BIG TIME HEAT PROBLEMS!!! 35degrees in summer hits as low as 5degrees in winter


My room is siting at 35degrees even AFTER i put in 2 air cooled lights. It is a 2m by 2m tent with 3 600w lights.
I changed 2 lights to aircooled also added twice as much fans. I now have 2x 8inch fans pulling out and 2 pulling air in (one 8inch and one 6inch). I also paid 100quid for an air conditioner but didnt help, temp still always over 30. I have now turned off the light without air cooled reflector and temp is down to 26-29 depending on weather outside which is never that warm as i live in UK. Does anyone know how to reduce temp?

Ive been having this problem since Feb this year but when I started in Oct last year I had the opposite problem which was temp gettin too low. I tried to fix this by installing portable heaters and setting them to thermostats but this caused problems as they use 2000w each and keep blowing and aint too good for humidity. Anyone know how to fix this?

Every1 I talk to that does this cant understand why temp getting so high. Ive thought many times about just turning lights on at night which would mean cooler in summer and warmer in winter but im absolutely terrified that this will make it easier for helicopters to find then im in even bigger trouble!!! Even though it is a mylar tent but ive seen programs on tv where cops r flying around england specifically lukin for g rooms with their heat seekin shit!
Anyone had experience with helicopters or give advice about turning on lights at night??

Anybody that can help id love to hear from you or even just some advice?

also paid 140 for mountain breeze ozone generator didnt kill odour near the end n upgraded to uvonair5000 cost me 250 and still smell leakin out but ona gel fixed this last time!!
not too worried bout smell just unhappy at all this coin im handing out wif little return :(
so if any1 can help..................

and i use the church feminized or else alaskin ice
the exaust is blowing out into a hole i drilled in the wall, also fresh air is being drawn from another hole in the wall


Well-Known Member
Blow the exhaust into the room and then get a duct to an intake fromthe outside of the house. This will draw in fresh air. If it's hot in the summer than draw everything in from the inside of the house and turn on your central AC. I don't grow indoors in the summer months, only the winter as I can use the outside chill air to keep my entire grow tent cool and the exhaust from the tent keeps my entire room toasty.
i see what u mean try to make the air comming in cooler but i live in UK and dont have a/c also my tent is in garage. Also how would blowing exhaust into room help reduce heat inside tent? Has any1 bought any expensive air conditioners and do they work???