pinpoint the largest number of people, but every website/news site they could manipulate the chats on they have been hard. Trump has invited other countries to jump in and help him too now, so we are getting flooded with his propaganda that he keeps pumping out.

Oh btw Yang? I like him, but ideas very far out.

Wow, that was a long post, lol.
Never voted for the guy. I do not support trump at all... but common man 16 fb trolls = collusion? I deleted my response as it was kind of rude but you keep making the assertions that I am wrong... but don’t provide any evidence. When I respond you don’t seem to come back with anything beyond emotional anecdotes. I mean Biden?? The guy authored the patriot act..
I just woke up man, got to give me some time.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Monday that Russia-based operatives published about 80,000 posts on the social network over a two-year period in an effort to sway U.S. politics and that about 126 million Americans may have seen the posts during that time.
126 million Americans saw the Facebook ads, that is just the one social media company. Every single comment section/forum/video game chat had trolls trolling them.

Russia set this building up to be a paid troll farm:

All they needed was 70,000 votes in a few key states to win the election that Clinton had more than 2 million more votes than Trump. They were easily able to pinpoint these people using weaponized data illegally obtained by Foreign entities for the purpose of getting Trump elected.
I trust the work of ex cia analyst and whistleblower Ray McGovern. They did speed tests on the server and proved that there was no hack and it was simply uploaded somewhere on the east coast. Hence Seth rich and why he was murdered.

The dnc is completely run by corporate dems and they absolutely railroaded Bernie. Historically speaking you commit suicide by taking on the banks. Look at any deposition by Jarod Beck in the dnc fraud lawsuit. The dnc admitted in court they rigged primaries and said they had the right to do so. 2 of Jarod’s key witnesses dropped dead and one happened to be Seth rich who was murdered in a botched robbery?? Yet nothing was taken...

Once again how did Russia influence the election outside of 16 fb trolls? Yes Donald jr settup a meeting but that was just to try to get dirt on Hillary. China is much more powerful than Russia and Israel is far more powerful. Why is there nothing in the mueller report implicating trump? I mean the guy is trash but where is the evidence?

Yes all phone calls, Audio, texts, emails, google searches all recorded since the mid 90s via the nsa prism program. These are housed in massive data storage sites such as the one in Utah.
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I trust the work of ex cia computer forensics expert Ray McGovern. They did speed tests on the server and proved that there was no hack and it was simply uploaded somewhere on the east coast. Hence Seth rich and why he was murdered.
Ill look closer at this, because again I wasn't around during this conspiracy theory. But I know Seth thing was debunked a lot.
I ran out of coffee and need to make this quick.

The dnc is completely run by corporate dems
Doesn't that make sense that the Democratic National Convention is run by Democrats?

and they absolutely railroaded Bernie.
There are much better peopple here than me that can explain this one, I think @abandonconflict was who explained it best.
Historically speaking you commit suicide by taking on the banks.
Talking about evil bankers is one of the longest running political boogey men ever I thought.

Look at any deposition by Jarod Beck in the dnc fraud lawsuit. The dnc admitted in court they rigged primaries and said they had the right to do so. 2 of Jarod’s key witnesses dropped dead and one happened to be Seth rich who was murdered in a botched robbery?? Yet nothing was taken...
like gerrymandering?

Once again how did Russia influence the election outside of 16 fb trolls? Yes Donald jr settup a meeting but that was just to try to get dirt on Hillary.
Which is illegal.

There was over 500 paid Russian Trolls. They were cat fishing over a hundred thousand American people. Propaganda news sites sprouted up like weeds, paying 'journalists' to write micro stories about anything and everything that fit their narrative, and purposefully leaving out of any coverage they did any information that would poke a hole into their overall lie. Then the paid trolls circulate the website links to build up the website credibility.

Important to know that it is not just Right wing/Racist/Evangelical themed websites, they did the same for every single demographic with the goal of influencing everyone on a individual basis. This is why what Cambridge Analytica did with their stolen data is such a big deal. They weaponized data for a foreign government to be able to pinpoint propaganda that they know people will fall for based on their online traffic/friends/interactions/how long they read a post/education level/location on and on. It is incredibly easy to see how they can micro target to the district we vote in to amplify the worst candidates for our country to make us all go crazy fighting one another.

China is much more powerful than Russia and Israel is far more powerful. Why is there nothing in the mueller report implicating trump? I mean the guy is trash but where is the evidence?

Mueller explains it better than I can. Notice he says yes he can bring charges against Trump when he leaves office.

Mueller had a very specific thing that he was told to investigate Russians messing with our election. And in doing so in less than 2 years, he had found over 30 criminals working for Trump before he wrapped it up. And that was extremely narrow lines of charges, anything he found about Saudi Arabian ties for example would have been turned over to a different investigator. We don't know what Barr is sitting on at this point because Trump has been hardcore obstructing ever since Barr's 4 page memo.

Also there were several documented acts of criminal obstruction against Trump in the report. So it would be impossible to come to a conclusion about criminal Russian Trump acts because Trump has been fully obstructing.

