Big Situation HELP


ok im in a tight situation i been growing a plant under CFL Lights for about a month now my plant is bout 3-4ft tall, im about to move i got alot of woods to work with , i was wondering would my plant survie the transfer from a controlled environment to the outdoor sun. :-?

and should i change my nutrients, i've been using schultz plant food 10-15-10 and miracle-gro potting soil, just some basic its my first grow. its looking healthy


Well-Known Member
it will totally b fine! well, granted u dont stress it 2 much in the move.. and if u can take a few days to move into full sun


Active Member
Definatly start it out doors in the shade and give it more light each day, also if the humidity is low outside keep a close eye on soil moisture as they can dry out way faster than you might expect. Should work well though .