Big guns coming into niagara area.

Hey to the forum. Has anyone heard of a company called Cannacure?

They just purchased a 125,000 sf ex pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in my area.

Fully backed by the city. They plan on offering 130 good paying jobs by mid 2015. STRONG financial backers and supported by doctors.

Wow!! I would think that would make them in the top 5 in terms of size.


Well-Known Member
Nope, haven't heard of them. Thanks for sharing the info.
Can't say I like the company name, could be misconstrued.
How so? Kind of like the name.

They're already hiring call centre reps for training. Starting pay is $16 per hour. That's pretty good in this area.

I hope they do well. This area can use the jobs that's for sure. Hiring lab techs as well.

Ive been in that building once. The lab is HUGE!!!


Well-Known Member
I wish them all the best, all areas other than Alberta needs jobs!

As for the name, it might suggest to some people that cannabis is the cure ​for whatever symptom. Don't quote me on this, but I would guess that in 99% of usages cannabis helps in treatment but doesn't cure. Just an opinion, no biggie.

( I'm one of those annoying marketing guys )


Well-Known Member
Just got back from vacation and first time back on here in awhile. I've heard of these folks. They're a great group. I'm somewhat bias though cause I'm the founder of Cannacure lol.

Hwy420weed What you heard is true. I'm not sure about being in the top 5 for size though. Plus, we're not lighting up the entire building at the beginning. That would be insane. It will take approx 2-3 years for that via 6 phases of company growth. Our lab is very big. We're hoping to help other LPs by testing their products for a MUCH cheaper rate and faster turn around time. We'll also help them identify issues and means of corrections if they don't pass. I feel that it's imperative that good LPs help eachother.

BTW leaffan, I owe you an email about security. Just need to get settled in and I will reply this weekend.

Hope everyone had a great holiday.


Well-Known Member
Hey congrats Pat. Hope you didn't mind my constructive criticism with my comments on the name. Same group in Mi?


Well-Known Member
Hey Hey Leaffan.

No I didn't mind at all. I like getting feedback. Good or Bad.

I came across an engineer that developed his own LED system who lives in Niagara. It's truly incredible. 4 lights which covers 64 sf of grow space uses a 1 ft by 1ft wind turbine that's mounted on the roof to power it. It has no fan blades (looks like a screw) and uses these crazy Japanese magnets to generate power. Hard to explain but the lights have been on for 4 days straight without any electricity and not one hiccup. Has a auto-switch over to regular power if there's no wind and the batteries are drained. Also, you can change the light spectrum from a veg to flowering cycle. The lights have built in timers and controlled by a master control (a plain jane $100 kijiji laptop) which you can program from your smart phone or home computer via a VPN connection. The lights are wireless in terms of network connectivity. If it works, we will do half of our phase 1 grow area with these lights and the other hps/mh. If successful, all additional phase will go this route. Now I'm not convinced that this will work and I'm still very skeptical.

IF they work, I made a deal with the maker to sell 4 lights (equals 4000watts of HPS), the wind turbine and software for $3000 (no license fees and free updates) to members of Cannacure's alliance. Imagine the savings in lighting equipment, HVAC, hydro etc etc!!!

The trial is starting on Tuesday.

Well, the game plan is to use aeroponics but we are also trying an ebb n flow and 2 different hydroponic systems. Best system wins. I believe that the aeroponics will win. Hope so since we own the system but at the end of the day it's all about quality and yield. I will not try "soil" though.

We are trying all 4 systems under LED and HPS. Should be interesting. All tests will be performed in 8 identical rooms within our RnD department.

How are things going on your end?


Well-Known Member
I just got back from vacation and was not aware that the posting was out yet. It's actually not public knowledge about the building, city and financial backers either. How did you find out about all this hwy420weed?
Someone named Pat (thinking it is you ) helped my grand mother push her car out of her driveway last night. She lives across the street. She said that you went and got one of your employees and yourself to help her. She said that you were very kind to her and gave your cell number and to call you if she ever needs any help.

Was that you? If so, thank you. Not many people try to help others anymore.


Active Member
Where is this company gonna get the money to stay afloat. I wouldn't want to see the cost to employee all these people. The fact is is that some people just like to grow it plain and simple. I grow a garden in my back yard every year. I know there is a store that sells the same thing but there is a satisfaction and enjoyment of doing something for yourself. Good luck LP's your are gonna need it cause its gonna be a rough road of debt.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Hey Hey Leaffan.

No I didn't mind at all. I like getting feedback. Good or Bad.

I came across an engineer that developed his own LED system who lives in Niagara. It's truly incredible. 4 lights which covers 64 sf of grow space uses a 1 ft by 1ft wind turbine that's mounted on the roof to power it. It has no fan blades (looks like a screw) and uses these crazy Japanese magnets to generate power. Hard to explain but the lights have been on for 4 days straight without any electricity and not one hiccup. Has a auto-switch over to regular power if there's no wind and the batteries are drained. Also, you can change the light spectrum from a veg to flowering cycle. The lights have built in timers and controlled by a master control (a plain jane $100 kijiji laptop) which you can program from your smart phone or home computer via a VPN connection. The lights are wireless in terms of network connectivity. If it works, we will do half of our phase 1 grow area with these lights and the other hps/mh. If successful, all additional phase will go this route. Now I'm not convinced that this will work and I'm still very skeptical.

IF they work, I made a deal with the maker to sell 4 lights (equals 4000watts of HPS), the wind turbine and software for $3000 (no license fees and free updates) to members of Cannacure's alliance. Imagine the savings in lighting equipment, HVAC, hydro etc etc!!!

The trial is starting on Tuesday.

