Bigger isn’t better: The case for growing small marijuana plants..indoors anyway

There was a guy here who grew in the city two years ago The plants grew 18 pounds and were viewed by at least 8 neighbors every day lol
He got to harvest it all with help of course... I hear ya about being in the city..but try giving your neighbors some as well ;)

He's around as they banned him for helping others lol not allowed here ..even giving things away is frowned upon
There was a guy here who grew in the city two years ago The plants grew 18 pounds and were viewed by at least 8 neighbors every day lol
He got to harvest it all with help of course... I hear ya about being in the city..but try giving your neighbors some as well ;)

He's around as they banned him for helping others lol not allowed here ..even giving things away is frowned upon
now thats a story i like it!! it would get robbed straight away tbh or the old dear would call the feds just for something to do and spite someone...! im fine with 4 rotations a yar!! and i wana have fun and go festivals and not worry ten weeks a year hahahahaha
I mean no disrespect but, this is not new info. Lots of ways to skin a cat......canopy density, light pen and lots of oxygen to the roots with NFT or f&d or even super aerated dwc (probably other ways but that's what I've done)........but plant count does screw you......I've even joked with close friends......should it be considered 35 plants or 1.......its all clones.....same plant. bongsmilie
Hahaha I just thought it was funny we were all laughing at those tiny plants just yesterday. But ya, those tiny stumps should’ve been 4-10 ft tall at least, sad sad farm there. They had a nice SOG for a tent grow if they slammed em all together lol
Lol ya what a sad ass pic man .
I mean no disrespect but, this is not new info. Lots of ways to skin a cat......canopy density, light pen and lots of oxygen to the roots with NFT or f&d or even super aerated dwc (probably other ways but that's what I've done)........but plant count does screw you......I've even joked with close friends......should it be considered 35 plants or 1.......its all clones.....same plant. bongsmilie
make me wonder if you could graft a single root strand and connect 35 plants together (Technically of course) allowing for a 4-plant x 35 for example as a sea of green.
I mean no disrespect but, this is not new info. Lots of ways to skin a cat......canopy density, light pen and lots of oxygen to the roots with NFT or f&d or even super aerated dwc (probably other ways but that's what I've done)........but plant count does screw you......I've even joked with close friends......should it be considered 35 plants or 1.......its all clones.....same plant. bongsmilie

I feel the same way. Plant count is completely arbitrary number. If anything the total canopy size and maybe wattage would make a lot more sense.

If I grow 36 plants under 600w vs 1 plant under 1K, how does it make sense that the plant count would be used to determine total yield. It literally makes zero sense. If someone has a valid argument as to why this is at all logical, please enlighten me.

I personally like growing smaller plants. Shorter veg means less watts used and is better for the environment. Also less of a chance something happens to my crop. As well as the fact that if one plant has a problem during flower, I have only lost a small % of my total harvest. If I have 1 plant and something happens, I now have no harvest.

To your point, I know they consider some entire forests one living organism since it is all self cloned from shoots of the original plant. So let me ask this then. If I had a bunch of clones from the same mom, but planted them all in one giant bed, wouldnt this be the same thing? So how does me putting them into seperate smaller containers to make tending to them easier suddenly transform them into seperate plants?

The fact is that we are right and they are wrong. I refuse to acknowledge their limits and rules because they are based on falsehoods, lies, and myth. I never had any respect for these laws before, and Im not going to start now. I personally think that we all need to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to challenge these issues in a court of law. Until then they will continue to persecute us for our use of a plant, that is our Human Right to use for medical, spiritual and personal use.

I feel the same way. Plant count is completely arbitrary number. If anything the total canopy size and maybe wattage would make a lot more sense.

If I grow 36 plants under 600w vs 1 plant under 1K, how does it make sense that the plant count would be used to determine total yield. It literally makes zero sense. If someone has a valid argument as to why this is at all logical, please enlighten me.

I personally like growing smaller plants. Shorter veg means less watts used and is better for the environment. Also less of a chance something happens to my crop. As well as the fact that if one plant has a problem during flower, I have only lost a small % of my total harvest. If I have 1 plant and something happens, I now have no harvest.

To your point, I know they consider some entire forests one living organism since it is all self cloned from shoots of the original plant. So let me ask this then. If I had a bunch of clones from the same mom, but planted them all in one giant bed, wouldnt this be the same thing? So how does me putting them into seperate smaller containers to make tending to them easier suddenly transform them into seperate plants?

The fact is that we are right and they are wrong. I refuse to acknowledge their limits and rules because they are based on falsehoods, lies, and myth. I never had any respect for these laws before, and Im not going to start now. I personally think that we all need to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to challenge these issues in a court of law. Until then they will continue to persecute us for our use of a plant, that is our Human Right to use for medical, spiritual and personal use.

quite correct
The only ones who want it the other way is Ben Doon And Phillup Macrcken.
The fact is that we are right and they are wrong. I refuse to acknowledge their limits and rules because they are based on falsehoods, lies, and myth. I never had any respect for these laws before, and Im not going to start now. I personally think that we all need to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to challenge these issues in a court of law. Until then they will continue to persecute us for our use of a plant, that is our Human Right to use for medical, spiritual and personal use.


