big problem


has anyone had incident where lights were turned on for 7 days after 4 weeks of budding. my heads started getting funny shape because they have gone back into growing phase.
if any of you people have experianced similar incident or knows anything about it please let us know what will heppend and how much effect it will have on it . thanks


Active Member
lol that is funny...never happened to me though sorry man...i would guess they would be fine...better than no light for 7 days


Well-Known Member
I left the light on for 3 days, tried to keep flowering. Big waste of time. I junked 6 lbs. and took the overhead light out. It was good for nothing.

Now if you run them through the veg phase again and then flower it is suppose to work. You have small buds on them right? 4 weeks in flower than 3 more in veg should work. Just a guess.



to be honest with you they were big buds, i dont know where there to throw them all or to let them bud cose it might be waste of time for nothing.


Well-Known Member
It would only be a waste of time if they hermied.. Im sure in the wild plants flowered accidently and then went back into their vegatative cycle untill flowering when they were supposed to.. My friend flowered for 4-5 days then switched timer off for 4 days so it was 24/0 and since switchin back they hav carried on fine but you were 4 weeks in, are there any seeds?


some heads have bit of seed but iv sprayed it so not a big deal also some male buds. but iv sorted it out and than when i saw heads growing diferentlly than i looked at the times and it was on constant power becaus ei have them during night on and day off.


some heads have bit of seed but iv sprayed it so not a big deal also some male buds. but iv sorted it out and than when i saw heads growing diferentlly than i looked at the times and it was on constant power becaus ei have them during night on and day off.
I wouldn't try turning off the lights. I had a light burn out when I was out of town for 4 days and the plants look really bad right now.


i had a timer break down after i moved out of my house to work on it. the plant continued to flower i have also revegged a plant just to see what happend. i cut all the bud off and put it in 24 hr the leaves curled and seed calyxs got bizare sized and wernt good for smoking. the bud i harvested was premature but still good ive also had tryed controlling the light by hand when i first started and caused many heremes at the time. you can go either way its up too u. my second harvest was not considrable smaller from the first after cutting reveging then re flowering. go with what you know