Biden won

And you would think the hope of Texas would keep the crazies at bay for a few days.

Man arrested after allegedly threatening to bomb local Democratic offices in Spokane

A Spokane man was taken into custody Wednesday after police said he threatened to blow up a labor union building, local outlet KREM2 reports.
The man, who has not been publicly identified, entered the Teamsters labor union building, which also serves as the hub for county Democrats, with a device he said was an explosive, authorities in Spokane said. Police have yet to determine whether the device was, in fact, an explosive.

The offender held one person hostage in an office amid his threats, and set a fire within the building, police told KREM.
Police said everyone escaped safely.

But I guess the realization hit home.

GOP Texas senator questions 'legal theory' behind Trump's lawsuit to challenge state's election results
Texas Sen. John Cornyn (R) questioned why the state's Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) believed that his state's officials should have a say over how other states conduct their elections. Speaking with CNN's Manu Raju, the Texas Republican was referring to Paxton's claim that the results of voting in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia were "tainted" due to changes to election processes in those states.

“You know, it's very unusual because when a state sues a state, the Supreme Court of the United States has original jurisdiction, so you don't have to go through the ordinary procedure. I read just the summary of it, and I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory of it," Cornyn told CNN.

“Number one, why would a state, even such a great state as Texas, have a say so on how other states administer their elections,” the senator continued. “We have a diffused and dispersed system and even though we might not like it, they may think it's unfair...those are decided at the state and local level and not at the national level. So it's an interesting theory, but I'm not convinced."

And you would think the hope of Texas would keep the crazies at bay for a few days.

Man arrested after allegedly threatening to bomb local Democratic offices in Spokane

A Spokane man was taken into custody Wednesday after police said he threatened to blow up a labor union building, local outlet KREM2 reports.
The man, who has not been publicly identified, entered the Teamsters labor union building, which also serves as the hub for county Democrats, with a device he said was an explosive, authorities in Spokane said. Police have yet to determine whether the device was, in fact, an explosive.

The offender held one person hostage in an office amid his threats, and set a fire within the building, police told KREM.
Police said everyone escaped safely.

But I guess the realization hit home.

GOP Texas senator questions 'legal theory' behind Trump's lawsuit to challenge state's election results
Texas Sen. John Cornyn (R) questioned why the state's Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) believed that his state's officials should have a say over how other states conduct their elections. Speaking with CNN's Manu Raju, the Texas Republican was referring to Paxton's claim that the results of voting in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia were "tainted" due to changes to election processes in those states.

“You know, it's very unusual because when a state sues a state, the Supreme Court of the United States has original jurisdiction, so you don't have to go through the ordinary procedure. I read just the summary of it, and I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory of it," Cornyn told CNN.

“Number one, why would a state, even such a great state as Texas, have a say so on how other states administer their elections,” the senator continued. “We have a diffused and dispersed system and even though we might not like it, they may think it's unfair...those are decided at the state and local level and not at the national level. So it's an interesting theory, but I'm not convinced."

He just got reelected and figures 6 years is a long time for a trumper to remember. Donald will go nuts on him and the death threats will pour in, I figure this will be the end of death threats in America, especially if the democrats win the senate. I think enough folks have had their fill of this bullshit and serious action will be taken and big sentences imposed on these assholes. Identify them, prosecute them and give a minimum 5 year sentence for making a death threat against a local, state or federal public official over a political matter. I figure if they nail the top 1000, they will stop 90% of the threats and make the rest think twice. No one buys a cell phone or a sim card without a photo ID and a picture taken of it and the purchaser, make the seller liable for the threat if they don't comply. Make sure as many calls are recorded as much as possible and use voice pattern recognition to identify them and have robots call suspects for voice samples automatically and spit out matches. There is much more that can be done and I figure it will, it's mostly republicans receiving death threats and Cornyn will get hundreds, his home and cellphone numbers have been posted on rightwing sites already and Trump probably supplied them.
It's looking like you Canadians will have to pick a side at some point, looking like the GOP are serious about starting civil war 2.0
If they try it during Joe's watch it will be like them dealing with Abe Lincoln and the result for them will be much the same only final this time. We will stay out of American domestic affairs and let you folks clean up your own mess. By supporting the overthrow of the US constitution and outright sedition, they made a lot of very serious enemies, very quickly. These are the kinds of people they don't want to fuck with and they haven't even started yet. Their numbers will dwindle over time and I figure Trump whittled off 10% of them with is post election antics.

The Georgia election will determine much, more of the same, or their destruction and that of the domestic disinformation network that supports and fosters them. A lot depends on Georgia and if the Trumpers crawl out of the woodwork again, if Trump is not on the ballot.

Mitch is sabotaging the covid relief talks because Trump won't sign anything anyway, Donald has a price and Mitch can't pay it. If Trump refuses to sign the relief bill and blurts out why then it might hurt them in Georgia, not much, but enough to lose both seats and put Mitch on the backbenches and open up a whole world of hurt on him and the republicans. This is Armageddon for them, the final battle and they know it, if they lose, the sleeping giant will club them to death quicker than they would have been otherwise. There are tens of millions of American patriots who are conditioned to have strong feelings about the constitution and they've been awakened. The republicans followed Trump through he gates of Hell and there is no going back from that. Many Americans will dedicate their lives to destroying them and most of them will have the education, skills and power to be effective. Trump supporters are mostly America's losers and morons, few are educated and those that are are mostly criminals and conmen.

106 republican congress people are attempting sedition through the courts to overturn a certified election and disenfranchise you. You won't forget this and neither will others in your state who were assaulted, they wanted war and now they shall have it.
Big cult huh :(.
It's not just the rightwing loonies who are being radicalized, tens of millions of patriots are being radicalized by the mainstream media. Many Americans take this constitution business seriously and I've meet a few, many have served and swore an oath to it, some never forget it. They crossed a line with Trump, he ran against the constitution and the founding ethos of the country, they became enemies of the constitution and enemies of patriots. This is not politics Budley, this is social war, it will be fought with votes, laws and regulations, in a life or death struggle for hearts and minds. Georgia will determine the future and everybody knows it, Trump only cares about his future and it looks bleak, he sealed his fate long ago.
There are ongoing court hearings, and i bet a majority of people aren't even following the court hearing streams, but instead believing their own media outlet and their userbase. If you are a true republican, and believe the election was stolen, you would be following this ongoing Wisconsin case and know who your congressmen are, instead of bitching about a journalists opinion of facts and calling it fake news just because you dont like their opinion and dont want to take the time to form your own because you are sheep. If you think this election is fraud, please name credible witnesses, where the fraud was committed what individuals did it, and beyond a reasonable doubt evidence. Otherwise your arguments are accusations and allegations without credible evidence and without credible witnesses.
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If the witnesses who testified saw something wrong, why didn't they contact their legislative congressmen, county clerk, and election officials before election results? this brings up the credibility of the witnesses. is this a story they made up or how accurate is their testimony?
If the witnesses who testified saw something wrong, why didn't they contact their legislative congressmen, county clerk, and election officials before election results? this brings up the credibility of the witnesses. is this a story they made up or how accurate is their testimony?
'Testified' is a stretch. What they did was more like sit down for a Joe Rogan interview.
'Testified' is a stretch. What they did was more like sit down for a Joe Rogan interview.
"i heard he said she said, but im not sure this is accurate. this is my testimony"
this election case is hearsay gossip supported by burden of proof that is presumptive evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt evidence. its not enough.
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