Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff


Virtually Unknown Member
"Whatever the mission, J.A. got close to his target. He favored a brain shot, but at very short range the difference in height between man and elephant “makes this shot difficult.…” Once, as he stalked two bulls, “a third [popped up] less than 5 yards [away]. He seemed to have risen out of the ground…. I fired about a foot below [the level of his eyes], the missile passing through the trunk [into] the brain.”


Virtually Unknown Member
"Then, suddenly, I became aware of the cause of the horses’ terror. Standing quite still and half-hidden in the shadow of a pine tree was a huge gray wolf. I was in the very act of raising my gun, in order to make sure of him while I could, when a movement on the right attracted my eye and stayed my arm. Turning to see what this might be, I perceived a second wolf, while a third and a fourth seemed, at the same instant, to issue out of the darkness and to stand, grim and silent, beside or close to the others. I turned my head half round and glanced over my shoulder. A fifth wolf was there. I turned again and a sixth and seventh were there. I must confess that my heart failed me for a moment, and with good reason, for it was clear that I had now to deal not with two or three wandering wolves but an entire pack."