Well, the game plan is to use aeroponics but we are also trying an ebb n flow and 2 different hydroponic systems. Best system wins. I believe that the aeroponics will win. Hope so since we own the system but at the end of the day it's all about quality and yield. I will not try "soil" though.

We are trying all 4 systems under LED and HPS. Should be interesting. All tests will be performed in 8 identical rooms within our RnD department.

How are things going on your end?
I like the wind turbine idea, how much power do they generate? How much wind speed do they need? $3000 sounds almost too cheap.

I think running LED's as an LP would be a gamble. They are unproven compared to HPS. You know what HPS will yield. Yes they're not as efficient as LED and create alot of heat but they are able to penetrate further into the canopy. So unless your growing SOG style, everything under the tops is popcorn.

The biggest down fall with aero (true high pressue areo) is the mist nozzles plugging up with salts. Not to mention the complexity of the system and all the added points of failure (solenoid valves, relays, pressure switches, accumulator) Its great if your growing in zero G but if you have gravity, use it.


Well-Known Member
-Hwy420weed That was me that helped her. Very nice lady. My offer to help was genuine so I hope she calls when in need of assistance. Still don't understand how you know about our backers though. I know that I never brought that up.

-Gardenorganics I hear what you are saying but our vision of moving forward in the business is much different then most. I'm not going to go into detail but we are confident in our plan. The current 37,500+ patients is not our target market

- Redi jedi I'm not sure about the exact power it generates. He claims that it only needs 3-5 knots of wind to produce adequate power. Given the power requirement of the lights though going to electricity would not be a big deal. I understand that it sounds too cheap. You have to understand that's there's no mark up. Just the cost of parts and labor. The mark up on the current LED lights on the market is very high. I did forgot to mention the need to spend $1000 on batteries.

His main focus is not LPs. His plan is the residential market. The way he looks at it is if he can prove that he can power up an LP's grow op, he sure as hell can power up your home lighting and TV.

In terms of the LEDs and Aero growing. I agree with you 1000%!!! I'm expecting this to flop. I'm saying that to manage my expectations and keep the tests real. Given that we have this opportunity to test, I would be a fool not to give it a try. All of my cost projections and growing techniques is set on using HPS/mh though. Given that the HVAC system that's already in our building is way beyond our needs, we'll be fine either way in that regard. I will say though, if this does work (LEDS) we will save a boat load of $$. The aero pods have i/o sensors to let us know if there's any malfunctions, if a nozzle is plugged the water volume flow sensor will be triggered and advise us. Water testers that are connected to nute dispensers are also in the pods and will dispense nutes as needed. We've done testing in a small environment (10 4ftx4ft pods) and it's been impressive so far. Tweaking the system has been time consuming to say the least but once they are dialed in it's quite amazing. It all sounds very expensive but it's our own system and we build it so it's not too bad. fun fun fun


Well-Known Member
Fascinating stuff Pat. I would really appreciate hearing the results on your tests.
I can see a home market for the wind generators in the near future. Best of luck, you seem to have a good game plan in place.
Things are moving forward at my end, will post any relevant info.


Active Member
has anyone been next to wind turbines? They are loud as hell and they can make you very dizzy and uneasy if you suffer from vertigo. I would not want any near my house. ocean power though!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Leaffan. Let me know if i can be of any assistance.

I lived near a few when i lived on lake erie. I never got dizzy but they were loud. Turbines that i'm referring to though are very small and have no blades.


Well-Known Member
I like the wind turbine idea, how much power do they generate? How much wind speed do they need? $3000 sounds almost too cheap.

I think running LED's as an LP would be a gamble. They are unproven compared to HPS. You know what HPS will yield. Yes they're not as efficient as LED and create alot of heat but they are able to penetrate further into the canopy. So unless your growing SOG style, everything under the tops is popcorn.

The biggest down fall with aero (true high pressue areo) is the mist nozzles plugging up with salts. Not to mention the complexity of the system and all the added points of failure (solenoid valves, relays, pressure switches, accumulator) Its great if your growing in zero G but if you have gravity, use it.
A lot of inefficiency that comes with bulbs comes with the reflectors that are used. Of course much of it is wasted heat, but I have a lot of doubts about an LEDs ability to be more efficient than a properly setup HPS system. I'm thinking Heath Robinson recirculated hydro style (hits 2gpw and I'm sure could be higher with increased plant counts and a more cylindrical design versus the octagon). Also like Heath's vertical setup as roots and pumps/misters/anything that could reasonably clog never get close to each other.

LEDs inherently suffer this same directional inefficiency from what I've seen. Just the inherent design of them. One does have to consider how to maximize your space indoors as well. Hanging bulbs above your plants isn't going to do that.

One thing I have to say though, I sincerely hope that the plants grown will be tested thoroughly and custom fertilizer mixes will be made to ensure maximum quality and not simply fed a generic mix like most setups. The reason folks like organically grown weed more is because the plants get what they want and aren't force fed things they do not want in lieu of things they do.


Well-Known Member
Well, there's one set up that i wasn't going to mention but...we're building in verticle scrog round cage with hid and leds together. Tricky set up to say the least. Our master grower cant wait till it's ready. Me too for that matter. So far it looks scary lol. The cage uses many small fans like the ones in computers to move air around. Ac air in from the bottom and then air sucked out to our hepa air handler. Expensive test though.

Yes we'll create a custom mix for it. We have our own lab so yes we'll be testing it regularly.


Active Member
Could you post a pic? Sure sounds like you guys are having way too much fun, have you had a chance to visit any of the stateside high tech facilities? We hear there is a "museum of marihuana" in Colorado that does public tours through their high tech grow rooms, it looked really modern on TV, like nothing I've ever seen. We are trying to find the time to take the trip.