Big news coming

i'm also thinking they will end the law that prohibits those guilty of simple possession from getting federal aid for school as well. but i predicted that a while back, so i'm just hoping to be validated.
If he reschedules or says that new official policy is to not interfere with states that have legalized it, it will be the end of the residential grower industry, at least in So Cal.

In some situations, yes. It will enable legal commercial growing. However it won't be like that everywhere. First the city or county will have to pass laws allowing commercial growing. Not every city will want to do this. It will also offer a lot of protection to Humboldt/Mendo outdoor growing since most of that land is zoned residential/agricultural, they can apply for commercial permits to do outdoor grows at their homes.
I will always have " My" own click of patients/customers. I do it for my self mostly anyways . Big grows and clinics have over head and I can always beat their prices. Will it be enough to pay the electric bill , only time will tell. I can tell you though big indoor commercial grows will be paying a premium on electricity depending on their high usage. 25 to 50 % more tax.

Big indoor commercial grows will be paying less than half of what you pay for electricity.

But yes, commercial overhead is a lot and you can always beat their prices. Keep in mind, this will not effect retail pricing in a meaningful way at all, only wholesale pricing. So if you're local dispensary is selling $50 eighths now, they will still do that then. All you have to do is beat that price, which should be easy.

Retail pricing in dispensaries hasn't been based on wholesale prices for several years. The price of a pound keeps dropping while retail prices have remained consistent. This is because the biggest limiting factor in the system is the number of dispensaries, not volume of wholesale product available. Because of the relatively small number of dispensaries they aren't being forced to compete in terms of pricing. If we were allowed to have as many dispensaries as the market could support there would be one on every street corners. There would be about as many dispensaries as liquor stores.
I had read somewhere from an article up north that they wanted to tax big indoor grows for excessive use of energy like over so many Kilo watt hours. Now that doesn't sound fair if a large manufacturing plant running a bunch of machinery gets a commercial rate .

  • "There have been a lot of unintended consequences. There's been a decimation of certain communities, in particular communities of color."

Is there any confirmation that the speech will address marijuana? The above quote makes me think it's more about crack sentencing guidelines/mandatory minimums.

I just don't want to get all excited only to hear him talk about leveling out the federal sentencing guidelines for crack versus cocaine, or something else mundane (albeit important). I would also think that the President would want to make such an announcement -- what amounts to a major, major shift in drug policy at home and worldwide. Good points in the other direction, of course, but I've ridden the roller coaster of politics-watching for too long to pay much attention to minor speeches unless there's reason. If he truly is announcing an end to prohibition (or at least the rescheduling) I'll watch it, tape it, TeVo it, and distribute free copies far and wide!

Crossing my fingers. But it sure seems like America has been leaning more and more towards being for marijuana, at least in the medical sense. There is an overall more tolerance for it, not just in the general populace, but also the media (which tends to reflect what's happening in society)
could this be the crack in the federal wall?
it does make sense with the Sanjay Gupta/CNN stuff, some backroom deal has been cut
thing is, i think we know that eventually, the federal situation is unsustainable
is the time now? we can only hope
Unfortunately, Dan, it looks like they're just going to talk about mandatory minimums. While important, it doesn't really affect me since I'm not a hard drug user anymore.
Unfortunately, Dan, it looks like they're just going to talk about mandatory minimums. While important, it doesn't really affect me since I'm not a hard drug user anymore.

Mandatory minimums apply to cannabis growers as well as hard drug users.

And yeah, news outlets are starting to report on what he may be talking about. Most are agreeing that it's mandatory minimums and that's it. (Phew!)
ASA says they're also talking about releasing medical marijuana patients that are serving "extraordinary" sentences. we'll see though, tbh I do not have much confidence in Obama on this front. maybe the next president (dem or repub)-- I think the system as it stands just won't take this much stress for much longer.