Big question... Please help.


Hey guys, I've been flowering for about 3-4 weeks now and my landlord is sending people in on march 30th to check everyones apartments fire alarms...
and I'm currently growing.. I was thinking on around when there coming in I could put the plants in my closet with a lock on it for that time being, could my plants
get hermied? or get stressed or something? because yes this will disturb there cycle.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been flowering for about 3-4 weeks now and my landlord is sending people in on march 30th to check everyones apartments fire alarms...
and I'm currently growing.. I was thinking on around when there coming in I could put the plants in my closet with a lock on it for that time being, could my plants
get hermied? or get stressed or something? because yes this will disturb there cycle.
i would say its fine, though i dont know because i never did it. i would do it anyways because its better to be safe then sorry. just make sure they cant smell them because mine are 4 weeks flowering and they smell. not bad but i can still smell it.


Yeah man I feel you, mine don't smell that bad but I'm probably going to put a febreeze plug in and shit I just don't want my plants to hermie on me, and this is my first grow lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I feel you, mine don't smell that bad but I'm probably going to put a febreeze plug in and shit I just don't want my plants to hermie on me, and this is my first grow lol
this is mine too, just take one of the car air freshners and hang one up in the closet before they come so they will smell that instead of the plants. where is your tent? is it near a fire alarm?


Well-Known Member
Most appt. Have a crawal space if your on the top floor. See if you can get them up there. The smell won't be bad. You might stress them a little but at 6 weeks of flower hurm shouldn't happen.


Yeah my tent is right above a fire alarm lol, but I have a closet so what I'm going to do is put the plants in the far back, but then just hang up a bunch of clothes in front of it and stuff, and even stack blankets in front of it, I really hope it wont hermie lol. i'd be fucked. they said they will be here around 8:30 so what i'm going to do is the put plants away at 7:00 am and then take the plants out at 11:00 Am and just start the light cycle normally


Well-Known Member
Yeah my tent is right above a fire alarm lol, but I have a closet so what I'm going to do is put the plants in the far back, but then just hang up a bunch of clothes in front of it and stuff, and even stack blankets in front of it, I really hope it wont hermie lol. i'd be fucked. they said they will be here around 8:30 so what i'm going to do is the put plants away at 7:00 am and then take the plants out at 11:00 Am and just start the light cycle normally
i would put them away at 7:30 or 8 am.. and bring them back out right away to reduce the amount of shock to them.


Okay man deffly will do. What I'm going to do is put the febreeze plug near the closet because I have a plug right there. wish me luck dude


Well-Known Member
well my plants were flowering and my timer stopped working and instead of 12/12 they were on for 18/6 and so far none of them have hermied I would say you should be fine. Id just try and plan your dark cycle around that time and youll be good.