Bilbo's - Room To Grow (LSD & OG Kush)


Active Member
Hello RIU!

I've been checking out the grow journal forum for what feels like most of my life, a few years would probably be more accurate though. I love all the ideas, support and community that these forums deliver and I am stoked to finally get one of my grows up here. I travel around quite bit, and am always trying to grow where ever I move (of course), so I've been through many setups. Almost always crammed in a closet, always using bare bulbs (never made that air cooled hood purchase), always had heat problems, lost lots of gear along the way, picked up some gear here and there and never, ever have I been in a place long enough to get more than one harvest out of a set up. That is until now. I recently moved (again) with a girl I was dating over the summer. Two days before we are set to take off we find out we're pregnant. Absolutely not planned, but after a weekend of the word "Fuck" ringing through my head that fear turned into excitement and we packed up and moved coasts. So finally after years of growing in closets and under cabinets I have an entire room (the "man-cave" as my baby's mamma calls it) dedicated to one of my favorite hobbies.

When I first arrived out here (California if you haven't guessed it yet) I started asking around for clones. In no time a friend of a friend stepped up and delivered over 30 LSD and OG Kush clones (no idea which is which). They weren't in great shape. It looks like they were sitting in an E-Z cloner for way to long, huge soggy root systems and some serious nitrogen deficiency. None the less these were my adopted babies and since I was planning a SOG the numbers and timing was perfect. Some confusing weeks of are they underferted/overferted they finally started growing green. I just flipped to 12/12 a couple of days ago and have a time elapse going for the stretch process.

Here are some stats for those interested:

600w Quantum running HPS
400w homemade magnetic running HPS (going to run MH next run, conversion bulb on the way)
Still no hoods, maybe one day...
8" Sunleaves exhaust
Homemade carbon filter
4 bulb T-5 (another 6 bulb on the way)
A mix of super roots air pots and regular pots
Light warrior, Roots and Ocean Forest soils
Some liquid organic fertilizer, mostly from Roots

The flower setup is in a 4' x 8' tent and the veg/clone/mums setup is outside the tent.


Just to give you an idea, more pictures with the next update. Thanks for looking, Bilbo.


Active Member
Good Morning... for most I think. Came home to some lights on action so I was able to snap a few more photos, well more than a few.

I switched to 12/12 two days ago. Running a 600w and 400w HPS bulbs.


A few pics of the young ladies. Looks like a few are stretching more than others, is it safe to assume those are the OG Kush?


Some exhaust shit. The boarded up window has an exhaust going out from the tent and an intake that pulls in cold weather from outside. The light traps on the back of the tent had to be spray painted (I used rubberized underbody spray) for the traps to work properly.


My toolbox ballast, this baby purrs.


My vegging area, still waiting on a few finishing touches.





Active Member
It's been one week since I flipped. Plants are still looking healthy, some serious stretch on some, a few inches between nodes. Not too worried about it since they're in an SOG setup with tons of vertical room. I've also got some plant stakes on the way when things start to get heavy up top.


A few of the girls in some more flattering light.


Surprised by temps lately. The only cooling equipment I have is my exhaust fan, which runs full speed 24/7. Happy with this range though, low of 57/high of 79. Usually running bare bulbs I'm closer to the 100 range.



Active Member
Well it appears that the flowering stretch is near over, which is a good thing because some of my girls are getting pretty darn leggy. No worries though, staked up all the tall bitches the other day so the girls should have no problem supporting their sweet rewards. The mums are looking more motherly with every passing day. My mother/clone area will be complete next week with the arrival of another T-5 fixture. This should be the last of my late night, stoney, online shopping adventures, "should be" being the key word. My last purchases were a couple of heating mats, a thermostat for them and another humidity dome.


I also got one of those collapsable drying racks. The thing cracked me right in the nose as I took the band off the first series of folded rings, those things pack a punch.


Everybody is still looking green, who ever said it wasn't easy being green?


And back in the tent.


