Biden won


Well-Known Member
Gee, it's almost like the networks are trying to help tRUmp steal the election by refusing to call Biden the winner,isn't that strange.
trumpers are morons and i'm going to say math isn't their strong suit..the networks have painstakingly to the nth degree of explanation of how and why things are working as they are- you couldn't count mail-in ballots prior to election day in pennsylvania.

if anything it seems like they're closing the doors to litigation..he told us for months he was going to do it..we had time to think about how to handle..someone is speeding you up (lack of control) just slow them right down (keeping it in control).


Well-Known Member
It takes time to manufacture evidence of voter fraud.
I don’t think that’s it. The writing is on the wall, trump is done and nothing can save him. The networks are going to be cautious about declaring a winner but anyone with half a brain can see it’s over.

trump will not concede but come Jan 20, he will be leaving the White House one way or another. Personally, I hope they have to drag his fat ass out feet first.


Well-Known Member
There are reports that White House staff are collecting straws to see who gets to tell trump it’s over. He thinks he can drag this out with a legal battle like he has every other time he’s been in trouble. It’s not going to work this time.

Apparently Rupert Murdoch called to give him the bad news but he was having none of it.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think that’s it. The writing is on the wall, trump is done and nothing can save him. The networks are going to be cautious about declaring a winner but anyone with half a brain can see it’s over.

trump will not concede but come Jan 20, he will be leaving the White House one way or another. Personally, I hope they have to drag his fat ass out feet first.
He is frantic at the thought of losing because he knows that he and his family could be in courtrooms for the rest of their lives.


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to bring religion into this but lets not stand divided but united under god. I pray for all. True freedom is overcoming from those who condemns you.
I have no problem with this kind of religiosity. I just read where 24% of the voters are evangelical Christians. I wonder how that source can pin down 24 and not go with 25. This is something that most non Americans don't realize about the USA. And it really gave Trump an advantage. But does anyone really think Trump reads the Bible. Now, I just hope Trump doesn't invoke a casus belli before he leaves. I put nothing past this man.


Well-Known Member
I think Joe needs to brag a bit about his popular vote majority or better yet Obama needs to brag for him. You want to drive Donald nuts, dangerous for sure, but the democrats need to start playing games with Donald and the republican senate. Mitch wants those two senate seats in Georgia come January the senate will swing on it and Donald is gonna fuck things up if he goes off the deep end and does serious shit. They might have to impeach him post election if he becomes too dangerous and more unstable. He will hold rallies, if he can, and the rhetoric will be incredible, you ain't heard nothing yet.
He doesn’t need to brag about anything. The lion doesn’t need to roar.


Well-Known Member
There are reports that White House staff are collecting straws to see who gets to tell trump it’s over. He thinks he can drag this out with a legal battle like he has every other time he’s been in trouble. It’s not going to work this time.

Apparently Rupert Murdoch called to give him the bad news but he was having none of it.
you missed my pay per view's going to be jared or ivanka with ivanka becoming bookie favorite.