BIG NOOB update. How much more time till harvest? HELP!


Hey all, BIG update. My first grow ever, growing in eastern ontario. Growing Iranian G13 Early SEASON from Doctor Greenthumb. They dont seem to be THAT early tho. On the doc's site it says August finish. But its sept 14 and they still dont look done which is weird because they started in april and were put outside at the start of may. Anyway Im in no hurry.

Just wondering when you guys think I should harvest? Im new to this so im not too sure exactly, Id say 2 weeks? I just want some nice bud. Thanks for all ur help.

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Oh yah and I've been feeding them water soluble plant food around every 2 weeks since they were planted, although I havent visited them for about a month until today on Sep 14th. So they havent been fed in about a month, which is stupid I know especially during flowering but I was busy:-|, just thought I should add that so you know my buds might not be as big as others plants whove been fed. And You dont tell me I need to wait a month and a half till they are ready

LOL I also havent insecticided them since flowering started, lol I killed some creepy looking bugs today haha, some critters as big as my thumb:blsmoke: the plants dont look harmed tho so i think i should be fine. Sorry for the long post:joint::hump: Give your best time estimate thanks!


Well-Known Member
at least another month man! I can't believe how big of a rush some of you people are in, just cause they have crystals doesnt mean they are ready! they havent even been flowering a month it looks like!


Well-Known Member
yeah about a month. or before your first few major frosts since youre in canada. the canopy above your spot might be slowing the process a little but youre looking good dude.