Big harvest ideas


Hi everybody I had a couple questions for everyone out there willing to respond. I have been growing indoors now for years and started using a flood method with trays. I want to maximize yield in a 5x5x7 grow tent. I like using Coco Coir as the growing medium and Cocos A and B and a bunch of other little tricks to get better yeilds. I always grow purple and green usually 20-30 in each tent with 1000w hps in each tent also. I have all the best fans etc... so I want to micromanage it and increase yields per tent. Right now im getting about 1-2 pounds each tent. Here are my questions.
-Which method would yield more, more plants less veg time or less plants more veg time? 15 plants instead of 20-30?
-Individual 3gallon pots or tray?
-Drip or flood system?
-Maybe better nutrient pack than house and garden?
-Im currently growing Chocolope and Purps. Better yielding strains?
-SOG vs SCROG vs 3 gallon pots


Active Member
Well likely because you are asking the same question that people who have been doing this for years continue to ask themselves every day. There is no right or wrong answer. I believe that there are so many variables, that you cannot really identify one technique that will universally and consistently provide you better yields. Every grow setup, every nutrient, strain, light type, air flow, Co2 levels, watering method/schedule, soil vs hydro, height - and thats just the beginning, plays a role in overall yield.

What I would do is to isolate one your ideas (e.g. strain type) and change it - leaving all other methods and formulas the same, and experiment with a full cycle. See how that worked, then move on to the next idea incorporating the results from the previous run. That is the only tried and true method to really answer your question, and even that is not perfect science since something will invariably be different each time. So my answer to your question is "yes."


Active Member
im using a 10' X 5' X 7' high tent also with one 1k watt HPS in a liquid cooled fixture on a light mover track. I have been getting about 2 1/2 lbs per light and tent but using an aeroponic setup, 40 plants per tent all topped kolas and looks like a true SOG. I have had issues before but with the cheese strain I should get about 3-4 lbs per light all kolas.. no small budds here. I also cut the top of my tent and sealed it to the ceiling another 18in higher so I could raise my light higher. I harvest next week but 2-3 lbs is expected.


Active Member
That sounds awesome - obviously doing something right. Can you post some pics of your ladies and the setup? 3-4 lbs per 1000w is incredible - is that dry weight? I would try your hand at a heavy kush to push your limit even further. A Bubba kush, or something similar that produces short and thick colas might be a the way to go.