Big Bud Grow from seed: day 44 aeroponics


Well-Known Member
ok... tonight we killed 2 of the three plants. We saw little pollen sacs developing on two plants and one plant with the telltale white hairs. We are now left with one female a week into flowering and 5 clones.


Active Member
Looking awesome.Ive been growing big bud for about five years and love it.Good yields and potent highs.Easy to clone.I will be watching this.Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement. I will have more pics tonight of the remaining female and her 5 clones.


Well-Known Member
she is going to be on spoiled female with all that light to herself.

lol....looking great man. you and email with you all's damn rainforest


Well-Known Member
looking great dude. I was wondering how the cloner works. Im looking for a cheap way to create a clone box...since the soil thing just inst working for me. How does it work exactly. BTW your setup looks really clean and nice. I enjoyed reading your thread so far and jeep up the good work. Check mine out too!


Well-Known Member
The cloner has an air pump attached to tubes laying in the tank. Holes in the tubes aerate the nutrient solution. There is a pump in the tub that has a manifold with sprayer nozzles attached. This creates a fine mist to the fresh cuttings. I have been getting solid roots in 7 to day days.