big bud advanced nutrients in dwc?


Well-Known Member
just wondering if anyone has used big bud advanced nutes in there rez and how they got there measurements, i got a free sample sent to me and wanna try it out in my dwc. the bottle says use 2ml/L my res is 8 gallons , 1gallon =3.75L does 46ml in my res sound like too much to anyone else......

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Use half of the amount d big bud as you do your base nutrients. So if base is at 8ml/gal then do additives at 4ml/gal. This is for advanced nutrients bases. Not sure if that ratio will work with other companies.


Well-Known Member
Use half of the amount d big bud as you do your base nutrients. So if base is at 8ml/gal then do additives at 4ml/gal. This is for advanced nutrients bases. Not sure if that ratio will work with other companies.
was gonna start at 1/2 teaspoon per gal...go from there