Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds


Well-Known Member
Ok guys did forget to mention, (or was just putting it off) i cut the Big Buddha Cheese down that i thought was male............

I feel a bit stupid now hearing what mrwest said but thought i had a fella in the pack, what was i gonna do.

Am not gonna lie i have lost a little sleep over it as it was the biggest plant in the room and the most good looking but whats done is done, i still have loads of other ladys to love but what a dam shame lol

Will get some new pics up soon


mr west

Well-Known Member
oh sorry to put some doubt in ya heads man , it may of been a good call tho. We'll see how the others develope eh?


Active Member
That sucks you had to chop one, but hopefully it was for the best.
Everything else sure looks great though.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys just a quick update on the ladys, coming up to the end of week 2 so took a few snaps to show of my babys lol :-P

Nothing much to report really they all still going good getting quite stretchy now and the smell is getting stronger day by day but no buds so cant wait to see how they smell late into flowerin :shock:

All in all they standing fine and growing great, havent had many issues with these ladys at all, so fingers crossed it stays that way.

Ok so here is a few snaps of them after thier feed today -

That it really, as you can see they all shot up quite abit and in one of the pics you can tell i put the clone into the flowering room so every little helps lol and are starting to develope bud sites so a week or two we might be able to see a little bud, fingers crossed :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Ok so like in one of the above posts i mentioned that i got my hands on a Auto Blue strain and here iit is -

Not really a big fan of the Autos but like i said before its a freebie so cant complaine bud really stinks of dried pinapple cant wait to see what the smoke is like of that one, seems to be more on the sativa side, can tell from leafs and bud structure.

Have to say tho this little devil has some really nice lookings leafs on it, Nice dark shiny sleek sativa leafs lol....... And buds dont look that bad 2 :-o

Gotta Love a bit of bud porn lol :leaf:

Hope you like guys



Active Member
Ah man I wish I had your garden!
Your doing great Primz..... I love checking your grow, makes me want
to learn more and go


Well-Known Member
Try to keep your humidity extra low during late flowering, because of the large buds that your BB will form. I had to harvest my first batch of BB early due to bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Guys Guys Guys, got some crazy messed up news, the other month my next door neighbour had a issue with her cooker and the gas fitting that connects to the cooker is faulty so the council had to do some work. Today i got a knock on the door when i was in the grow room and it was the council they wanted to speak to me with regarding next door, of course i had to let them in as i am in a council house myself and im sure he was non the wiser lol

So the guy told me that due to the extensive damage to the gas fitting and they need to take down one side of her wall and because it is gas work they want to do a full serivce that means making a hole in my wall next to the grow room and the work men should be in for no longer than 10 days.................................................. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

Not sure what to do really, its ok giving one plant to a friend to look after but i have 20 of the things all 3-4 ft tall :( Dont thing it would be a good idea keeping them there while the work is done, i like weed but i dont like jail lol

WTF should i do, havent got much of a garden outside, the one friend who i know would have the space and room has just got married, all i have to hand that i can think of is the woods up the road, grew my first plant there when i was about 18 lol but other than that i think i might be screwed guys.

There is no way i can get away with it while council does work on the house, no way.

See all the girls have been vegged for 2 months nearly, looked after so well, feed and watered and are in their 2nd week of flowerin so what can i do..........


Well-Known Member
Guys Guys Guys, got some crazy messed up news, the other month my next door neighbour had a issue with her cooker and the gas fitting that connects to the cooker is faulty so the council had to do some work. Today i got a knock on the door when i was in the grow room and it was the council they wanted to speak to me with regarding next door, of course i had to let them in as i am in a council house myself and im sure he was non the wiser lol

So the guy told me that due to the extensive damage to the gas fitting and they need to take down one side of her wall and because it is gas work they want to do a full serivce that means making a hole in my wall next to the grow room and the work men should be in for no longer than 10 days.................................................. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

Not sure what to do really, its ok giving one plant to a friend to look after but i have 20 of the things all 3-4 ft tall :( Dont thing it would be a good idea keeping them there while the work is done, i like weed but i dont like jail lol

WTF should i do, havent got much of a garden outside, the one friend who i know would have the space and room has just got married, all i have to hand that i can think of is the woods up the road, grew my first plant there when i was about 18 lol but other than that i think i might be screwed guys.

There is no way i can get away with it while council does work on the house, no way.

See all the girls have been vegged for 2 months nearly, looked after so well, feed and watered and are in their 2nd week of flowerin so what can i do..........
Don't you know any other growers? If so, give them all to the other person to finish off and go 50/50 on the bud.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have asked the one guy i know who would be able to take all girls and the deal was go 50 50 on end product but as he has just got married 2 days ago its not something he wants there 2 days after his wedding lol. His Mrs said a flat no anyways lol.

