Bill Weld challenges Trump for GOP nomination in 2020


Well-Known Member
Ain't it the truth.

Last time I went on an 'adventure race', a race with several stages such as mountain biking, rappelling, kayaking and orienteering, my team won. We weren't the best bikers and our times in rappelling, etc were midpack. No, we won because I can read a map and use a compass and we blew away the competition in the orienteering section lol
Yeah no doubt. Map reading can give one an edge.


Well-Known Member
Cosmetic differences, to be sure, but the result is clear; an enormous move to the right over the last half century, one the Democrats made a show of opposing but didn't really. The New Savior Biden, remember, was the guy who voted to exempt student debt from discharge in bankruptcy. Clinton's NAFTA. Etc. There are innumerable additional examples of Democrats behaving just like Republicans, often passing legislation Republicans wanted but couldn't pass themselves.

Stop falling for the Left vs Right charade. They're both bought and paid for by the elite donor class and have been proven not to represent the interests of 90% of the American people.

Those elite are the real enemy and they've spent our adult lifetimes winning the class war. That's why America's homeless population numbers in the millions while billionaires and megacorps routinely pay zero or even negative taxes.

'Democrat vs Republican' politics in America is as inane and vacuous as the old Spy vs Spy cartoons in Mad Magazine, and for the same reason; there is never any serious discussion of why things are as they are, only endless finger pointing. It's all a distraction from the real story.

Here's Rutger Bregman, a guy who will never be invited back to Davos, for the crime of telling the truth;



Well-Known Member
Tax the rich and large profitable corporations, then use that money to rebuild our country's middle class and infrastructure to be competitive.

Just one example; in just the last 5 years alone, China has built more high speed passenger rail mileage than the entire rest of the planet has built, ever.
Exactly. Which is why we need to vote Democrats in.


Well-Known Member
Follow the money... including who signs Bill Maher's paychecks.

The real enemy of the Democratic party (money) machine is the Progressive Left, because their donors demand it.

In fact, the real enemy of the 99% is that very same donor class of outrageously, obscenely wealth people who treat money like power and our political system like their own personal fiefdom.

Until you fully understand what that means, I'll forgive you for swallowing the corporate propaganda.


Well-Known Member
BullShit. They had a supermajority and never even introduced the idea.
I know every day is a new day to you but I'll just repeat what was said yesterday, Maybe you should tattoo it on your body so that you can carry yesterday's events into today.

The last time there was a vote held to repeal Citizen's United ruling, EVERY Democratic Party Senator voted for Sander's bill and EVERY Republican did not. It doesn't matter what you believe or what Jimmy Dore says. Proof of Democratic party leadership's support for campaign finance reform is written into the Congressional record by that vote. If you want campaign finance reform, vote Democrats in.


Well-Known Member
Follow the money... including who signs Bill Maher's paychecks.

The real enemy of the Democratic party (money) machine is the Progressive Left, because their donors demand it.

In fact, the real enemy of the 99% is that very same donor class of outrageously, obscenely wealth people who treat money like power and our political system like their own personal fiefdom.

Until you fully understand what that means, I'll forgive you for swallowing the corporate propaganda.
Go away, tty


Well-Known Member
I know every day is a new day to you but I'll just repeat what was said yesterday, Maybe you should tattoo it on your body so that you can carry yesterday's events into today.

The last time there was a vote held to repeal Citizen's United ruling, EVERY Democratic Party Senator voted for Sander's bill and EVERY Republican did not. It doesn't matter what you believe or what Jimmy Dore says. Proof of Democratic party leadership's support for campaign finance reform is written into the Congressional record by that vote. If you want campaign finance reform, vote Democrats in.
And it meant nothing and every Democrat knew it.

We need to hold Democrats accountable for actually representing the interests of the people they say they represent.

That's exactly what the Progressive caucus is doing.

Too bad you're stuck in your own little bubble.


Well-Known Member
Follow the money... including who signs Bill Maher's paychecks.

The real enemy of the Democratic party (money) machine is the Progressive Left, because their donors demand it.

In fact, the real enemy of the 99% is that very same donor class of outrageously, obscenely wealth people who treat money like power and our political system like their own personal fiefdom.

Until you fully understand what that means, I'll forgive you for swallowing the corporate propaganda.
Yeah, so I'm still trying to get an answer to a question I keep asking. You say Republicans are same as Democrats and for proof you cite that Clinton signed NAFTA. So, (yes or no), because Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, Booker is just like Trump? I know that sounds ridiculous, and I don't buy it but that IS your argument, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so I'm still trying to get an answer to a question I keep asking. You say Republicans are same as Democrats and for proof you cite that Clinton signed NAFTA. So, (yes or no), because Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, Booker is just like Trump? I know that sounds ridiculous, and I don't buy it but that IS your argument, isn't it?
Straw man argument.

You're getting weak in your madness, old man.


Well-Known Member
And it meant nothing and every Democrat knew it.

We need to hold Democrats accountable for actually representing the interests of the people they say they represent.

That's exactly what the Progressive caucus is doing.

Too bad you're stuck in your own little bubble.
LOL, now you are claiming that it was a conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
I don't think automation will take over repairs in my lifetime. Weither your a carpenter, HVAC technician, plumber, or electrician repairs is big business. I definitely agree with everyone regarding automation and new construction.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nothing inherently bad about corporations; they're just words on paper.

The tax breaks, subsidies, special privileges and other advantages conferred on them by our bought and corrupted political system are an entirely different story.
Government is a corporation though....which you seem to gloss over.

Corporations were designed to legally deflect personal responsibility onto an imaginary entity.

In the case of a government corporation, when a bad cop (are there ANY good ones?) is caught, the people who pay for his malfeasance are "the stock holders" (the tax donkeys) rather than the cop.

Taxes are theft, I thought you knew that? So talking about who gets robbed and how much is a deflection, from the root problem.