Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

Communism? Tell me who is promoting nationalizing the means of production.

Also, specify who is suffering genocide.
The left side of government has many members that have an ideology in line with the teachings of a man that wouldn't hold a job to raise his own family. He wouldn't go to work. Was a mooch and a dead beat. Fact. And the US citizens that were left in Afghanistan will likely be killed by our enemies if not pulled out. I am absolutely confounded why there hasn't been large scale rage
The left side of government has many members that have an ideology in line with the teachings of a man that wouldn't hold a job to raise his own family. He wouldn't go to work. Was a mooch and a dead beat. Fact. And the US citizens that were left in Afghanistan will likely be killed by our enemies if not pulled out. I am absolutely confounded why there hasn't been large scale rage
This is such nonspecific mush. Provide links to give the first three sentences some grip.
Nope Biden is an old fashioned geezer just like Trump, but he did reduce my Obamacare premiums to ZERO, making a big difference in my monthly disposable income, and he GOT US OUT OF AFGHANISTAN-something that every President since Dubya has promised but none delivered, although Trump did surrender to the Taliban last year (and according to him, made several wonderful friends) and begin the pullout. He was too too much of a coward to make the hard call and pull our troops out because of the election (same as Obama), because it was destined to be ugly from the moment our Imperialist Neocon government invaded in 2001. Next time a Republican wants to go to war to boost his polling numbers with cheap fake patriotism, remember Afghanistan. And remember the gross three way love affair between Trump, China, and the Taliban. That's a lot of greasy old man bodies slapping together.
This is cool.
Kindergarten sandbox.
Throw sand at each other.
I remember going to bed and my teeth were still gritty.
The left side of government has many members that have an ideology in line with the teachings of a man that wouldn't hold a job to raise his own family. He wouldn't go to work. Was a mooch and a dead beat. Fact. And the US citizens that were left in Afghanistan will likely be killed by our enemies if not pulled out. I am absolutely confounded why there hasn't been large scale rage
Fascism is the thing to worry about and it is a right wing ideology. The orange clown wanted people in government killed so he could declare marshall law and remain in power. He's a sleazy liar and Putin has him in his pocket. I mean christ that orange thing came from a reality show. Still, I'd rather debate a Scientologist than a Trump Cult member. They're closer to reality.
Well now that that's settled....
Getting back to the Senate passing the Weed act, it appears that the real fight in Congress is that the Fed's haven't figured out how much their cut of the Weed Money ( Taxes, cost of Administration of the Legal Sales) they want. Look for your Dispensery bill's to increase!
I'll bet when it all over, the Fed's cut will be 25% or maybe more?
I'll bet Joe will sign for 25%!
The left side of government has many members that have an ideology in line with the teachings of a man that wouldn't hold a job to raise his own family. He wouldn't go to work. Was a mooch and a dead beat. Fact
For us who don't know who your talking about, would you be so kind as to put a name to this person.
Naturally you will discredit anything that challenges your outlook
Why is a religious organization promoting radical right-wing political propaganda? (Russia backed?) If they're a political or news org. they should pay tax. No one has heard of them except you. We should believe something from an organization we've never heard of? Google nut Job Trumper Paula White. It looks like you believe anything that reinforces your beliefs. No matter the source. You're obviously motivated By fear.
Naturally you will discredit anything that challenges your outlook
Wow Aapoo I didn't realize you are a born again christian.
Cool! Going with the pot twist in Genesis 1:29-30
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Wow Aapoo I didn't realize you are a born again christian.
Cool! Going with the pot twist in Genesis 1:29-30
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Religion is an easy grift. Jets, cars, money, women.

Bernie is the leftmost elected politician in Washington. And he is not a Socialist. He is a Social Democrat, an affiliation to the right of Socialism.
I do wonder what moral contortion gives the supposedly devout permission to tell such sinful lies. “74 Socialists in Congress” is laughably wrong. And it sounds like something the orange abomination would say.
Very, very true. There is a big difference between religion and faith.
I always found hope though with Billy Graham. He walked the talk.
Good soldier of G-d.
Not that I know of but okay, can't talk what I don't know I guess. Still a cushy job, never rause a blister slapping a Bible.
Bernie is the leftmost elected politician in Washington. And he is not a Socialist. He is a Social Democrat, an affiliation to the right of Socialism.
I do wonder what moral contortion gives the supposedly devout permission to tell such sinful lies. “74 Socialists in Congress” is laughably wrong. And it sounds like something the orange abomination would say.
Yeah the orange grifter is all about slander and playing on fears of the sheep for sure. His followers picked up the habit.
To get back to the original thread, what else did you expect? Did you expect the alcohol and tobacco industries to just roll over and accept legalization in the whole country? If you want weed to be legal you'll do it in the teeth of those addiction industries. Note that in the UK neither of the two main parties will legalise weed. For the same reason. Their bosses in the drink and smoke industries say no, it will harm their profits.
To get back to the original thread, what else did you expect? Did you expect the alcohol and tobacco industries to just roll over and accept legalization in the whole country? If you want weed to be legal you'll do it in the teeth of those addiction industries. Note that in the UK neither of the two main parties will legalise weed. For the same reason. Their bosses in the drink and smoke industries say no, it will harm their profits.
I think federal legalization is coming fast actually. There's money in it. Pot has helped a lot of people with their addiction but of course 12-step doesn't want to hear it.