big bud x white widow leafs to big


can anyone help i have 4 big bud x white widow in soil on 600 watt hps what i have had in the past (4th time grower) is 2 big fan like leaves but with this 4 i have around 6 what is causing to block the light getting at the bottom. i am on week 5 on veg also i am hearing that this plant should go to 3-4 feet but where i bought the seeds from says (well respected company) 40 to 60cm so can anyone tell 1,what to do about the leafs 2,how long should it be around on veg and 3,what is the sizes of these plants? PLEASE HELP :?::confused: THANKS


Active Member
You can prune leaves where ever you want.
The plant size is totally up to you. How much it stretches can only be figured out with experience growing that particular plant/pheno.


Well-Known Member
SLantys right, if the leaves are to big for you....Cut those fuckers right off haha, its not gonna hurt the plants feelings if you give it a hair cut


have you done this plant b4 if yes whats true 40 to 60 cm or 3 to 4 feet and around how long on veg any info would be helpful thanks.


Well-Known Member
I flowered my BB for 8 weeks bfore harvest but it was too early, even tho, the smoke was descent. It grew approx 3 feet. I'm not sure but I think I veged for 5 weeks. Next time I'll only veg for 2 weeks and see whar happens. My white widow is currently in flower for 6 weeks, I'm going to let it go 10 to 12 depending on how the trichs look. The BB was a nice plant, quite busshy and lots of side branches. Looking forward to grow it again.


Active Member
have you done this plant b4 if yes whats true 40 to 60 cm or 3 to 4 feet and around how long on veg any info would be helpful thanks.
Apparently you didn't read my 1st response. Even if people have grown that particular strain before means very little as you are growing from seed. Only you will be able to truly answer those questions once you grow it out! If you are concerned about space, then start your 12/12 early and note how much it stretches for next time you run it!


thanks slanty i did read your ist 1 replay i was just looking for somone that has grown this seed b4 i know no 2 plants are the same but like 40cm are a big diffidence to up to 4 feet its not just this its also to do with where i get my seed from as what i read on the site has turned out to be a lie so if they are writing lies what else could they be to telling i wont get from there again.also this is only my 3rd grow the other 2 where all low riders what are not like bb x ww thanks for the advise mate i am taking in what everyone has told me Dee tee to jswett i am having problems getting light to 2 of them because of the leafs somone sayed on the site to not cut the leafs off i am more confused now but if i cant get light into it something will have to go as these 2 are holding up 4 more plants 2x BB & WW also 2 x northern lights so thanks all for the advice if you have anymore please tell me more as i am grateful. happy smocking people

no clue

Well-Known Member
Haven't grown that strain. Big fan leaves are good..should mean there is a healthy root system. I wouldn't worry so much about light getting to all parts of the plant. It will grow and expose different parts of itself to the light. Leave the leaves alone. Big fan leaves are like the engine of the plant. Healthy roots and leaves will grow you lots of buds!


Active Member
If is veg state, and you have good root structure down below, you can prune/remove as many leaves as you want. It will just promote new growth. Once you flip to bud cycle, you won't want to prune/remove much of anything after about week 2 of flower as you will do more harm than good.


whats about the biggest pot be i have 2 bigger ones if i use new soil that's got feed in it.will that matter?but i may have used stuff i used in the past that's got past feeds whats best


Well-Known Member
"You can prune leaves where ever you want." Up to a point.

Fan leaves help the plant turn light into a form of energy the plant can use. The earlier in a grow the more
important the fan leaves are. You can trim a few with no problems, but, if you pass a critical point your leaves
will start to grow out white. Albino white. I had to throw out 4 plants worth of bud because I over-trimmed the
fan leaves and didn't know enough to recognize that white leaves are fatal.

Get in the habit of ignoring individual leaves. You can go crazy playing "what-if" with Mother Nature.

Good luck, BigSteve.


i have been thinking a lot about this.are they a problem putting in new soil into the plants because if yes what should i do they have been on 12/12 for a couple of days would be good to know. thanks cheers.happy smoking:leaf:


bigsteve i am 3 days into 12/12 am i to late to re pot or could it set the plant back using old or new soil after 12/12 because of the feed that's in it when you get it or past used feed being in the old is this a problem? this is a shout to anyone that can help. bigsteve you where the last 1 to give advise and thanks its just getting 1 0r 2 remarks just takes the piss but they are not 1 person on this site that knows everything we can all learn something or look @ doing something new.i would like to learn how to grow diffident not using soil.this is my 4th grow but everyone needs different treatment i did low riders in the past and they do not work on a 12/12 i found out just in time i don't even allow my partner (girlfriend) to know about what i do and i wont ask even guys i have known for years as u can lose everything on one slip of the tongue you will lose everything i did 8 months ago had to save up again i had more stuff then over £450.i was gutted so now i only speak to people like on line after this 1 finished i have time for 1 more grow as i am moving i am looking for around 20.anyway don't count your chicks as they if u have anything that could help please let me know piss takers remember your 1st grow?.thanks all.happy smoking


Well-Known Member
What size the plant can get, or what they tell you the plant can get don't matter at can shape that thing into a 12 foot unicorn given the space, time, and patience...I mean 3 feet, or 12 inches...all up to pick.


Well-Known Member
"You can prune leaves where ever you want." Up to a point.

Fan leaves help the plant turn light into a form of energy the plant can use. The earlier in a grow the more
important the fan leaves are. You can trim a few with no problems, but, if you pass a critical point your leaves
will start to grow out white. Albino white. I had to throw out 4 plants worth of bud because I over-trimmed the
fan leaves and didn't know enough to recognize that white leaves are fatal.

Get in the habit of ignoring individual leaves. You can go crazy playing "what-if" with Mother Nature.

Good luck, BigSteve.
The only way you can "overtrim" a plant is to cut all the leaves off totally...but as long as you leave at least one set of leaves on the stalk, they will grow a whole new plant---That is fact! Absolute fact...Nothing about trimming a plant would make it grow white...Sometimes I reveg by chopping the plant, but leaving the very little bitty frondly branches at the bottom, and they alone will grow a new plant to replace the So don't make the thing bald and it will grow back in whatever you removed, but double...takes a while unless you are ready for a long wait