Big buddah blue cheese, should i pick or leave ??


Active Member
Yo , ecktoplazm here needing some input on my blue cheese girls,
they have been in flower for 8 weeks and 1day but I'm not sure if
i should pick them or not, they have loads off orange pistols and
the smell is so pungent I can barley hold back from chopping them.
What ya think, chop now or another week ?? Cheers ecktoplazm


Active Member
in a friends garage inside a grow tent user 600 watt, if anyone has grown this
particular strain I'm just looking or the perfect harvest time


Well-Known Member
I have grown that strain before. There are two distinctive phenotypes the one leaning to blueberry and its short finishes faster and the better phenotype the sativa dominant one leaning to the cheese and it takes longer to finish. If I were you I would get some microscopic aid and examine your trichromes. That is the way to get the perfect harvest time catered to your likes in terms of high.


Active Member
Thanks Bro will need to order one off these magnifiers then. They look so juicy,
i think I have the cheese pheno , very strong cheese odour and little
to almost no blueberry scent, thanks again


Well-Known Member
Pics help but really it is all up to you I want a good high but not fall asleep high but I also dont want to loose out on weight from pull while in the final swell. It is hard for most to decide on when to harvest. I am in the stage right now with 4 plants, to cut or to wait......


Well-Known Member
That's a shame, I am at week five with my first attempt at growing BB Blu CHeese. I got the seeds by accident after drowning my BB Cheese, and being so stoned when I asked for another packet the following week, I actually got Blu Cheese by mistake. Glad I did. Before this I had been cloning a blueberry for 18 months and loved it, and now when I open the tent I get that fruity smell, and almost no cheese smell at all. Funny how it goes. Will be looking forward to finding out what it turns out like