Bio Basics
Active Member

After getting a ton of positive feedback from our test growers, we happy to finally be moving forward as a part of the cannabis cultivation community. To get ourselves out there, we’re sending out 5 ml samples of Sea Crop 16 concentrate which is enough for a liter of foliar spray solution.
Bio Basics has been in business for over 20 years providing turf and agricultural professionals with the most efficacious inputs available. We’re very selective about the products we represent and I can say with complete confidence Sea Crop 16 is the most potent and efficacious kelp extract on the market.
As verified by its EPA label, Sea Crop 16 uses a proprietary extraction process that makes it four times more concentrated than the closest competition which means you get a lot more bang for your buck with this product.
So to give you guys an idea of the results we’ve been getting from incorporating SC16:
- Increases crop yield by an average of 12-15%, with a proportional increase in dry matter after curing
- Increases flower size and set
- Improves nutrient uptake and mobilization
- Reduces leaching of nitrates and other nutrients from the soil
- Significantly increases a plant's resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses like drought, cold, and pests
- Promotes shoot growth and branching, producing more flowering sites
- Significantly enhances root proliferation and development
- Increases nutritional quality of crops
- Enhances seed germination and establishment
- Prolongs the post-harvest shelf life of perishable products
- Triggers the growth of beneficial soil microbes and secretion of soil conditioning substances by these microbes
- Increases chlorophyll content
- Triggers earlier fruit flowering and set
- Increases the absorptive capacity of leaves
- Increases antioxidant activity
- Reduces the infection rates of fungal diseases
I'd love to have you guys try it and see for yourselves why we believe so strongly in SC16 as a fantastic fit for this industry.
Feel free to post here or call me at 888-646-6146 if you have any questions at all or if you'd like to try a sample!
Thanks very much,
-Carlo Cardenas, Bio Basics, LLC