Big problem!!

okay i have a total of 8 plants flowering they just turned 4 weeks today dec 11, well my question is , im in real need of money for the 26th of this month for rent. if i were to chop down 3-4 plants to try and make this money on the 20th which will make them just about over 5 weeks old flowering, will my buds be "dank" enough to get rid of, and how do u think the yeild will be per plant. Pleasee someone help!! what to do what to do...

ill prolly cut 1 ak48
cut 2 ice and 1 snow white

please dont give me any bs answers... just what im askin for pleaseee:confused:
thanks for quick reply lookin for all the answers i can get, but i was seeing if anyone has experienced the same situation as me.. keep the answers coming !!!


Well-Known Member
You will be ripping people off. So after the first few people try it you'll probally get some angry people wanting their money back or just a straight up ass kicking.


Well-Known Member
theres no way there gonna be more then a few grams from 4 week old plants. They put most of there weight on weeks 5-8. You also have to incorporate 3-6 day drying and 2-3 week cure so its even presentable for sale. GO on craiglist in there labor section try to do some odd construction job for quick cash. Let your plant's mature trust me ul be a LOT happier with the finishing product and will have something to actually sell. Not just unloading crap on people.
ahhh i agree with all of you, ive never cut my babys early thats why im asking. i belive i can get more than just a couple grams off a plant.. and the strains are ice, nypd, and ak48. i asked a friend this same question, he told me he used to cut his plants at 5 weeks everytime and would get a minimum of 1 1/2 oz to 3 oz. damn this is a rough sitaution
i live 20+ miles from civil living.. haa and finding a quick job out here..(aint happenin) these babys are my way of cashflow.. thats why i was asking.. anyone else with tips or something? i mean my ak48 are done in 48 days soo thats not to bad if cut at day 35-38


Active Member
just finished growing ice now for the 2nd time and they need 10 weeks the ice is no were near ready at 5 weeks the buds must be tiny anyway at 5 weeks?


Active Member
imo u would be better off porning something as your bud will get bigger and more potent in the last 10 days b4 chopping

so beg borrow but dont steal :D

gl dude


Active Member
All I could say is borrow money from someone bro. You don't wanna chop them. If you can borrow money from someone(In your family) then do so. Let your plants go, Get the biggest potent buds you possibly can and sell that shit in grams,eighths, and quarters. Thats usually a good way to make great cash.
Then you can pay back that very nice family member ;)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The answer is extremely simple.

You won't be able to cut them and sell them after 4 weeks. No one will buy them, and even at top dollar you wouldn't make enough.

Sorry. Maybe you can sell some clones? You have plants and two weeks, sounds like enough time to make a couple dozen clones to root and sell them for $10 a pop.
well like i said i dont have much choices except cutting them for money, i dont really know what answer im looking for. maybe if anyone has cut there plants and 4-5 weeks and how did they turn out?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Even after you cut them you have to dry them, cure them, and sell them. How is it you expect all this to happen before the 26th?

I'm sorry... Really, I am. But this isn't going to work. I've cut a plant at that age before and all it was good for was making ISO hash with. And very little of it at that, the whole plant added up to maybe 6 or 7 hits.