Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership


Active Member
ancap i installed fans in my pro.

two fans, suction cup. This works wonders in there. No heat problems even if plants are touching the glass!! Fans on both corners pointed at the glass.

Problem is either grabing power from the cfl socket or bringing in another power source.


Active Member
Ok im going with the two fan idea since my mothership does not have an intake fan in the back bottom like yours do. So i changed the res yesterday and switched the lights to 12/12 when the lights came on i checked the res and almost ALL the water was gone. There was just enough water to cover part of the airstones not even all the airstones. My res is 6 gallons and i dont think there was even 1 galon left in the res. Is it possible my plants were that thirsty and drank all that damn water?? Also since there was like no water left i obviously had to add more and i added about 5 gallons. Do i add more nutes to the new res water since it was so damn low. I know you wouldnt if you just had to add a little more water from evaporation or your plants being thirsty but i pretty much had to fill up the whole res. So should i have added more nutes?? I added just a tiny bit of the sensi bloom A&B and a tiny bit of superthrive but prolly 1/10th of what i should if i was chaning the res after a week. Or should i just put straight water in there since the plants might have drank all the nutes. Anyway the plants still look very healthy and i will have some pics up soon


Active Member
Holy shit im a complete idiot i changed my res yesterday and the little knob you turn thats connected to the dripper system that empties your res for you, Well..... I never turned the knob back to close it. So when i was gone today and the drippers turned on all the water poured out my res and onto my floor and got soaked up by some clothes that were down there so i didnt know. Good thing i turned the drip system on for a minutes casue i thought they needed some water lol. Im an idiot guess my last question doesnt matter i need to re-add the nutes now. Fuck what a waste of nutes i dont have alot of that sweet left lol.


Active Member
ancap i installed fans in my pro.

two fans, suction cup. This works wonders in there. No heat problems even if plants are touching the glass!! Fans on both corners pointed at the glass.

Problem is either grabing power from the cfl socket or bringing in another power source.
Do you have any pictures? How does the glass cool down since the heat is being generated from above. The glass in mine is almost too hot to touch.

Think I could rig up a small battery operated fan to hang on the side wall and be just as effective?


Active Member
Here are some pics of day 1 Flower. I ended up keeping 3 plants. 1st picture is of the two i was going to keep all along, 2nd picture is of the 3rd plant i ended up keeping casue it started to look real good, 3rd and 4th pic is of the two real good plants. Nutes used for flowering are. 50ml of sensi grow A&B- 15ml of magical- 15 ml of awsome blossom- 20 ml of sweet- and a few drops of superthrive



Active Member
Ok def got some serious root rot going on. Like i said i have a bunch of new roots coming in but the old ones have got real bad there super slimey and have shit all over them and the new roots are about to grow into the older bigger ones. So i am going to buy the h202 or hydrogen peroxide tommorrow for sure. However the question i really need responded to is should i cut the old roots and get all that kunk off and out of the res?? Or should i just try to clean them?? I really think cutting them is the way to go since its fing nasty but i dont know how that will effect the plants. So if it is really going to effect them i wont do it but i need some advice. Here is two pics of the roots



Active Member
Never had root rot, but Ive heard that many (most) people cut away the bad roots and soak the rest in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Sorry to hear this man. Bummer!


Active Member
Its all good its casue its like 100 degrees in Va and i cant keep my damn res temps down there getting to like 80 degrees sometimes like 82 and my box is getting to be like 93 degrees installing 2 fans tommorrow changing the res again and adding some hydrogen peroxide and cutting the roots away that are super nasty and trying to figure something out on how to keep the res temps down. Hopefully the fans will help some with the res since the box will be cooler the res will be a little cooler might have to just buy a damn water chiller thing but i really dont want to spend like 150 on that shit. If anyone has ideas on how to keep the res temps down and what i should do with this root rot please feel free to give me some advice!!


Active Member
That's weird. I live in a more southern state and have no heat problems with my producer as long as I have my ac going. Your box doesn't have an exhaust?


Active Member
it has an exhaust but not intake i think. There is one fan in the front top left corner that is sucking air up towards the light then on the back right there is the carbon filter and that sucks air out the back right. So there is an exhaust but nothing bringing fresh cool air in


Active Member
So it's like a passive intake then. There must be some kind of way for the negative pressure from the exhaust to suck in fresh air. It's strange to me that there isn't some kind of intake fan. Maybe it wasn't designed for high temps?


Active Member
can u take carbon filter off? this will reduce heat. and shit dosent start to smell till like 3-4 weeks into flower. fill balloons freez then ull have huge blocks of ice to keep rez temp down

get hydrogen proxide. cutting roots will slow them down alot. if still in veg all good.


Active Member
Just run some h202 in your system and it should clear that shit up. You rot isnt looking that bad, possibly some mold/fungus growing on roots. I can still see white roots under the slim. Run your system with plain water and h202 drippers on all the time. make sure each plant is getting good amount of air bubbles. Dipping roots in h202 solution or cut roots should be last option.


Active Member
ok i Just bought some hydrogen peroxide it says its 3 percent my res is suppose to have 6 gallons of water in it so how much hydrogen peroxide should i put in with jus the fresh water? I should empty my res and just put fresh water and hydrogen peroxide in right? I just started flowering 2 days ago is this still fine?? And ya there are 4 airstones i feel like there is plenty of bubbles for the trhee plants.