Big Blue help

I have two big blues and a purp in a 4 by 4 space with a 600w hps, they are three weeks into flower. They are really big and bushy (big blue's) they are getting to the point they are running into each other is that a problem. I also noticed that a few of the bigger leaves were blocking light from other places where flowers were starting so i cut them is this a bad thing? Am I harming it by doing that? Also they are in soil, any ideas what kind of yeld? They were in veg. for 6 weeks. Thank you for any help!
The two big blues stand about 44 inches from the floor and are three weeks into flower. I have been using fox farm products. (dont know if that makes a difference) Please and thank you 2 anyone who could give any kind of help.
I had heard that getting help on here is a lot like fishing, you throw your question out there and someone will answer it. Well guys I have been fishing A LOT!! I LOVE IT!!!! But so far this pond sucks!


New Member
I have two big blues and a purp in a 4 by 4 space with a 600w hps, they are three weeks into flower. They are really big and bushy (big blue's) they are getting to the point they are running into each other is that a problem. I also noticed that a few of the bigger leaves were blocking light from other places where flowers were starting so i cut them is this a bad thing? Am I harming it by doing that? Also they are in soil, any ideas what kind of yeld? They were in veg. for 6 weeks. Thank you for any help!
Running into each other is not a big problem. If it is too crowded at some spots, the buds will just not get as much light (or sometimes air flow) and therefore will be a little more airy or "the fluff". Taking some of the leaves off should not stress them too bad, but be careful about how much you clip or tear off during flowering. Too much stress and you can cause a hermaphrodite. As for your yield, it is hard to say, but for a beginner, getting a pound per 600W light is a good goal to start with. I would bet you will have a learning curve, and off 3 plants, you will get 9 ounces. That is my bet. Good luck, and enjoy a smoke, man! And welcome to rollitup!
Thank you for dropping a few words of wisdom. I am new to r.i.u. and growing. I have noticed a few (as in maybe 5) fungi flys. I chopped up some tater's and put around top of soil and put tape (sticky side out) on the root of the plants. I have heard that they can majorly mess up your harvest. Is there any other ways to try to rid them? And once again thank you for taking time to help.


New Member
I am more than happy to answer your questions, if I know the answer. There is a troubleshooting section of RIU that is great, and you can use that to reference, it is pretty reliable. If their description does not help, then post a question. That is the beauty of rollitup, usually, someone here has gone through the problem before, and posted a great how-to on it. For the flies, sounds like the tape is good, I have heard of using some type of spider to control those also. No pest strips are probably the best bet. Some people say sand on the top of your soil, but in my opinion, that may keep oxygen from getting to your roots.

Ultimately, dude, you are going to learn a TON in the next year, and as long as you observe what you did, and the results, and adapt accordingly, you will most certainly improve! Growing is a passion, and you seem to crave knowledge, so you are off to a good start. Just be patient with your posts, it sometimes takes even a couple days to get flooded with answers. And every time someone posts on your thread, it shows up in recent posts, and is more likely to be viewed. Good luck!
I went to the link, but all I got out of it is that they are bad. This I know there are not a lot of them just a few that I have seen. I have put tape around base of the plant and taters on soil. Should I keep putting the potatoes on the soil and the tape until harvest? And if I do this will my end result be okay?
potatoes in the soil is just going to attract new pests mate, ditch those and just go with the tape.
Okay very good to know. I heard from the guy at the hydro store and the medical dispensary to use potatoes. I was wondering if they would cause problems considering how fast they get old and nasty. What about lady bugs? would they take care of it? I was told about "botanigard" was told it works well but have been unable to find any. I will put some pics up today to try and show how I did the tape just so maybe you could let me know if I am messing that up as well. Thank you so much I will have them pic's up later on. I also just google'd Botanigard it is about $80 I know sometimes cost should not be a factor when wanting an outstanding product. But $80 is $80 and is happier in my pocket. Is it worth it or not? And is there anything cheaper that would work about the same? Again thank you for your opinions.
The saying goes, and this is 100% true, "hit 'em when the numbers are small." Way more effective to just go completely overkill right away opposed to letting them get a foot hold on your plants.

Try to find something similar to this mate, under $10 bucks a bottle at worst.

I just looked it up, it says to spray on leaves? Do these bugs not lay larva in the soil? Is that not where I would want to attack them? Your advice is very important to me and I am in NO way trying to second guess you. It's just everywhere you go you hear something different. I just want to get it right. Thank you so much.
No problem mate, all you have to do is dilute with water and drench the soil with that. It's completely safe and organic and will dissipate very quickly. You also have to control the adults as well so spraying them outside of the soil is also crucial.

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No problem mate, all you have to do is dilute with water and drench the soil with that. It's completely safe and organic and will dissipate very quickly. You also have to control the adults as well so spraying them outside of the soil is also crucial.

The past few mornings I have noticed a few dried up small leaves on the bottom of two bigger plants (always on the bottom) and nothing like that has happened to the small plant in there. Any idea's to why this would be happening?
Could be a slight nitrogen deficiency but at the stage your plants are in, losing a leaf here and there isn't something to worry about. Watch the next few days and see if any leaves that higher up start to drop.
Will do again thank you so much for all help. So the tape, is that the way you were talking about putting it on? I will put up new pic's as things start to pick up a little. God bless and happy holidays.
Could be a slight nitrogen deficiency but at the stage your plants are in, losing a leaf here and there isn't something to worry about. Watch the next few days and see if any leaves that higher up start to drop.
So I went and put sand on the top of the soil in an effort to keep the top dry and unlikeable to any bug that likes wet soil to breed. I put up tape as shown in pic's, (should I put more tape going up the plant until it gets to some major branches or leaves? Also the past two days have not seen ANY bugs flying around!!!!! I know it takes 3-4 days for the larva to hatch. So I will continue to keep a very close eye on this. And one more thing kind sir, I am using a 600w hps. with three plants in a 4 by 4 grow tent. I wanted to use a 1,000w but two things told me no. One i was scared it would get to hot in the tent, second any idea what a 1,000w will do to your light bill verses using a 600w? I know it would make a bigger yield if I went bigger. And even though I am a legal Medical patent I just dont want to send any red flags up with the old electric company!
I'd put the tape more around the edge of the pot opposed to further up the stem. Electric companies raise a flag when you go over 1000w per room, so house with 6 rooms can stay under 6000w without raising flags. I'd personally never run a 1000w bulb no matter what the scenario, I'd add another 600w for better spread and you can keep them closer your plants for better penetration. Where I live, a 600w @ 12/12 adds $15 per month to the bill. I'm guessing a 1000w would add around $25 to your bill depending on how much you pay per kw/h. 1000w x 30days x 12hours / 1000(kw) = 360kw/h per month. Just multiple 360kw/h x (your kw/h cost).