Big Problem


Active Member
Hey guys,

I made a big mistake. This is my first time using Fox Farm nutes and I overdid the grow big. I used 2 tbs instead of 2 tsp of grow big per gallon.

Should I flush it right away or let it stay? How bad is it?


Well-Known Member
Only thing i could think of is to flush, but then again is there any signs of deficiency or signs of stress at all? if not i would say wait it out see if any yellowing occurs and deal with it and fix it then.


Well-Known Member
Another word of advice i would never use full blown nutes just 2 weeks in veg, it just runs a high risk of the nutes being to strong and killing your plants. I usally dont base it on age tho i base it on growth and height. IMO i would suggest you make a new batch of feed and use 1/4 or alittle more so it gets used to it and then up her feed maybe every 4 days to a week.


Active Member
Ouch take water out Da Res and add regular phed water use ur ppm meter if u don't have one get one and ya if its two weeks nd ur usin ro water aim for 200 ppm


Active Member
yeah, I really should have made it a smaller dose originally. Noob Mistake. So now that I have 3 times the grow big in there do you think I should flush? I dont want to ruin them before they even start. Is there any chance they could be fine from it?

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
leave it to assess the damage...then flush. never know it could produce a huge growth spurt! More than likely tho u are gonna have a few burnt/yellow leaves comin your way...

always start small and increase amount of nutes.

Best of luck!


Active Member
I would flush with double the amount of water, 2 week plants old are still suspetable for high stress levels. Damping off can happen at anytime until the roots are fully developed. Your should to ease into a nutrient regime. You treat a seedling like a seedling for 4 weeks before its considered fully "vegetative".


Active Member
thanks guys, I just flushed them. Only reason I added nutes so early was because my one strain was starting to yellow. I have them in Fox Farm light warrior right now and I am going to transplant them into ocean forest in about a week when I go to my 3 gallon container. I know not to use nutes right away when they are in the ocean forest, but just tried some now since the one was yellowing. Hopefully I didnt do to much damage. They were probably only sitting in the nutes for 15 minutes before I flushed, so i am hoping they are okay.