Biggest turn ONS :D


gotta be down to earth, intelligent, smokes weed, rarely drinks, any hair color, any eye color, not taller then me, who opens up, sense of humour, not judgemental, sorta on the girly girl side with some laid back stoner vibe,sweet but also sometimes sour :P, and the girl that likes to dress to impress


Well-Known Member
im gonna need some evidence gurl i just dont think i will do:weed:
lol you know, i had a pic up until a week ago. i got a virus on my comp and i had to take it in to be fixed. they had to erase my whole hard drive and reinstall windows :(

it was quite a fun experiment, piercing myself. i did it because im a big baby. i wanted to numb them first, so it didnt hurt at all. they looked pretty wicked, but i only kept the right one, i took the left one out ages ago.


lol you know, i had a pic up until a week ago. i got a virus on my comp and i had to take it in to be fixed. they had to erase my whole hard drive and reinstall windows :(

it was quite a fun experiment, piercing myself. i did it because im a big baby. i wanted to numb them first, so it didnt hurt at all. they looked pretty wicked, but i only kept the right one, i took the left one out ages ago.
hah, i wished your piercing messed up and then it gets scabby making it a scabby nipple :clap:


Well-Known Member
hah, i wished your piercing messed up and then it gets scabby making it a scabby nipple :clap:
lol they healed up well..surprisingly it was one of those things i turned out to be naturally good at. i've had a few people tell me that i should start working as a piercer, but i hate inflicting pain on other people unless i have to. i've pierced a couple friends and family but thats about it...i've been trying to figure out what else to pierce, something new...


Well-Known Member
your clit,maybe dimples
i've already pierced my clit hood...sorry if thats a "too much info" lol. i had it in for 5 was irritating and i ended up taking it out because i didnt think it was a deep enough piercing and i was worried it might rip out. but i will say it was very easy to pierce and that area of the body heals fast. i just couldnt tolerate it being there all the time...haha.


Active Member
she's gotta be a sweet hart, laugh easy, MUST blaze, faithful, low DRAMA (head games are for shrinks), I like a girl with curly hair and great legs never hurt either, Iv always liked artistic girls, that about sums it up


Well-Known Member
peirced...what?? I eat the...i mean i lick the...p.m. me 4 real
hahaha a vertical clitoral hood piercing :D its not nearly as painful as it sounds, plus i numbed it first lol:hump: its long gone though...i took it out just a few days after i pierced it. i just wanted to see what all the hype was about :lol:


Active Member
hahaha a vertical clitoral hood piercing :D its not nearly as painful as it sounds, plus i numbed it first lol:hump: its long gone though...i took it out just a few days after i pierced it. i just wanted to see what all the hype was about :lol:
dude-- you are one brave biotch! lol


Well-Known Member
i know what it is...i was saying im down...down like i mmmmmm i flick them with my tongue and you can private message me if you want to talk


Well-Known Member
dude-- you are one brave biotch! lol
hahaha thats funny dude, because i think the exact opposite lol. i think that i was a big wussy baby for having to numb everything first before i pierced it. but in a sense piercing yourself is like walking on hot coals. once you've done it, a lot of things just seem so much easier to deal with and you're not quite as afraid :)


Well-Known Member
ew.. god.. i can't believe i'm saying this... but i would have to say the qualities i have in my girl.. yikes, don't tell her i said this, it might actually make here happy.. YUCK!!.. lmfao jk jk jk..

nice, kind, i like em to be shy, cuz when u compliment them, and u mean it, it means a lot to them.. (any cocky girl can go suck on their own titty because if u think ur hot, u r guaranteed to have an ugly soul), brunette, any kind of a tan as long as u don't blind me with a bikini on, a nice smile, i like boobs so i would have to say a nice rack of course, nice teeth, nice feet (nasty toes? oh no no no), shuts up instantly with the first smack (haha jk), doesnt get on my shit for doing what i want, respectful to my family, and obviously as infatuated with me as i am with her..

idk how i found her.. but i found her when i was 16... 21 now and things could never be better. i kno every second of her life, as she does mine, which makes forgiving any mistakes much easier. people cant be perfect but i believe as long as ur honest, it shows sincere dedication.


Well-Known Member
ew.. god.. i can't believe i'm saying this... but i would have to say the qualities i have in my girl.. yikes, don't tell her i said this, it might actually make here happy.. YUCK!!.. lmfao jk jk jk..

nice, kind, i like em to be shy, cuz when u compliment them, and u mean it, it means a lot to them.. (any cocky girl can go suck on their own titty because if u think ur hot, u r guaranteed to have an ugly soul), brunette, any kind of a tan as long as u don't blind me with a bikini on, a nice smile, i like boobs so i would have to say a nice rack of course, nice teeth, nice feet (nasty toes? oh no no no), shuts up instantly with the first smack (haha jk), doesnt get on my shit for doing what i want, respectful to my family, and obviously as infatuated with me as i am with her..

idk how i found her.. but i found her when i was 16... 21 now and things could never be better. i kno every second of her life, as she does mine, which makes forgiving any mistakes much easier. people cant be perfect but i believe as long as ur honest, it shows sincere dedication.
your secrets safe with me :) i wont tell her a word hehe and a lot of guys are the same way...the ones who think they're all that and a bag of skittles are dickheads with empty eyes. hard to explain the eyes...i just...see things about people in their eyes. those type of people just have empty show of high intelligence, no show of warmth, no show of gratitude.