Biden won

no ex US president will ever see a jail cell lmao.

Trump was an incredibly dumb douchebag narcissist but sleepy Joe is a foreign asset and in the pocket big oil,banks, and the military industrial complex like most before him. A career politician who is no less shady than anyone whos ever run for office. This is a foot off the gas pedal for the country but by no means something to be thrilled about lol
There have been a lot of LOLs lately that are not really funny, just mostly rude laughs at people. Now, for some real comedic relief. It's toe curling, g cringeworthy humor but Chappelle manages to bring some light and humor into these times.

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no ex US president will ever see a jail cell lmao.

Trump was an incredibly dumb douchebag narcissist but sleepy Joe is a foreign asset and in the pocket big oil,banks, and the military industrial complex like most before him. A career politician who is no less shady than anyone whos ever run for office. This is a foot off the gas pedal for the country but by no means something to be thrilled about lol
Can you point to where in his years of time in office that you say this corruption?

Because I call bullshit. Because the only things I have seen about this narrative is from Trump's troll army.
no ex US president will ever see a jail cell lmao.

Trump was an incredibly dumb douchebag narcissist but sleepy Joe is a foreign asset and in the pocket big oil,banks, and the military industrial complex like most before him. A career politician who is no less shady than anyone whos ever run for office. This is a foot off the gas pedal for the country but by no means something to be thrilled about lol
Regarding the jail time? There are some very potent investigations already completed or underway that say otherwise. The report from the Mueller investigation contained ten counts of obstruction of justice, for example. The SDNY court's investigation into tax fraud might not lead to jail time but will cost him hundreds of millions if he's convicted. But that will all take time, maybe years and he could die before they finish, so maybe you are right about Trump not ever serving jail time, but for the wrong reason.

Regarding Biden, that's a loaded statement. Put some facts in there to back it up and you'd seem less like a fool or a troll.
no ex US president will ever see a jail cell lmao.

Trump was an incredibly dumb douchebag narcissist but sleepy Joe is a foreign asset and in the pocket big oil,banks, and the military industrial complex like most before him. A career politician who is no less shady than anyone whos ever run for office. This is a foot off the gas pedal for the country but by no means something to be thrilled about lol
Donald will be in a supermax rubber room and the only way out is a plastic bag, count on it. No US president has done a lot of things that Donald has, like tell 30,000 lies in four years and murder a half million American citizens before he is done. Yet 72 million stupid cunts voted for him after 4 years of chaos, humiliation, mismanagement and finally dystopia, where ya poor bastards aren't even allowed out of the country that is a festering cauldron of covid. Most "shithole" countries in Africa did far better than Donald and the republicans on covid with a fraction of the resources and skilled professionals.
Trump will never see a prison cell, but his new life in Moscow will be considerably crappier than his current one. But honestly, the guy would be in heaven as long as he has a toilet, a TV, and unlimited cheeseburgers.
Trump will never see a prison cell, but his new life in Moscow will be considerably crappier than his current one. But honestly, the guy would be in heaven as long as he has a toilet, a TV, and unlimited cheeseburgers.
You look around and you see what's happening. It's a disgrace, alright(?) It's a disgrace what's happening. Everybody knows, everybody knows, okay(?)
Individual 1 is terrified of the secret, sealed grand jury indictment concerning the same crime that Cohen was convicted of, waiting for him. Prison awaits and he's a scared cadet bone spurs.
Conald shows again he is windier than a sack of azzholes.
Too funny that he claimed "operation warp speed" is why Pfizer has made so much progress.

Pfizer refused to accept the terms Trump insisted upon in order to gain government funds for developing their vaccine. They did it all on their own dime. They didn't want Trump's "bureaucracy" to slow them down. A nice way to say that Trump's meddling would slow them down, which it has for teams that accepted the funding.
Too funny that he claimed "operation warp speed" is why Pfizer has made so much progress.

Pfizer refused to accept the terms Trump insisted upon in order to gain government funds for developing their vaccine. They did it all on their own dime. They didn't want Trump's "bureaucracy" to slow them down. A nice way to say that Trump's meddling would slow them down, which it has for teams that accepted the funding.
I just found out today that my last project manager is at Pfizer actually working on it.
Pharmaceutical companies have the power to warp speed most drug R&D. It’s just not as profitable.