Dont really know what else to do really other than to put them in the woods up the road from me............. F**Kin shame guys, Dont worry tho i still got a few hours to pull a rabbit out of the hat lol.

Will keep you all posted


mr west

Well-Known Member
is there a room that u coul;d hide the plants in wi9le they are there? I would get a load of boxes and box up the plants and tent and stuff for the day wile they there and pile clothes on top of em or some stuff as a diversion? its jus a day they wont hurt not having a light on em too much .


Well-Known Member
No they are there for 10 days min as they have to do some major gas works due to next doors f**k up, all was going so well man, ladys are going great but cant keep them boxed up for 10 days, and there is 20 of them all 3-4ft tall and about 2-3 ft wide so havent got a clue what to do now.

The more i think about it the only thing i can do is put them in the woods lol. :(


Active Member
Send them my way? lol.....

JK Primz, hope you figure something out, it would be a shame to have them go to waste.


Well-Known Member
No they are there for 10 days min as they have to do some major gas works due to next doors f**k up, all was going so well man, ladys are going great but cant keep them boxed up for 10 days, and there is 20 of them all 3-4ft tall and about 2-3 ft wide so havent got a clue what to do now.

The more i think about it the only thing i can do is put them in the woods lol. :(
No attic space?


Well-Known Member
None that is useable....... just think its gonne have to be one of thoes things we all have been here before in some way shape or form so i guess its just part of this lovly hobbie we all like lol

Will kee you updated guys

mr west

Well-Known Member
well u must be able to keep 1 of them for ten days tucked in a cupboard with a small cfl, trhen u can clone fuk out of her wen u can get back on it. One plant dont take up much room uve only gotta tuck it away wile they are on ya property and u can let her strech her legs wen they go for the day. Call her ann frank lol.


Hey primz,sorry to hear about your situation.Do you have a backyard shed you could use?I was wondering if you could help me out.I've got a 5 week old big bang grown from seed.I was just wondering,how long did you veg before you put it into flowering,and does it stretch alot during flowering?I was planning on from seed to flowering 2 months,then flower for 9 weeks,but space is limited so just wanted to know a rough size.The reason i ask you is because i barely ever see anyone posting about big bang,so i figured this was my chance to ask someone!Once i get some batteries for my camera,i'll post some pics of her.


Well-Known Member
Hi Thundernuts, yeah good to see you doing the Big Bang is a real nice plant to grow i think. I Vegged them for about 2 months and 2 weeks i think under 2 x 400w HPS and 1 x 125 duel spec CFL. ( 2 weeks from seeds with CFL and 8 weeks with HPS)

They do get quite more on the busy side than tall i would say then as soon as you switch over to 12/12 they do stretch a bit some of my girls was growing 1 inch per day on the topps.

If space is a issue then just vegg them for about 4-5 weeks, great plant and loves its feed so dont be shy also keep PH @ 5.5.

Post up some pics when you can mate.

Mr west - yeah i am gonna keep 1 of the gilrs under a very small CFL and just take as many cuttings as i can when the time is right and start all over again. Only thing is it has to go in the shed outside as there is no where else for it to go lol better than nothing man but will keep you all posted.


Thanks for the advice primz.I've only got one on the go for now.I'm using a 200w sunblaster cfl bulb at 6400k.Seems to work pretty good for one plant.gonna use it for both veg and flowering.I would like to use a hps,but heat and space are problems for me.Live in an apartment so i'm just using my broom closet for now.I'm using soil,and trying to keep the ph around 6.5-7.Also thinking of taking a few clones from her and putting them outside and see what happens.I will pick up some batteries tommorrow and post them so everyone can see(pics of the plant,not the batteries!!).


Well-Known Member
Ok so have had a very long night running around and trying to fix the issue i have, Ok so as in the above posts i explained that i had to get them out of the house due to the work thats being done, so heres what happened -

Lucky enough i had a friend come through and he could keep the largest girl i had in his grow tent so not to bad there.

Have made some room in the shed outside (i know not great but better than nothing) have got a 125w duel spec CFL in there over one Big Bang.

Had to give away 5 to a friend he gonna keep them in his garden and what ever happens he gonna give me 50% of the end product ( if they live )

And had to put the rest in the woods up the road have found a nice place that i thinks kind of secure but not the best for light i have to say.

Check it out not the best i have to say but have used all options that i have now and gotta make the best of it now.

Thats just some of them thats in the woods was just walking the dog and checked a few out quickly will be going back later to do a few things there.

Very weird how this has turned out, went from a great grow room, good equip a lot of love and attention and now its turned into a outdoor secret operation lol F**Kin Crazy lol