"It is my God Given right to bear arms."

No, doesn't work that way. Someone was talking about their 'rights' being inherent and I said rights are only something that was fought for and defended. In our case we rely on our government, police and courts to uphold our rights. If 'they' decide for society's sake you can only have/do x-amount of 'this' that is your right, no more. You could fight it in court to get it changed or get your elected officials to change it but until the time you get that done the law of the land stands. Whether you are enough of a bother may determine whether you are on their radar.
"It is my God Given right to bear arms."

No, doesn't work that way. Someone was talking about their 'rights' being inherent and I said rights are only something that was fought for and defended. In our case we rely on our government, police and courts to uphold our rights. If 'they' decide for society's sake you can only have/do x-amount of 'this' that is your right, no more. You could fight it in court to get it changed or get your elected officials to change it but until the time you get that done the law of the land stands. Whether you are enough of a bother may determine whether you are on their radar.

The basic human right to use this plant is based on the fact that humans have used and cultivated this plant for at least 10K years of recorded history. It was only in the last 100 years that this freedom was taken away. In fact, by definition it is not llegal, it is prohibited. I do not accept that my right is granted to me by a government. I am a US citizen and our constitution is based on rights that are inherently recognized as belonging to each person. That invalidates this line of thinking.

Second, bringing up gun rights is a red herring. But if you want to get into it, God nowhere that I have seen grants us the right to weapons. However I've got plenty of scripture that does say I have a right to use plants and herbs. In fact, I have been a Rasta for over 20 years, and the use of cannabis by Rastafari people has been defended in legal rulings, and sacramental use is now recognized by a number of jurisdictions.

If some brave people never stood up for what was right, we wouldnt have the level of respect and legal framework that we do now. Its up to us to advocate for all of our rights, and not just accept what a very broken system decides to give us.

Last but not least to put this all in perspective, I was once passive like you. My current reality I also grow for my son who has an incurable condition that causes indescribable pain. Cannabis makes his life manageable without resorting to the fucking opiods the healthcare system prescribes. The system says that he cant use cannabis, however they hold patents on its use? Anyone who thinks he doesnt have the inborn right to as much natural medicine as he needs at any given time, can go fuck themselves. Sorry for the language, but seeing these injustices affect your kid will set a fire under you.

I am a US citizen and our constitution is based on rights that are inherently recognized as belonging to each person.

If some brave people never stood up for what was right, we wouldnt have the level of respect and legal framework that we do now. Its up to us to advocate for all of our rights, and not just accept what a very broken system decides to give us.

And this is my point, you put it better than me. Did not know you were from the US, I have had some interesting discussions online with some.

"Inherently recognized", but what supports it? (Not really wanting to turn into a political discussion but it is a good example) Your Senate has done little to pass laws, spent most of their time stacking the judiciary with younger (going to be in the spot for a long time) judges with a right biased outlook in order to skew society rightward. While our rights have a basis in English history and without the Magna Carta we would have little for rights. But saying you have an inherent right to do something in opposition of what the local laws deems acceptable does not go very far when the man in a uniform carts you away.
And this is my point, you put it better than me. Did not know you were from the US, I have had some interesting discussions online with some.

"Inherently recognized", but what supports it? (Not really wanting to turn into a political discussion but it is a good example) Your Senate has done little to pass laws, spent most of their time stacking the judiciary with younger (going to be in the spot for a long time) judges with a right biased outlook in order to skew society rightward. While our rights have a basis in English history and without the Magna Carta we would have little for rights. But saying you have an inherent right to do something in opposition of what the local laws deems acceptable does not go very far when the man in a uniform carts you away.

Just realized I was in the Canadian patient subforum. So we definitely have a different application of legal frameworks, but in supporting my argument, the entire US itself was founded on some rebellious people advocating that they had inherent rights which were being trampled on by an oppressive government. In fact we declared our independence from the UK with a document that started with the words "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT...". That is legally recognized as a valid argument. The end result being, we accept that there are some rights that we are born with, and that no one can give to us. It is up to us however to recognize this when someone is trying to suppress these rights and stand up for them. I agree and accept that there is risk in doing so. I also feel that cannabis use helps rather than harms society, and that I would be guilty by not being an advocate for my self and my family. I accept that law and order should be respected, when it is in the right. When it is in the wrong it should be challenged.
I dare anyone to share a 2lb indoor plant. That would be glorious (or frightening?) to see!
That's not a problem
but ya run into many weeks of vegging.
..and if there is an issue with the large plant ,,,,,,,You end up with wasted time and effort.
A small grow can be destroyed and run again and finished by the time the 2 pounds are grown.