Big Devil Autoflower Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Very nice. I bet those are at least double the size of my Big Devil. I don't have the side branching that yours have.
Thnks Pablo. Well i dont know what it was that the plant liked so much during it's lifetime but yeah it has a lot of side branches. Ii chopped a few hours ago the most mature one of the two. :smile: Spend two hours trimming, and just smoked the ball of sticky scissor hash.. *ggtsjingg* :wink:
Anyway, the first chopped plant has shrunk now to minute buds.. so, yes that was chopped too early. I am thinking of turning that one into hash, by desolving it into a jar of isopropyl alcohol. Have you got experience in that method Pablo?


Well-Known Member
Thnks Pablo. Well i dont know what it was that the plant liked so much during it's lifetime but yeah it has a lot of side branches. Ii chopped a few hours ago the most mature one of the two. :smile: Spend two hours trimming, and just smoked the ball of sticky scissor hash.. *ggtsjingg* :wink:
Anyway, the first chopped plant has shrunk now to minute buds.. so, yes that was chopped too early. I am thinking of turning that one into hash, by desolving it into a jar of isopropyl alcohol. Have you got experience in that method Pablo?
Hey automon, nope I've never made hash before. Hell, I've never even done the finger/scissor hash thing. You just scrape it off and put it in a bowl?

More importantly, reading about your harvests is cool and all, but we want pics damnit! :blsmoke:


Active Member
Hey automon, nope I've never made hash before. Hell, I've never even done the finger/scissor hash thing. You just scrape it off and put it in a bowl?

More importantly, reading about your harvests is cool and all, but we want pics damnit! :blsmoke:
Ok :-)

drying 2nd and third pland on drying rack. Not bad for an outdoor.
Nice and firm, sticky and smelly (but not dramatically)

This is what i got from the first plant.

I am going to try to make oil with this with alcohol extraction. So isopropyl alcohol is the nicest i read, when you take 99%pure (or better, scientific grade) You just throw in a litre of that stuff in the jar and shake. And wait.. After that, filtering, drying and voila.. oil.
This is actually 65grams but not the nicest buds ive seen though. I spend a lot of time trimming because of the amount of mini leaves.

And oh yeah, i kept the trimming and also want to make oil of that.


Active Member

And yes, the scissor sticky stuff is excellent smoke. If you can get it in your bowl properly that is...


Well-Known Member
id love to see ur other plants that grow longer looks like this couldve went a couple weeks longer but shit either way it looks dank, love the bright green color


Well-Known Member
Just an opinion, but your other two plants you should let go until all the fan leaves curl up and die, let all the trichs turn amber and see how the smoke is. You said the first one was a little early, I thought it was alot early. Just an opinion. I prefer my buds well done. I've only grown bagseed and I have no experience with good genetics, but the last two years I have grown some great bagseed smoke. Not knocking your grow, those plants are/were beautiful!! Nice Job!! +rep to ya


Active Member
Thanks guys!

The option to let them grow even longer was tricky as the weather is changing, meaning a lot of rain. I was figuring that rain is very crappy when buds are in such developed stage. Specially if the plants/buds don't get the chance to dry, hence causing mold. But then again i don't have the years of experience to claim that rain is bad.
On the other hand, i did try and test-smoke a litttle bit before chopping, and also most hair had turned brown and also the calyxis had swollen a lot.
The buds from the second and third plant are for sure a lot bigger, fatter and covered in trichs.

the first plant has second grade buds, so it will become oil (hopefully)
At one point i was even thinking of turning the complete grow into oil.. ;-)

Thanks again for visiting guys.


Active Member
Here are some pics of the buds i got from the 2nd and 3rd plant that got approx 10 weeks of lifetime. I think it is not bad. ;-)

I am trying to cure them with the container open-closed alteration method.


Active Member
I am allmost done with the drying, and some ended up in the three 2 litre size "Weck" bottles. Every morning i open them en let them breath. In case of "dampy" buds (squeezy texture) i lay them om a piece of newspaper and let them dry a bit. I sort of graded the buds, because at least one plant was chopped to early and so the buds are small and leafy. The other two plants delivered good quality smoke.

Like i mentioned before, i would like to make hashoil but i am very hesistant towards the butane extraction thing as i think it is $#%!!^*^$ dangerous! The other option (the healthiest in my opinion) is using bubble bags ice etc, but there are expensive (80 Euros) so no fun there. The one i think is perfect for me is by using alcohol. Trouble there is that the ultra pure alcohol over here is extremely hard to come by, and is also very expensive (scientific chroma grade stuff). I did buy a litre of 96% grade alcohol but that got additives like: methylethylketon and linalylacetate. I looked them up on google and the SEEM not too terrible (also because they will evap) but still you know....



Active Member
When burnt in hashpipe:

Clear head, uplifting high. You want to do active things. Lasts pretty long, several hours but it quickly levels off. Taste is a bit fruity, not smelly. Citrus-like.

When vaporised:

This is the best. Allthough i put in more weed, the effect is amazing. Buzz-feeling. Tastes great and fresh!

No chance yet for the joint test, so stay tuned! :)


Well-Known Member
Looks great! Looks very tasty! Great job, I am going to try that strain. Big Devil, right? What company?


Active Member
I think Automon is on the other side of the pond, so I'll answer for him. Sweet Seeds.
Indeed! ;-)

(sorry i am off my head from a vaporize session! lol!)

quality buzzzzzzzzzzzz

So yeah, quality is great. I got now.. say .. 3 2litre flasks full of dank.. My god. i can never finish that brfore it turns to pixiedust, i need to donate to friend i think!

Also still thinking of the hash making thingy. I think i wanna try the 'blender method' described here The butane method i think, is just plain gambling with your life. I am scientifically educated and i KNOW what can happen.. Don't want to mess with that.


Active Member
Ok guys, i just finished making my first bubble/ice hash!
I got the idea over here
The stuff i used is: a bowl, a hand-blender, some ice, ice water, syringe, a 100/inch screen and an old coffee filter set.
What ive done is, i put around 20 grams of shake/cuttings in the freezer for a while. After that i put it in a plasic two litre container, together with half a litre of water and 20 small icecubes. I blend the mix for a minute or so, but did not make it really mushy.


I left it for a while, then filtered the mix with the 100/inch screen to get rid of the green leafs ie plant material we don't want. I put it all in a large stainless steel bowl an i allready noticed the white/glassy specks at the bottom.. the beloved trichomes :-)

I filtered the water by the dilution method, so adding (icy cold water) to the mix and then scooping off from the water top layer carefully. I did so until the water was not so green anymore.


After that i was satifsied with the cleanliness, and put it thru a (coffee)filter and afterwards squeezed out the water with a kitchen towel. Voila: nice hash! ;-)
It was not so difficult at all. I recommend this method.


I just put it on a scale (not an accurate one) and it is ~0.9 grams, dry. Not bad!