Big Pc Grow 1st grow!!


Well-Known Member
Ug i need to show you pictures but that camera isnt taking anything worth posting. Basically out of the three good plants one is doing really well and looks super healthy. One looks a yellow green and some of the little new leafs have turned yellow. And the other is in between. I have been letting my water sit out at least 24 hours to let all the chlorine and such evaporate.

Hopefully it clears up but im going to try to borrow my budies SLR tomorrow and take some really nice shots.

If my PH was a little high what could i do to lower it?


Well-Known Member
well your tap is probably a lil higher then normal, maybe try using some bottled water instead. in soil you usually dont have to adjust pH, but you tap might be higher the normal


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3254049]well your tap is probably a lil higher then normal, maybe try using some bottled water instead. in soil you usually dont have to adjust pH, but you tap might be higher the normal[/QUOTE]
yea that is my problem commin from my tap go to walmart and get the dropa that make tap water safe for fish and plants it works great ive ised it three grows


Active Member
hi i thought il show you wot i done with mine and get a bit off info off u at the same time.I got told once i germinated not to put it straight into my grow box just wait till i see green so iv had it on my window ledge now for 4 days n thats wot it looks like.can u tell me when shud i put it in the box and wot bulb shud i use the 125w 6400k or the 125w 2700k as u can see in the pic i have both off them.



Active Member
wow i just had a loook in my pc grow box a the diffrence within a day inside it under that light is amazing the seed has came off and i can see the first leaves il put a pic up tonight when i turn the light off to show u all the progress


Well-Known Member
Hey all yah im sure my waters ph is a little high but they are looking much better! They are growing so freaking fast its crazy. Thanks for that suggestion for the fish ph adjuster i shall have to run to walmart :P
Anyway thanks for sharing your pc grows its always nice to see others :]

Oh and i used organic potting soil.



Well-Known Member
They are all bagseed. Although my friend is just finishing up some random bagseed grow outside and its freaking dank as hell. Purple leaves and purple buds with crystals. :D
They are looking so big every day! Now the only yellow is on the edge of a couple leaves so we are looking good there too.

Only real problem is my filters are falling off my fans so i probably need to find a better solution then duct tape.

Ill keep you guys posted!


Well-Known Member
Hey all! I really didnt know weed grew this fast its awesome :] I see a new leaf set every other day almost. All of them (besides the one that has been a runt) are doing very very well! I have started them on very low levels of nutes and so far they are loving it!

Should have some pics up around 9 for you gents.
Ill keep you updated!



Well-Known Member
Well an update, i bumped the computer case pretty hard a couple days ago and the lights fell on one of the really good ones :[ Now it is half alive and probably going to die soon. On the positive side, the one that has been looking the best is getting huge! And the little runt that wasnt growing is now super growing. The last one is doing pretty good but it looks like it has a bit of yellow on the leaves. :/

Anyway Im not to worried figure ill just lose that one. Should have pictures up for you guys by tonight.

PS They are starting to smell already! I plan to go to target today on my lunch and get some more carbon filters.


Well-Known Member
Hey all sorry about the long delay been super busy with work and school. Anyway, they have been growing so fast. I bet you guys dont even recognize the runt! He pretty much caught up!

The one that got hit by the lights is totally toast. RIP 11/4/09. :sad:

But the others are doing great, little heat stress on the one that was close to the lights so i moved them up a couple notches.

Starting to turn down my timer going from 20/4 to 18/6 and adding a flowering bulb. Then il go 16/8 another bulb etc etc. Until 12/12 with all flowering.

OH and i need your help i dont know how to secure these damn filters. I tried super glue but it wont stick and when i tape it down it is pushed against the blades causing them not to turn. Anyone have a suggestion?



Well-Known Member
not too sure on how to keep it secure but the plants looks good, when are you going to flowering there going to get big, i would start some LST and tie them down