Big Raw J's 2nd Journal

Big Raw J

Active Member
Started one of each of these in a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag. This method has always worked for me so I'll keep using it.

If you want to check out my current status with everything else you can check out my sig to my other grow journal. You will know what else I have going on at the moment..

These two are going to be growin in FFOF with prob some more perilite and maybe a lil peat. I have some things laying around I want to use up before I go out and buy more soil.. I'm going to start them under a t-5 and then will move onto prob a 250 MH for a few weeks followed by a 400 HPS for flowering. I plan on keeping them stout and bushy. Don't know if I'll need any training as from what I've seen they are pretty bushy already. I'll make that decision when that time comes.

I currently have plants in my tent flowering and will have room for these two when my big plant finishes. There's also 2 cloned small plants flowering in the tent and they wont be done for a while hence why I'm vegging these two out of the tent for now..

Now that you have the lowdown on what I got goin I hope you stick around for the grow... Feel free to post some pics up of your Blue or Cali Hash plants as I would like to see what I have coming..

I will post pics up regularly, I'll post the first ones when them both have germinated and got them popped up through the soil to start day one...

Big Raw J

Active Member
Both seeds germed today with a 1/4in+ long tail and I just put them in soil. They should sprout up tomorrow or the next day..

Big Raw J

Active Member
The BH has been up for a few days and the CH is half up but hasn't opened the leaves yet..I think it's having trouble..:sad: Should be up and going by now. If it doesn't get going in a few days I'm going to pull it. I have a BB Blue Cheese in a wet paper towel.

Big Raw J

Active Member
The BH is looking great and the CH is finally turning around. The CH seems to be a runt, but hopefully she will get her act together.;-)

I put the BB BC in soil today...:leaf:


Big Raw J

Active Member
The BH is looking great and the CH is finally turning around. The CH seems to be a runt, but hopefully she will get her act together.;-)

I put the BB BC in soil today...:leaf:
Well, the BC didn't make it..The shell was stuck on the top and I helped it along...Must have been a bad idea.. Oh well.

I transferred the two hashes into big 5 gal pots....

Big Raw J

Active Member
Here are the two today...The BH is doing great, the CH is going slow but is growing.. Waiting to harvest my big plant and then they will be put under the 250 mh for veg in the tent..


Big Raw J

Active Member
Got my big plant out of the tent and in the dark until Sat. when I harvest. I put the two in under the 250 MH now. Feeding with a real light dose..barely 100 ppm of Thrive Alive. Will step it up to Botanicare's Pro Soil and will follow with the Bloom Formula as well as a few other thing probably. Planning on topping these and getting a few clones also.


Big Raw J

Active Member
Alright, now they're moving along.. Don't think I'm going to mess with them..topping, etc... They are very stout and bushy. The main stems are very thick and strong already. I'm still going to veg them out for a few clones tho.



Well-Known Member
PEACE. I'M HERE WITH YOU BIG J (as per my usual....silently observing). Just left this to get scribed and to let you know I'm following this one as well. Great luck and patience.....................



Well-Known Member
I have the same two strains growing right now. i germ'd the seeds in rapid rooters on Jan 8. i have flood/drain table under a 250 hps on my veg side, 600 hps in my flower room. the blue hash is growing faster than the cali hash, kinda surprising because i heard that blueberry is more difficult to grow so i assumed it would be slower and smaller. i gave them a lot of nutes (lucas formula) pretty quick and they didnt burn.
have you ever grown this strain out before?
nice WoS harvest by the way!

Big Raw J

Active Member
I have the same two strains growing right now. i germ'd the seeds in rapid rooters on Jan 8. i have flood/drain table under a 250 hps on my veg side, 600 hps in my flower room. the blue hash is growing faster than the cali hash, kinda surprising because i heard that blueberry is more difficult to grow so i assumed it would be slower and smaller. i gave them a lot of nutes (lucas formula) pretty quick and they didnt burn.
have you ever grown this strain out before?
nice WoS harvest by the way!

Hey man, thanks for stopping in. I havent grown these before. My Ch is really taking it's time, it started out so slow I didnt think it would make it in the first place. I think they are finally moving along tho. Gonna try to get them big enough for a few clones, but they are so stout and stocky.

Thanks for the compliment on the Wos plant. Yeah that was a surprise to me, it did take a lot of time tho.

Anyway, you should get some monster growth with that flood table and the 600. Good luck and be sure to stop in from time to time..:leaf:

Big Raw J

Active Member
The BH is about 3 weeks old from sprout and the CH is a few days behind that. Only have had them under the 250MH for a little over a week. Not any ferocious growth by any means, but I've have read in numerous threads that these strains are slower growers in veg. Not a big deal, they are really bushy and seem really healthy. Super thick stems! Really amazing..

Prob gonna start them on real nutes here pretty quick. Gonna do the Botanicare line of the pro grow and bloom. Also have liquid karma, cal mag,sweet, etc. to play with or use if needed. They are all freebies from the hydro store, and I'm not really partial to any nutes, so we'll run with it.


Big Raw J

Active Member
Here they are at 5 wks...The BH stretched a bit and is about 17in tall and the CH is around 9-10. I took two clones from both. Gonna give them one more week then 12/12. Slow growing plants, but the thickness of the stems and even the stems on the leaves is amazing. Never seen thickness like that in any other plant that small.


Big Raw J

Active Member
Decided to flip the switch yesterday. I don't want to grow these any longer than they have to and I don't know how much they are going to stretch anyway. I put the 400 hps in the hood...


Well-Known Member
Hey Big, still lurking and watching your grow. Any update/pics? Looks good so far.

I just dropped an Easyryder seed into soil yesterday, and waiting for another one to crack. I'll get a journal going once there's something to look at. Cheers.

end of the line

Well-Known Member
hey raw j,

I thought I'd check out your newest grow.
your looking real good but I noticed you didn't update in the last couple of weeks.
so they should be well into there flower stage.
your mystery plant turned out real well.

hope everything is working out for ya.
