Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

“Arthur again called ‘Tirez [shoot], monsieur, tirez, vite [quickly], vite, vite’, and I fired into the moose’s chest, when he was less than twenty feet away, coming full tilt at us, grunting, shaking his head, his ears back and his hair brindled; the shot stopped him; I fired into him again; both shots were fatal; he recrossed the little stream and fell to a third shot; but when we approached, he rose grunting and started towards us. I killed him. If I had not stopped him, he would certainly have killed one or more of our party; and at twenty feet I had to shoot as straight as I knew how or he would have reached us.”

A friend dropped in with a Christmas gift :-)
The saddle, fillets and chops are my favourites it's outstanding quality I'm risking putting in weight :-)

I was having to scrape by with red deer.
£25kg and its strong tasting roe deer has a milder more delicate flavour imo.
That was well written and right up my alley, those quotes. Thanks for the reading material. Signed up to the news letter

"The one best place to bury a good dog, is in the heart of its master"