Big Bang Grow 1


Active Member
Here are some pics of my first grow, they are big bang seeds, they have been going for about 2 &1/2 months now.

I have only just put them there new grow room, it uses a 400w sodium light... Im not 100% sure what im doing so any help would be great...

I have just been using the best soil i can and dont plan on using any nutrients, if this is wrong please let me know. they were both originaly in a small viv, with a shitty little light, that might explain the size.

Im was planning on leaving them in veg state for about another month and then putting them to flower

What do you all think. ...and thanks for any help and advice you can give.




Well-Known Member
They look a bit hungry to me.

How long have they been under the 400 watt HPS ?

And what kind of soil are you using ?

You will need nutrients eventually, but that can be handled pretty easy. Maybe a guano tea if you wanna go organic.


Active Member
They have been under that light for nearly 3 days, they have perked up a bit since, and one has grown about an inch. When you say feed them, what do you think they would like to eat???


Well-Known Member
Well that depends on what your soil has in it to start with.

Is it a completely inert mix, or does it have some kind of chemical or organic nutrient ?

Tell us what you used and we can better advise you.


Active Member
well i have put the highest quality soil i could get, my mate is a landscape gardener. thats all i put in it, any nutrients u could suggest to help???


Well-Known Member
looks healthy to to me.

let it grow a liitle bit and then top. i have some big bang and they are pretty resilient.