Big buds and Eastern Europe wild cannabis.

Looks good but there is alot of streching looks like you might be able to lower your light a little??
As I started to mist my cuttings frequantly, they started to feel much better.
Tomorrow will buy soil and take cuttings from plants, that aren`t growing well and throw them out, so there is more space for good plants. Sad, but that`s the best choice.
Still gonna get some bud from those cuttings.
When those cuttings will develop roots and start to grow, I will put my plants in flowering. At last!
I tie my plants down after day or two, so they don`t get too tall.


Well-Known Member
Hi, Masterofgenetics, I had stretching at the begining, when I had poor light. And new plants, that are smaller, are from my friend - he also had same problem. Now there is no stretching. My lights are 3 - 5 cm from tops.
Sorry, and didn`t understand this one "Man I hate those kinda of I want pictures!!"

But thanks for your comment.


Well-Known Member
Bought mylar, but thought it is longer, so didn`t mahage to cover all walls. Tomorrow will buy more and do it to the end.
Three plants are gone - took 15 cuttings, but only 5 - 7 are good, others are very small, but maybe they will root. I give them 10 days till start of flowering.



Well-Known Member
One bulb went down, so now I have only two 85w and one 65 w. I planned to buy more 160 w, but now I will have to buy more.
But plants still are growing good.

As I`m close to flowering, I want to buy some nutrients. I plant to buy Schultz 0-50-0 (I hope it`s right). What can I buy or do to make bigger yield?

And there is something odd going on with Wild one - some of her hairs are going brown, pink, red. First hair appeard before 3 weeks. I don`t believe that she is already going to the end.
So, what could be the reason? Genetics, stress or something else?



Well-Known Member
Gave water with all kind of nutrients. In the evening they looked lot more better.
Wild one is developing buds very slowly, but, I guess, sativa dominant makes it go longer. Yeah, and I made pictures of those hair, that are going brown,red, pink.



Well-Known Member
Plants look nice and healthy.
After last party, when we smoked in the same room where are plants, progress was smaller. Cuttings got droopy. So now I know for sure - smoke is harmfull for plants.
During this week I`m gonna get my grant from school, so gonna update - nutrients for flowering, lights and a fan. Hope I will get enough money for atleast nutrients. But a fan is realy needed - humidity in my closet is high as I have many plants.
Yesterday took two cuttings from BB and started to germinate 4 wild cannabis seeds. I want to fill all the space I can. If I get only 5 grams from those, it`s still bud. They`re not gonna get much light, but I have very many wild cannabis seeds.



Well-Known Member
Leaf problems.
1.I noticed some leafe problem on one of BB. There are only few leafes with same problem. Nothing wrong with other BB.
2.Also Wild one is changig leafe color, but, I guess, she is pumping out nitrogen, but wan`t to hear your opinion, growers.
3.And oldest WO cutting look slike wilting.
Temp: from 21 to 27 degress celsius.
Humidity: don`t know realy, but I feel it`s high, because there are very many plants in small place and I don`t have a fan.
pH: don`t know.
Nutrients: I give them Schultz plant food (10 15 10) 4 drops on 2 liters,
Schultz African violet (8 14 9) 4 drops on 2 liters,
local Ca nutrient (2 - 3 drops),
local NK+mikro(2-3 drops).
WO cutting gets pure tap water.
I will browse again through grow faq, but your opinions are welcomed.

But there are good news - new cuttings already are developing roots (took on sunday). I used Schultz rooting powder, put them in water, covered with foil.
WO is developing nice buds. Still small, but there is progress.
Other plants look very nice.



Well-Known Member
looks like your overwatering a few of those. Get those bulbs sideways, most of the output comes from the side of the bulb. Go to the hardware store and get yourself a peice of tin, or duct and make a reflecter for them. Just rig a way to mount the socket inside. Also you mentioned not having a fan, get one. If you only get one, use it to exhaust your room and passivly pull air in from the bottom. With the co2, just a few bottles of yeast will work for cfls. Fresh air is your friend, do this and youll see alot more growth.

