BigWorm Tight Dojo & Prime Glue

Tight Dojos and Prime Glue came down at 54 days

both phenos were purple all over the calyes as soon as they appeared. #1 was the faster, denser, stickier pheno, with inner calyxes showing a reddish/pink color. Smell is pure grapes followed by a gassy funk. She looks about done but i definitely let her go another 10 days or so. low leaf to calyx ratio. normal 1.5-2x stretch. Keeper pheno for sure. i found someone to adopt the clones of her.

#2 was about 2.5 weeks from finish. Purple all over with a higher leaf to calyx ratio. same stretch, same smell as #1. Not a keeper but she wouldve had a much bigger yield than #1 with nice bag appeal. she was also a little hungrier than #1

Prime Glue would've taken another 10-14 days. sativa structure, tall with very foxtaily, airy buds. Smells of kushy dank with a funky undertone. The stickiest plant of all the 9 plants that came down yesterday. 3x stretch. Im sure if the smell, stickiness, and trich production couldve been paired with tighter denser buds this wouldve been a keeper for sure. i wish i couldve found another lady to compare her to.

Overall these crosses were awesome.
but everyone knows Tight Dojo is my clear favorite. Purple in the door, no need to drop temps. Terps are off the charts, great for SOG, they dont mind being topped, and i cant wait to have a smoke test in a week or so. @bigworm6969 you hit a home run with the Tight Dojo cross. She will hopefully remain a staple in my garden for a long time.

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And once you do its all you'll want to do......nothing is as addictive as making your own crosses an then growing them.
This is what scares me. Crossing some of his gear with so many other solid growers (Bodhi,Dynasty,Top Dawg,Rare Dankness and Strayfox) will be my lineup of fun and adventure.
Very much enjoyed reading through this thread.