Big J's LEGAL 1K Watt Mh/HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
All the vegging clones got Fim'ed today. Still dealing with some sort of issue with a few of these babies (all same strain). They are exhibiting some purpling of the leaves and a lack of vigor. They were a bitch to clone too. :evil:

Overall, most of the ladies are looking quite happy and are really starting to take off. It has been a while since I have done anything in hydro, and I switched from Dutch Master to the GH Flora Series, so of course some issues have had to be ironed out.

Generally, I am getting really positive, happy root growth and most everything is proceeding along nicely. I am hoping to flip to 12/12 around the middle of October but the plants are going to determine just exactly when.

Learned today that my PPM meter is actually on a .5 conversion scale instead of a .7 (what it seems like everyone uses/goes by). That was useful, to say the least, disaster-averting at best.

Let me know what you think or if anyone has anything to say. Not many of you who used to follow this seem to be around anymore, but hopefully I will pick up some new additions to the audience. Take care everyone. :joint:


Well-Known Member
They are looking good. Wish I knew what was going on with the not as happy looking ones... but even those look alright. I've had some clones look pretty damn bad and still gave me a great harvest, so I think it'll all work out. It's a shame a lot of the old friends on RIU don't seem to be around anymore. Always good to make new ones though. And at least we have each other, lol.


Well-Known Member
They are looking good. Wish I knew what was going on with the not as happy looking ones... but even those look alright. I've had some clones look pretty damn bad and still gave me a great harvest, so I think it'll all work out. It's a shame a lot of the old friends on RIU don't seem to be around anymore. Always good to make new ones though. And at least we have each other, lol.
You're right Jig, we do have each other.

And I also agree that I think they will all be ok. Even the worst looking ones in the bunch exhibit healthy looking growth. I plan on giving them a little more juice when I change the rez next on Tuesday. Always checking to see what you've got going on of course.

Hope all is well on the home front my friend.

That's gotta be the most beautiful sight I've ever seen... subbing to this, wanna see the finished product to all those beauties!
Hey thanks buddy, glad to have you around. I think everything is going to turn out quite well. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
All the vegging clones got Fim'ed today. Still dealing with some sort of issue with a few of these babies (all same strain). They are exhibiting some purpling of the leaves and a lack of vigor. They were a bitch to clone too. :evil:

Overall, most of the ladies are looking quite happy and are really starting to take off. It has been a while since I have done anything in hydro, and I switched from Dutch Master to the GH Flora Series, so of course some issues have had to be ironed out.

Generally, I am getting really positive, happy root growth and most everything is proceeding along nicely. I am hoping to flip to 12/12 around the middle of October but the plants are going to determine just exactly when.

Learned today that my PPM meter is actually on a .5 conversion scale instead of a .7 (what it seems like everyone uses/goes by). That was useful, to say the least, disaster-averting at best.

Let me know what you think or if anyone has anything to say. Not many of you who used to follow this seem to be around anymore, but hopefully I will pick up some new additions to the audience. Take care everyone. :joint:
man I love to see a full tray of clones, I think they look healthy. The ones that are purpling look like they will pull out of it in a while. I have had some bad looking clones before that turned out great! Anyway subbed up....


Well-Known Member
man I love to see a full tray of clones, I think they look healthy. The ones that are purpling look like they will pull out of it in a while. I have had some bad looking clones before that turned out great! Anyway subbed up....
Really glad to have you along. I have been doing a lot of research lately into nutrient profiles and Mel Frank and GH nutrients.

They are 18 days into veg and putting out some good roots. Running about 585 ppm (5G-5M-5B). I think they are ready to go to a more aggressive strength, just trying to figure out exactly what I want to run.

GH suggests 3-2-1 (G, M, B), but in terms of a nutrient profile, that gets you to 220-52-276-39-54-134 (N-P-K-MG-S-C). Mel Frank recommends something more like 300-80-250-75-400-400.

The Lucas Method is 91-86-140-55-73-94 which is quite less than that. Do you ever burn the plants? Or feel like they could be hungry?

I am just not sure what the best approach is for me. My rez has been going down as well as the PPM's though (slowly) so I know they are getting hungry for something more fulfilling...

Well, I am really stoned and kind of rambling but would be interested in whatever you have to offer in terms of an opinion buddy, and again, really glad to have you along. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm subbed in :)
Hey smokebros, really glad to have you along bud. You have some gorgeous plants yourself. Really excited to have some new people subscribed who have some great gardens, to compliment the ones you have already been along for the ride :)

Here's a question: what are you guys running in terms of PPM and N-P-K-MG-CA-S profiles in the third week??


Well-Known Member
Here's a question: what are you guys running in terms of PPM and N-P-K-MG-CA-S profiles in the third week??
I'm running around 500-600 ppm. Brand new to growing in hydroponics. I'm using supernatural nutrients (grow aqua) it's a powder. it is 17-7-18. So far so good, I'm feeding at 1/3 strength. I've noticed not many other growers on RIU use supernatural.


Well-Known Member
I'm running around 500-600 ppm. Brand new to growing in hydroponics. I'm using supernatural nutrients (grow aqua) it's a powder. it is 17-7-18. So far so good, I'm feeding at 1/3 strength. I've noticed not many other growers on RIU use supernatural.
Thanks for responding smokebros, I really appreciate it.