That's all to report for now. Hope everyone is enjoying some Christmas chronic and liquid cheer this holiday weekend... drive safe. - Bilbo


Active Member
Got a new 6 bulb T-5 rig for the mums, and dropped the 4 bulb underneath for vegging clones when I need it. Topped the mums and placed the newborns into some Light warrior, then placed them in pairs inside heated humidity domes.


Everyone appears to be happy 3 weeks in.


Things are looking a little hairy, in a good way.


Happy New Year! - Bilbo


Active Member
Almost halfway there and everything is still growing pretty well. I did run into my first series of problems this last week though. The tops from my mothers I tried cloning failed for a reason I was unaware existed, tainted cloning powder (well at least that's what I'm blaming it on). Just put a fresh 20 under the dome dipped into some clonex gel, so we will see who's really at fault in the next week or so.


The mums have a bright (yes, pun definitely intended) future when they get moved to the flowering tent, but going to re-veg the hell out of them first.


I'm pretty religious about checking up on my girls every evening... multiple times. I've done so every night (lights on at 8pm) of this grow, every night but one, New Years Eve. On the following night of the 1st/2nd I eagerly entered my grow room and was hit with a wall of heat. My exhaust fan had disconnected from its ducting and the tent temp skyrocketed compliments of the two, bare HID bulbs inside. My thermometer was reading a high temp of 105. Not much damage but might be another reason the clones kicked the bucket or at least another excuse.

My final problem is a scary one but it very well might be in my head. A few weeks ago when hairs were first starting to fill in I noticed a ball sac (75% sure that's what it was) coming right out of the center of a pre-bud. Luckily it was the first plant in the tent, right by the door, so the sac caught my eye immediately. I snipped the whole branch it was on and disposed of it hoping it was a one time deal or not a sac at all. Yesterday, I'm reviewing pictures for this update and I notice on a different plant something I couldn't identify but could've been another forming sac. Not knowing what it was I snipped it off the cola it was growing on, but this time I got a picture of it. I never had to deal with hermies before so I am not sure if I'm bugging or my girls have some guy parts. Any advice would be appreciated.


Is that a he/she?

Well minus the deaths and the heat and the maybe hermies everything else is going somewhat smooth. I just planted some old Nirvana seeds I had from a previous grow. Three Blackjack and three Whitecastle seeds sprouted just days after they were dropped into soil. One of the Blackjacks looked quite fucked, so instead of babying it I manned up and threw it away. It was hard to do.


(not the fucked one)

When I got the clones I started with I had no idea which was which, they looked very similar in their youth. But alas, they are maturing and luckily, look quite different from one another now. Still not 100% but I'm guessing short and squat is the OG and legs is the LSD. Anyone have any insight on that?

The two strains.






The lot.


RIU - That auto-save feature is incredible, stoner's best friend, thank you. Night, night. - Bilbo



Active Member
Well it's been quite some time before an update, wish I could blame it on the recent hack, but nope, just laziness. Also, once I found a seed in the bunch I kind of panicked and it helped deter me from updating. I harvested that last bunch about two months ago. Really shitty yield (somewhere around 5 zips), but some really nice buds and only a couple of seeds ever formed. I thought I was going to get a handful of runs in my current setup but looks like I'm moving again, right after this next harvest.

For this go I threw my Mums under the 600W and had a plan to do a tiered vertical around my 400w. But the week I cloned I had some friends come to town, partied a little too hard and forgot about the young ones. I lost all but 2. So around the 400w I now have the two survivors and four Nirvana strains I planted from seed (two Whitecastle and two Blackjack). Everything went pretty well this run. I found a hermie early on, but luckily caught shim before it busted its nut. I added some Peace of Mind Bat Guano in the soil mix this time around hoping to improve yields. Also added the liquid guano from Roots to my feeding program, the HP I believe its called. Buds are still on the small side though. I've got about a week left and yield is looking like it might be pretty close to the last run, maybe a zip more.

I'll get some pre and post harvest pics up soon. My girl already bounced back east and with her, the camera. Just waiting for my roommate to get back and I'll borrow his. Got up early this morning and blazed a hefty bowl, I think I just sentenced myself to one lazy ass day. Peace out - Bilbo.