Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

Sorry, I couldn't help it I wont go off topic again. This is about me being able to smoke some kick ass ganja legally during president turds year or two of power.

If its taken off schedule, which is what is needed for the deep red states to grow a pair and just let counties decide for themselves, it will happen under president Kamala. I actually really hope if any good comes of this administration, weed being taken of the schedule will be one of them.

And to answers someone else post, no I wont move. You move. There are certain areas that are not sustainable for my line of work, and the legalized states that have are either hellholes, low population area's, tax happy, or tourist havens with no work outside of...well the tourist industry. So no, some of us can't really just "move".

lol, laughing my ass off at you.
Facts are a stubborn thing and alternate facts are just lies
Joe Biden is the best replacement for the biggest cancer ever to hold the Presidency
Trump did nothing for cannabis and I doubt we will ever get to legalization unless RepubliCONs can profit exclusively

OMG, you made a post without mentioning the person you love the most! I'm actually really proud of you, that's the first step! To walk away. Just like I am from this thread.

How many sock puppets do you run on here anyway? Ballpark?
The Feds will be forced into reform with all of these states coming around to legalization. I don't think It's gonna be on the lines of full legalization though, It's most likely going to be a bill that protect states/decrim and allows the industry to have banking.
There you go with the Trump this Trump that again. Damn man seems like thats all you got? Every single reply you have made. Cult member? You've been strait up brainwashed lol. You dont even have the ability to hold a conversation without mentioning Trump.
I guess it's hard not to mention the former guy because it's clearly obvious that the orange thing is a fascist, con-man POS. To make matters worse, religious nutbags are calling him the messiah. Crazy shit.
The use of cannabis as well as the use of other drugs is a God given right regardless of the negative or positive side effects. As long as those side effects are not infringing on other individuals rights. It is your own free will. I don't care if you want to smoke crack or do some bleach/uv treatment through an IV to cure Covid. Your choice is your choice. Maybe it is slight Darwinism and the people who are irresponsible with it or extreme and put their own lives in danger will weed themselves out. But that is what free will consist of and I find it annoying that people have the right to tell you how to live your life when we have such a short time on this earth.

That being said, even if it is legalized at the federal level, states will still have the power to regulate its production and distribution the same way they do alcohol.

By the way Congratulations to Connecticut for legalization this past week!!! Was out there the other day smoking a blunt on the sidewalk and waved at a officer driving by and got a friendly wave back. Was like the first time I went to Amsterdam with my brother back in 05. Tears of joy just walking through those streets seeing all the neon cannabis for sale signs. It was really an emotional moment for me. Still can remember.
I might have to "take back" my comment at this point. It seems like on a monthly basis the White House continues to message they are in fact, not cannabis friendly. The latest and greatest is this debacle with ShaCarri Richardson. In a presser yesterday, Psaki dodged yet another "tough" (lol) question regarding the White House's lack of pressure on the ONDCP and/or the USADA, who is funded federally.

Aside from this, Im getting pretty tired of this administration's lack of transparency. I don't like Trump, but at least he answered tough questions. National crises are being ignored and there's a definite "don't worry about what I'm doing" and "just do what I say" attitude coming from the executive branch. It's sad when someone who is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world requires frequent naps and isn't "allowed" to have an independent thought without his "handlers" supervision.
I might have to "take back" my comment at this point. It seems like on a monthly basis the White House continues to message they are in fact, not cannabis friendly. The latest and greatest is this debacle with ShaCarri Richardson. In a presser yesterday, Psaki dodged yet another "tough" (lol) question regarding the White House's lack of pressure on the ONDCP and/or the USADA, who is funded federally.
Welllll... we might have to give grandpa Biden a pass. I want pot federally legal, you want pot federally legal. But...... .
Anybody know what Grandma thinks? Maybe she can whisper in his ear.
Biden wants to see research on marijuana :
"he wants more research on the “positive and negative effects” of adult-use legalization.
“He’ll look at the research" Marijuana moment
More research. I am tired of a number of things, but one of them is "we need more research". No we don't. It's just the research shows cannabis to be positive and they just can't stand it. The other is that BS "what about the children?".

Schedule 2 :
II/IIN Controlled Substances (2/2N)
I hear ya, he's got quite a shitpile to deal with though, maybe some higher priorities. Not jamning me.
I guess it's hard not to mention the former guy because it's clearly obvious that the orange thing is a fascist, con-man POS. To make matters worse, religious nutbags are calling him the messiah. Crazy shit.
Also, don't forget, Jesus prophesied, that anybody taking the roll of a messiah would actually turn out to be an anti-Christ. This is lining up too perfectly. Trumps fulfilling Revelations with all these nuts worshiping him.
If you live in a medical legal state and you still support Trump. Please put the bong down, please step away from the bong. Here where the republicans (full on trump jock sniffers) are in control, they enjoy the hell out oppressing cannabis grass roots movements. Biden may be flawed, but he is not actively fighting against meaningful medical cannabis reform in your state now, is he.
If you live in a medical legal state and you still support Trump. Please put the bong down, please step away from the bong. Here where the republicans (full on trump jock sniffers) are in control, they enjoy the hell out oppressing cannabis grass roots movements. Biden may be flawed, but he is not actively fighting against meaningful medical cannabis reform in your state now, is he.
Shhhhhh! Pro-Trump traitor/insurrectionists think they're patriots. I have NEVER seen our American flag so disgraced.
If you live in a medical legal state and you still support Trump. Please put the bong down, please step away from the bong. Here where the republicans (full on trump jock sniffers) are in control, they enjoy the hell out oppressing cannabis grass roots movements. Biden may be flawed, but he is not actively fighting against meaningful medical cannabis reform in your state now, is he.
I can't help but notice the medical field and number of states legalizing weed grew much faster the last four years with Chester cheeto vs the 8 years before. It's kinda weird Republicans voted in their party, and that same visit to the booths that year more states legalized weed than any other year before. It's pretty obvious Republicans where the majority voters in booths for 2016... numbers don't lie

Libertarians for 2024. Fuck the two party system


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Following up on the messiah thing.
“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2019 he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for.....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2019
Ready to drink the Kool-aid?
From my perspective legalizing pot is the least of our worries.
I can't help but notice the medical field and number of states legalizing weed grew much faster the last four years with Chester cheeto vs the 8 years before. It's kinda weird Republicans voted in their party, and that same visit to the booths that year more states legalized weed than any other year before. It's pretty obvious Republicans where the majority voters in booths for 2016... numbers don't lie

Libertarians for 2024. Fuck the two party system
Nice chart. I've met a rep or two who toke. By and large from both sides of the aisle it's "You vote yes." "No you go first."
Pot is very low for priorities. Let'm wrangle a bit, it'll get done. You still will be growing illegally.
I didn't see much action south of the Mason Dixon line. They're too busy making white lightening.