Bilbo's Hobbit Hole The Fellowship Of The Weed

OK Day 11 of flowering or day 25 depending on whether you count what I call the 14 day flip, I noticed some growers and it might have been either Kite High or CP mass formulated that they don't start counting flower days till a 14 day flip had passed. Their logic was that the bumph that seed companies put out with the seeds saying for instance that this or that strain had a eg 55 day flower period was almost always totally way out, leading to speculation that flowering days count was more accurate if you counted flower after a predetermined time likeI have here, or maybe start counting when flowers are first judged to have formed. Anyway it was watering time tonight and I took a few pics NIRVANA NORTHERN LIGHTS as you recall not to be confused with the TRAINWRECKS in the pics a few posts above, I vegged those ones up and passed them on to my boy who has set up a grow closet himself. but heres my own.View attachment 2688545I quite like the sbdued colour of this group pic, like a sunset.Heres another one showing buds forming up the stem ( I love watching that happen )View attachment 2688546heres another similarView attachment 2688591and finally another group pic, I know that as plants go these are in the scheme of things run of the mill and average, but you will forgive me if I look at them with a psychedelic gleam in my eye, as I have grown quite attached to them, soon it will be time to read them a bedtime story, I read them one every night but I have avoided reading them Jack and the Beanstalk, as the end when the plant gets chopped might stress my little uns. It would be like going into an abbatoir eating a bacon sandwich.Nirvana Northern Lights Day 11 Flower Jun 2013 1 (5).jpgtoodle pip for now.
While I'm here and as a little reminder to myself, heres a couple of pics of my first ever grow, Nirvana Northern Lights again as it happens, but from 2002, I posted these on The Irish Growers thred ( Great Thread, gread guys, checkit out ) but that's over 2000 pages long and I'll post them here again. First one was my vegging plants taken next to a Lord Of The Rings Jigsaw I done back then, this was my avatar pic on the old Canadian OVERGROW site at the time, its shut down now ( by the mounties )second pic shows the main bud, not too big but it was under a 250W and I was chuffed with it at the time, it used to freak me out because I swear it looks like a CATS HEAD.LOTR Jigsaw And Nirvana Northern Lights 2002.jpgCats Head Cola Nirvana Northern Lights 2002.jpgJeez, that's creepy
I just finished watching the new hobbit while me and the wife tripped! I was sad it didn't tell the whole story, is it supposed to be another trilogy?
I just finished watching the new hobbit while me and the wife tripped! I was sad it didn't tell the whole story, is it supposed to be another trilogy?

Yes Thundercat, the new Hobbit series of movies is either planned to be a trilogy or a 2 part movie series. The original book was written as a childrens tale but proved so successful that a sequel was requested, so Tolkien started the sequel and got a bit carried away with himself and the sequel turned out to be The Lord Of The Rings.
Oh I loved all the books I've read. I never got around to the salmarilian though. I just hadn't realized until about 5 am that I wasn't watching the whole story :(. I was pretty impressed with how well it was done.
Yeah it wasn't bad TC, theres a bit of aertistic licence involved there is making it more of a story than it actually was to be honest. Oh and the silmarillion, I couldn't make head or tail of it, strictly for the eggheads that one.
Watering time tonight and the buds are slowly and surely putting on weight, nice clean lemony kind of pine smell when you touch the buds, but not much permeation of the smell outside the cupboard, the carbon filter is doing its job. We have had a bit of a break in the weather today and the temps are much cooler, from a growing perspective this is a good thing as the temps in the cupboard even with the door a foot ajar was 85 degrees during the nighttime lights on period. this has resulted in a bit of top leaf browning, yellowing which don't seem to be affecting the buds much, but when you see the condition of the high rollers plants on this site its a bit amateurish. But then again I'm a 3 plant in a cupboard amateur so what do folk expect.I'm pondering whether to go for a bloom booster of some organic type, Biobizz's owm brand is Top Max, which many say don't make much difference, others say Top Max is basically just molasses ( sugar ) and water and you would be just as well buying some treacle from the supermarket and using that at the rate of a teaspoon per 2L of watering mix. hell of a confusing mix of advice on this site. Anyway as is my custom a couple of pics from tonight to ponder, thanks to all who help me out on this thread and on many others, any advice appreciated. TYNirvana Northern Lights Day 16 Flower Jun 2013 1.jpgNirvan Northern Lights Day 16 Flower Group.jpg
Was over at young Frodo's tonight where if you recall he is attempting a first grow in a basic closet set up, the plants are TRAINWRECK, I vegged them up and they are looking fine. We are going to add molasses as a bloom boost starting tomorrow and see if it makes any difference --couple of picsTrainwreck Jun 2013 1.jpgTrainwreck Jun 2013 2.jpg
Thanks guys and gals, just thought I'd make an observation that when you get to that middle bit of flowering, this really is a fantastic hobby, I have a psychedelic gleam in my eye every time I look at them, seems like every day something looks a lot bigger or smells better than it did the day before. And no matter how many grows you have under your belt it never ceases to surprise me that within a couple of weeks your mild mannered little green bushy shrub metamorphosises into a stinking triffid like thing of wonder.
Was my birthday recently and someone got me one of theseBlack Leaf Pocket Microscope.jpgits a pocket microscope 60X magnification, So I cut off a small bud leaf, put it on a black background and switched on the light, which illuminates the subject to be viewed. WOW, there are shitloads of trichs on stalks just like you would expect, they are all crystal clear as you would expect, my grow only being 14 days flip + 21 days into flower, but now I can see the trichomes with my own eyes it opens up a whole new aspect. If you don't have one of these I recommend you get one. Its a hoot
Thanks Doc, Tuesday night and time methinks for a pic update, report card---Buds looking good, Leaves---could do better, anyway heres a few pics from tonight.Nirvana Northern Lights 23 Days Flower Jun 2013 2.jpgNirvana Northern Lights 23 Days Flower Jun 2013 4.jpgNirvana Northern Lights 23 Days Flower Jun 2013.jpgNirvana Northern Lights 23 Days Flower Jun 2013 6.jpg
Damn nice job Bilbo, those are looking well nice mate!! You`re going to enjoy those in a few weeks, really great work. You about 4-5 weeks in ... ? ATB,

KC :weed:
Yeah Kush, I gave them a 14 day flip period after switching to 12/12 and this is day 24 since then, so technically I'm 38 days since switching to 12/12 , brown hairs starting to show so I reckon I,m only about 2 weeks away from the end, pondering whether to bother too much with any significant flush period, its been organic biobizz nutrients all the way so far and some reckon you don't have to flush organically grown weed, Looking into it.