Big money in big business


Well-Known Member
A press release about the new 30k sq ft facility being built for CanMed says they expect first year revenues to exceed $20 million as they plan to create a $100 million company.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
the price of pot is gona be alot lower soon especially when importing starts and the black market clashes with the imports along with these new government producers. should be comical come spring when the judges start recalling the shots lol


Well-Known Member
God, I really hope we don't see a lot of imports. I don't think as a country we want to go down that road. The conservatives made a big mistake on that one. I'm betting that Bedrocan lobbied long and hard for that portion of the regulations.


Well-Known Member
20 million the first year! What country are they going to? Are there even enough patients to generate that kind do money? I don't understand why any of these wannabe LP's aren't using CDN talent. I mean are there really no construction companies qualified to put up a 30k sq ft. building? Seems ridiculous to me. If and when I have to use an LP,I won't be using anyone that's involved in foreign corps, or bringing in growers from the south etc, that's a fact.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
i agree about importing and they are forgetting for a long time the abusers have had 600 plant counts per person and they are stock piling it and have been for a long time. they are giving the pot away in exchange for high digits. then when the judge says to every patient continue on for at least a yr if not forever haha prices are going to go down if they all continue to grow :D


Well-Known Member
I hope that once it is fully legal it will be treated like beer or wine and a person can make their own for personal use. It doesn't work for me because I have to travel with my job, and can't be home to look after a bunch of plants. Heck, I lose whole planters full of flowers every summer because they don't get watered when I'm on a project.

I'm amazed though that this US corp is willing to front the construction costs of a facility as part of this joint venture. It makes me wonder what these guys know that the rest of us don't. Do they have some kind of insider information that they are basing these projections on?


Well-Known Member
Sure they do...his name is Stephen Harper. He's the one promoting the new multi-billion free market in Canada. We welcome the world don't ya know! Given the situation over a PNP, you would think there might be some sober second thoughts...but no greed trumps logic on this one. Can a judge really stop what's happening? I would think there would be some massive lawsuits against the gov't. Just think about the millions and millions of dollars being sunk into this new program. What I don't understand is how anyone can expect/think, that people growing for themselves, especially, are just going to turn control over to some big or small company. Whoever didn't see that one coming should be fired.


Well-Known Member
It's CanMed, not to be confused with Cannimed.
The lawyers should have fun with this one.


Well-Known Member
It's CanMed, not to be confused with Cannimed.
The lawyers should have fun with this one.
I couldn't find them from the list I posted a little while ago. I did a double take on that too. That will be confusing.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it would I said it should. One of the first LPs out if the gate making big promises they couldn't keep. I was suggesting that everyone else might take note of that. One thing Kgirl is bang on about is matching strain to patient and not ailment. PNP came out like they knew what they were doing, rooked some people into buying their shit and story and now,they are apologizing because they didn't really understand the patient?? Really. What kind of scam is that? I hope all these mofo's lose their shirts. How many more are going to be apologizing in short order because they didn't "understand" the patients needs? This may be where Kgirl has a leg up being a patient ( do you know how painful that was for me? lol). I have yet to be impressed.


Well-Known Member
There are no small LP's right now - they are all big thousands of sq.ft. to grow in and expand. PNP is breaking ground on Saturday to expand yet they can't deliver the crap they have already. We shall see with regard to patients becoming LP's. The bottom line doesn't change.