Yes all phone calls, Audio, texts, emails, google searches all recorded since the mid 90s via the nsa prism program. These are housed in massive data storage sites such as the one in Utah.
Again Mueller said he had everything he needs to convict Trump when he leaves office, but until then the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell have neutered the houses ability to actually hold Trump accountable.
Well at least we can agree that trump is a piece of garbage. But from my perception it did not go down the way you are describing. Not nearly. Would love for you to try to debunk Seth rich or refute anything in the above posted video with Ray McGovern. So Russia had paid trolls.. who cares. I’m on fb all the time and don’t recall even seeing the memes. And Americans didn’t need photoshopped pictures of Satan as Hillary arm wrestling Jesus to get them to not vote for Hillary. Many Bernie supporters like myself were aware he got railroaded and all together she was just a horrible candidate. I think it’s laughable that we are debating Mueller and Russian collusion when mueller had involvement in selling off 40% of our uranium supply to Russia.

As far as banks? Nothing fanatical about banks not wanting to support a candidate who is fighting against income inequality imho.
China is much more powerful than Russia and Israel is far more powerful. Why is there nothing in the mueller report implicating trump? I mean the guy is trash but where is the evidence?

Let's give him the benefit of doubt and call him a dumb ass?

Wake up.

Russian minimum wage 2019
The minimum wage in Russia is reviewed every six months, and there have been significant increases on each of the last three reviews.

The latest increase saw the minimum wage reach 11,280 p. in January 2019, up by 117 p. since the last review in May 2018.

trump makes the best sanctions.
Well at least we can agree that trump is a piece of garbage. But from my perception it did not go down the way you are describing. Not nearly. Would love for you to try to debunk Seth rich or refute anything in the above posted video with Ray McGovern. So Russia had paid trolls.. who cares. I’m on fb all the time and don’t recall even seeing the memes. And Americans didn’t need photoshopped pictures of Satan as Hillary arm wrestling Jesus to get them to not vote for Hillary. Many Bernie supporters like myself were aware he got railroaded and all together she was just a horrible candidate. I think it’s laughable that we are debating Mueller and Russian collusion when mueller had involvement in selling off 40% of our uranium supply to Russia.

As far as banks? Nothing fanatical about banks not wanting to support a candidate who is fighting against income inequality imho.
lol watching it now, for future reference, please warn a mofo when the first 2:30 minutes is just hype.
At 3:30 he finished talking about how the dude wrote the code that the government would know if the DNC was hacked.

This is how they know the Russians hacked the DNC.

Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 8.49.16 AM.png
So I started to look at ho this guy was and I notice the little notification in the search results of him:
Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 8.53.33 AM.png
"This site may be hacked" they are getting some good tools it seems to sniff out propaganda that is being planted.

Anyways, still watching, figure I would share that bit.
For real, still watching, but I would strongly recommend getting your computer checked for malware if you are a legitimate real person and not a paid troll.... This is brutal, 40 minutes long of just crazy old man rambling.....
Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 9.23.25 AM.png

Seriously @PokerJay83 if you are not a troll you might want to understand what is happening to what you are reading based on just looking into that dude for a few minutes.
The new green deal.
Biden’s done. He is completely out of touch and continues to stay stupid shit and piss people off . He is old and a fumbling fool. Nicest guy but not for President. We need women and no more men, Fuck em.

The Time has finally Come!
God Bless America!
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The new green deal.
Biden’s done. He is completely out of touch and continues to stay stupid shit and piss people off . He is old and a fumbling fool. Nicest guy but not for President. We need women and no more men, Fuck em.

The Time has finally Come!
God Bless America!
View attachment 4398728
I would like Warren/Klobachard before a first year member of congress. Although really would rather it be Klobachard/Warren.
I would like Warren/Klobachard before a first year member of congress. Although really would rather it be Klobachard/Warren.
I would love to see it too! Excellent combination, your a very intelligent young man! Love to see all your support for women and women’s rights. Thank you.
So Russia had paid trolls.. who cares. I’m on fb all the time and don’t recall even seeing the memes. And Americans didn’t need photoshopped pictures of Satan as Hillary arm wrestling Jesus to get them to not vote for Hillary. Many Bernie supporters like myself were aware he got railroaded and all together she was just a horrible candidate. I think it’s laughable that we are debating Mueller and Russian collusion when mueller had involvement in selling off 40% of our uranium supply to Russia.

As far as banks? Nothing fanatical about banks not wanting to support a candidate who is fighting against income inequality imho.
Does it matter to you that this is all foreign propaganda that you are saying is real? All of these things we can go through, but how much evidence do you need before you understand it is very very very easy for Trump paid propaganda trolls to lie about this stuff and make it look mostly legitimate? If you are an American, I would really take a look back at where you got your information. Many of the "people" on fb, if you don't know them personally in real life, they may easily be trolls cat fishing you.


I would love to see it too! Excellent combination, your a very intelligent young man! Love to see all your support for women and women’s rights. Thank you.
Thank you, it really sucked having to rethink every interaction I have had with females after #metoo.