After looking at a lot of different nutrient profiles and really studying my plants, I have decided to run the reverse of the Lucas Method (8ml/gal Bloom, 16 ml/gal Micro). Here is a look at the nutrient profiles. For scale, let's use N-P-K-MG

Mel Frank (growth): 348-98-253-70
pH (growth): 250-85-217-61
Lucas Method: 122-99-171-68
Reverse: 197-49-112-31

Notice the levels of N in the Lucas method are quite low as compared to the other two profiles. This is what I am slightly concerned about and why I think the Reverse of it is a good place for me to be. EDIT: However, I am really more concerned about running PPM's that are as high as Mel Frank and PH suggest (2517, 1916, @.7 EC., respectively). The only thing I am worried about is a lack of Mg in this mix. I may add some CalMag, I am still not sure. 202 for Ca using 16-8 is plenty though, and CalMag may move me over the 280 ppm level for Ca that I am looking to stay at or below. Plus, my water has a base ppm of 114 (160@.7 conversion) so I am assuming there is plenty of calcium in that as well.

I have really done my research on this (mel frank, pH, a lot of what Lucas wrote, and LOTS of grow journals; I looked at results, nothing else) and I think my plants will do just fine at that level of Nitrogen. While cannabis is a nitraphile, it is also highly versatile.

Would be interested to hear what everyone else thinks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for responding smokebros, I really appreciate it.

After looking at a lot of different nutrient profiles and really studying my plants, I have decided to run the reverse of the Lucas Method (8ml/gal Bloom, 16 ml/gal Micro). Here is a look at the nutrient profiles. For scale, let's use N-P-K-MG

Mel Frank (growth): 348-98-253-70
pH (growth): 250-85-217-61
Lucas Method: 122-99-171-68
Reverse: 197-49-112-31

Notice the levels of N in the Lucas method are quite low as compared to the other two profiles. This is what I am slightly concerned about and why I think the Reverse of it is a good place for me to be. EDIT: However, I am really more concerned about running PPM's that are as high as Mel Frank and PH suggest (2517, 1916, @.7 EC., respectively). The only thing I am worried about is a lack of Mg in this mix. I may add some CalMag, I am still not sure. 202 for Ca using 16-8 is plenty though, and CalMag may move me over the 280 ppm level for Ca that I am looking to stay at or below. Plus, my water has a base ppm of 114 (160@.7 conversion) so I am assuming there is plenty of calcium in that as well.

I have really done my research on this (mel frank, pH, a lot of what Lucas wrote, and LOTS of grow journals; I looked at results, nothing else) and I think my plants will do just fine at that level of Nitrogen. While cannabis is a nitraphile, it is also highly versatile.

Would be interested to hear what everyone else thinks.
I'm kinda of surprised that only smokebros shared where he was @ in terms of PPM's and NPK profiles. Thanks again and glad someone is paying attention :razz:

Oh well. The ladies are all looking fine this morning, now having received six full floods since the rez has been changed. No signs of any burning yet.

The newest growth looks happy and healthy. The only real issue I see regarding any of my youngsters is an Mg def-like upward curling of the leaves....which is odd, because they had CalMag @ 5ml/gal before I changed the rez.


Well-Known Member
Damn. Just lost a big post I wrote you. grrrrrr. Ok, take 2.

I didn't realize you were asking everyone for their nutrient info. I thought the other peeps in here ran lucas forumula or something. I've never seen all those numbers in a row. My main veg nutes are 3.2 - 0.75 - 6.05 npk. I don't use a ppm meter these days, but I would guess at your stage 300-400 should be sufficient. I use a few additives and could calculate what the overall npk of my mix is if you'd like. Would be fun to do some math.

I hope your week has been going well. The weather here is shit. I had to work in the rain most of yesterday and I think it was about 45-50 degrees. Not super fun, but needed to be handled. I'm sitting by the heater now so all's well.

And like you I haven't got my hands on a good sativa to smoke for a long time. Seems like everyone either has strait indicas or heavy indica hybrids. Enjoy that smoke for both of us, lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn. Just lost a big post I wrote you. grrrrrr. Ok, take 2.

I didn't realize you were asking everyone for their nutrient info. I thought the other peeps in here ran lucas forumula or something. I've never seen all those numbers in a row. My main veg nutes are 3.2 - 0.75 - 6.05 npk. I don't use a ppm meter these days, but I would guess at your stage 300-400 should be sufficient. I use a few additives and could calculate what the overall npk of my mix is if you'd like. Would be fun to do some math.

I hope your week has been going well. The weather here is shit. I had to work in the rain most of yesterday and I think it was about 45-50 degrees. Not super fun, but needed to be handled. I'm sitting by the heater now so all's well.

And like you I haven't got my hands on a good sativa to smoke for a long time. Seems like everyone either has strait indicas or heavy indica hybrids. Enjoy that smoke for both of us, lol.
That's ok Jig, don't worry. I have gotten things figured out pretty well.

I am actually running around 1100 PPM (@.5 conversion, 1540 @.7). After spending about a week doing research, I have come to the conclusion that cannabis actually requires a stronger nutrient content during vegetative growth than flowering. Mel Frank's work on the subject, as well as pH Imbalance's, have confirmed this for me.

Since changing the rez on Monday morning, I have observed absolutely zero burning and my plants are growing at quite an increased rate so needless to say, I am happy so far.

My week is going well, getting prepared for a hunting trip in the coming weeks. Pretty excited. Got to get out into the field today. Found some large samples of bear scat (they have been eating huckleberries) and a couple perfect bear tracks.

Since I am hunting blacktail, however, that's not really good news. They scare the deer away somewhat.

Sorry you lost your whole post and I hope the weather improves. It was a very mild summer here so I am gearing up for a cold, wet, La Nina winter. :joint:

Thanks for stopping by brother.