BigBuddah x 9 G-Bomb Clones Strate 12/12 From Dome


Active Member
Oh man that is quite a tragedy. Im sorry to hear that happened to you. at least you have those beauties now tho!


Oh man that is quite a tragedy. Im sorry to hear that happened to you. at least you have those beauties now tho!
Ye Mate Ive just sorted it all out built a new grow room and that used my garage but cant use it yet till i been coart and thats out the way with i wish the laws wer different over here mind you it was a mate that i fell out with that grassed me in lost my house well it wernt mine but i still had to move so was a nightmare im lucky to be here tho so cant complain just wish therd left my equipment lmao its been a struggle without the green man but ye these are cheering me up more everyday.peace


Rite so my cheese seeds arrived today as im looking for a nice cheese mom i do miss her so much but hopefully il find her again so fingers crossed il post some pics today ov the buds thru a scope.peace


Rite so my camera whack and i cant get a good trich pic but ther all cloudy and Prime Time for chop chop so i'l be giving last flush sunday and a feed on wednesday and chopping the following Sunday Only There is one thats really autumed off quick might need chopping asap as i really don't want it to over cook i'l post pics tomorrow as i think itl have to come down wish it didnt but if it gotta.peace


Well-Known Member
there always has to be at least one charlie brown branch in the bunch.. no worries man, just smoke it yo