Big Bang,White Rino,Gigabud 35 days into 12/12 ..Bud Porn..


Well-Known Member
funny that G13 claims a 5 to 6 week flowering time for gigabud.
I read it was a 8 week strain. I'm sure I stunted the growth some how with all the different shit that went on in this grow. Looks great ,,,,big fat hard buds, very crystaly.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Finally back to this.. I have been busy the last few weeks with work so I have not had time to update this journal. O.K. last thing I did was add nutes again and wait it out till the amber was at least 50%. Well I had pulled a nug a few weeks ago and dried it and it was good...a head high..was not sure what that meant but now I do. Then last week some time I pulled 4 of the smaller stems cause we had no more weed. Well they dried and I put it on the scale and it came out to 3/8 of a oz so my total off the giga bud is about a half oz. I'm really happy cause I have about at least another 1 1/2 oz left on the plant after it dries. I also cut a stem off my best big bang yesterday and all I can say is wow, what a beauty. I will start to flush again tonight and I'll keep you posted on the harvest. Mean time enjoy these picsbongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Here are pic of my harvest, Big Bang, Gigabud, White Rino. The giga was 12 1/4 oz wet entire plant. The White rino was 7.5 oz and the big bang was 10oz's wet. Very nice buds, very sticky, smells great.:bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thank my man:weed: How is yours coming along Mr. Blackrose? I'll stop by and see, all that work is finally paying off. 3 of the plants are still drying but have a oz curing and I've been picking out of that and I'm a proud father:clap:. Cant wait for part 2 now that I know whats up.Thanks for the rep.


Well-Known Member
This is the plant I will grow again. From the smell to the look, the fat nuggs and the smoke. The final weight after drying is.......wait for it.........3oz's. Solid number, I was shooting for a oz a plant, she came through like a champ.:clap::clap: