"Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off


Active Member
I've been growing Sensi Big Bud for about a year. Every so often, I will get a perfect plant just suddenly start to die in bloom no matter what I do. have 4 or 5 others goign out of the same res., and they are fine. Wondering if anyone else experienced this and what it might be? Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
may be a root problem, i have had this happen to some bubbas do this to me in the past and they didnt have as much of a root structure as the others, so i chalked it up to them not being able to keep up with the feeding schedule with the others, but if i lowered nutes the others would suffer so i just let it be.


Active Member
Only thing I can think of is that i moved them the day before and i may have dmaged it. Only moved it about a foot though.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...as said, root damage. Moving them in a hydro set up can do some damage if not really careful....what are your roots looking like? ...green on medium? ...brown in res?


Active Member
Lost the plant, so i disected it. I run an ebb and gro, buckets, and just slid across floor about a foot. However, when I took it apart, looks like i broke it at its base. It was about 5 ft. tall.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
maybe a plant disease, just putting it out there idk. Since it only strikes certain plants. What happens as it dies? What do the leafs do?
Is it wilting, like no water? If so check water temperature...68-73 is where u want to be. Very common beginner issue if your just learning. Stainless steal coil 2 a garden hose to drain in res, adjust flow till you hit desired temps. DONT USE COPPER !!


Well-Known Member
im putting this down to root conditions as well. This happens a lot to me. 7 clones off a strong mother and one just collapses and dies whilst all else flourish.

Its a numbers game in my experience, and impossible to overcome.