Big clean up job on trimmy underpurged BHO.


New Member
So tis the season, i have just acquired an amount of blackish green BHO that is entirely under purged (still spits fire). This will be a small journal of the process i am using to both purge and make this oil a little more palatable. First winterization, i grabbed some 750 ml bottles of everclear 190 proof. For anyone that doesn't know winterization is a process of freeze separating undesirables from desirable thcs, cb-s, and terpines. Using alcohol as the solvent I will freeze a solution of 1 parts oil 8 parts solvent. After about 48 hours a layer of fatty unnattractive goo will form. Then to filtering... So heres the mistake, probably poorly cured or old material. The transparency shot is of a paper thin slice of the oil, dark stuff. Now time to dissolve



New Member
This has barely dissolved and the lipids are apparent in the solution, Only a little worried about yield loss, but as it aint my loss, no worries.



New Member
Filtering through coffee filters, sticks, dog hair, leaf bits, and finally a beetle. Also a jar and a half of goo which i turned into three by doubling it with everclear to reclaim whatever was left in there by warming the solution up to 110 for 6 hours then refreazing and filtering.IMG_9702.JPG IMG_9704.JPG