And your friend that couldnt grow anymore, whats he doing with his lights?
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Well-Known Member
cannabiscrusader said:
looks like your overwatering a few of those. Get those bulbs sideways, most of the output comes from the side of the bulb. Go to the hardware store and get yourself a peice of tin, or duct and make a reflecter for them. Just rig a way to mount the socket inside. Also you mentioned not having a fan, get one. If you only get one, use it to exhaust your room and passivly pull air in from the bottom. With the co2, just a few bottles of yeast will work for cfls. Fresh air is your friend, do this and youll see alot more growth.

And your friend that couldnt grow anymore, whats he doing with his lights?
Overwtered is the third pic plant? Yeah, I think you`re right, because thats a cutting - I am watering it every second day. Will water it every third or 4th day.
Gonna need some help from friends, because I don`t have enough money for all the stuff I need at the moment.
About bulbs - I thought about making some reflector, and You gave me a great idea about tin reflector.
But first thing, I will have to buy, is a fan, because the humidity in the closet is too high.
What do You think about two first pics? I doubt it is overwatering. I think plants are not getting enough some of nutrient. I`m thinking about flush. Maybe that will help?
He is doing nothing with his lamps. They are 6500K cfl`s. Two or three 16 w. You think I should add them?

And thanks for Your advices! Rep for You. :)


Well-Known Member
if you are using a potting soil i would flush. Potting soil mixes usually have time release pelets in them that can lead to ph fluctuations and over fert. Either way id say the first two got some ph issues, a good flush should solve that. Just make sure you let the soil dry out, give it at least 4 days or more if need be. Pick up the pot is the best way to tell when to water. When ph levels get messed up it causes the plant to not be able to take up certain nutreints, or lock out. Overwatering also leads to root rot wich will kill your plants to the point of no return. So dont just water every two days, check the wieght of the pot to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Should I flush immediately or wait, till they dry out? I would flush, when they get dry, but I better ask. And I`ve heard, that people use molasses, when they flush. It helps?
Ok, I guess a fan will be my next purchase.
I remembered, that I can make some reflectors from what I`ve got in my countryside. My grandpa is a engineer, so he could realy help with some advice.

Thanks for Your help, cannabiscrusader. :)


Well-Known Member
flush now but first wet the souil thoroughly and let it sit for about 10 min to break down whatever salt build up you got in there. Then flush the soil with a cap full of h2o2 for every gallon of water, this will get o2 to your roots while you got all that water saturated for the next 4 days or so. Check the run off in the bucket your catching the water in, flush til it clears up.

Can those lights go in a normal light socket?


Well-Known Member
cannabiscrusader said:
flush now but first wet the souil thoroughly and let it sit for about 10 min to break down whatever salt build up you got in there. Then flush the soil with a cap full of h2o2 for every gallon of water, this will get o2 to your roots while you got all that water saturated for the next 4 days or so. Check the run off in the bucket your catching the water in, flush til it clears up.

Can those lights go in a normal light socket?
h2o2 is hydrogen peroxyde that`s used in medicine? I have 3% h202 - that will work? "cap" - You mean one drop?
Yeah, those lights go in normal socket. If I will use them, than I will put them on bottom of my closet, so the lowest side branches could get light.


Well-Known Member
DeweY said:
Looks Like Your Shits Goin Good , Thanks For Hitting Up My tread :D
Thanks. :) Always could be better, but glad I have oportunity to grow and learn.
But there is one thing I can`t understand - why people call it shit?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone said this but I would suggest putting some of those CFL's on there side because with them pointing down the way they are now all of the light is going to the sides of the box and not directly onto the plants. Just a thought. Good luck man

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Well-Known Member
tom__420 said:
I don't know if anyone said this but I would suggest putting some of those CFL's on there side because with them pointing down the way they are now all of the light is going to the sides of the box and not directly onto the plants. Just a thought. Good luck man

Yeah, people suggest, to put them sideways. Soon I will make some reflectors and do it.
Thanks, I will need some luck!