Big Bud-first grow


Active Member
I'm a first time grower (hydroponics). I germinated 5 Big Bud seeds from Nirvana Seed Bank. They all broke through the rockwool on the second day. Now they are a little over a week old, and I'm a little concerned. They seem to be too tall and skinny. They are already 3 inches tall, but they barely have 4 leaves (all on 1 node). I've got 2-20w cfl's above them about 6 inches. A couple are starting to lean to one side and one is even laying down(leaves still on top, but stem almost on the rockwool). I know it's hard to describe. Once I get a digital camera, I'll post some photos. Just wondering if I need to be patient, tie the stems to a stick, or maybe use some sort of chemical, i.e. bushmaster, or what???
Thanks for any help to this newbie.


Well-Known Member
you can tie them to stick use string or rubber coated wire, but lower your lights cfl's can be as close as 2 inches


Active Member
Thanks hendry,
How about a twist tie? What will the leaves look like if they get too close to the light?


Well-Known Member
the tips will burn turning brown i had a leaf the other day get too close without me knowing i just cut the burnt end off its fine now


Well-Known Member
in the past i use to build little teepee like structures out of toothpicks until it strenghen up and then when i would repot i would bury pretty much up to bottom node


Active Member
Thanks again,
So if they sprouted a week ago, should I start like 1/4 nutes in a week or wait until they are visibly stronger (maybe 2 weeks)?


Active Member
How do I make the stems stronger. Should I have a fan blowing directly at them or to the side? Should I try bending them over for a little bit every day? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
just have the fan in the room with them if its too strong could make plants topple over and die


Active Member
Ok, I buried the 5 sprouts up to the leaves in 6 inch rockwool. They are now 2 weeks old, but judging by other photos on here, it looks like I am a week behind. I have only 2 20watt florescent(sp?) bulbs about 2 inches from the tops (the plants are about 2 inches tall). I have only been watering them once a day and I'm using tap water. The ppm is only 150, so I thought I could let the water set out for a few days before I used it.(I've heard this helps get rid of some of the chlorine). I know I should use distilled water, but how much of a difference does it make(in yield especially?) Now 2 of the tops are yellow in the center, but the rest of the leaves and the other 2 plants have green leaves that don't droop or curl.
Thanks for any and all advice to this noob:?


Well-Known Member
2 20 watt CFL is not enough light, try 3 or 4 45 watt CFL (200W equivalent). If the leaves are already yellowing, its usually a sign of over watering or a nitrogen deficiency. If the yellowing is just from the new growth area, then I wouldn't worry, that is typical. Are you going to run hydro with this grow?


Well-Known Member
No drama i right. You need more light. The yellowing is likely a nutrient block maybe from the rookwool or maybe from watering. Work on your pH then the nutes


Active Member
your ph will lock up all kinds of shit, keep it at 6.3. The plants strech because the low level light source. Water when they are dry at the bottom, let the plant go through a wet and dry cycle thats important with soil grows. No fan if the plants are streching you will destroy them though stress!!! fuck that toothpick and swistie tie shit at that stage. transplant into another cup with the stem burried a couple inches. get a bettter light source!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the only way to help them grow it will take 24 months to bloom a plant under your current set up:confused:.Grow shops will be a place to start:mrgreen:, good luck noob!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
I do the same thing with my plants if they get leggy. I also throw a little root hormone on the trunk in transplant. It helps to form new roots as well as really thickens the stalk


Well-Known Member
nutes after the end of week 3. begin with 1/4 strenght, then 1/2 then, if nuffin bad happen, blow their shits out :D lol....i feed on every third best


Active Member
your ph will lock up all kinds of shit, keep it at 6.3. The plants strech because the low level light source. Water when they are dry at the bottom, let the plant go through a wet and dry cycle thats important with soil grows. No fan if the plants are streching you will destroy them though stress!!! fuck that toothpick and swistie tie shit at that stage. transplant into another cup with the stem burried a couple inches. get a bettter light source!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the only way to help them grow it will take 24 months to bloom a plant under your current set up:confused:.Grow shops will be a place to start:mrgreen:, good luck noob!!!:hump:
24 months...I'm getting impatient after only (almost) 24 days! Ya, it's supposed to be like a propagation chamber to keep clones going, but I guess obviously it's not enough for good vegetative growth.
So if I put these under a 600 HPS will the vegetative growth still be ok, or do I need an MH bulb too?
Thanks for the help....